Chapter 631: fury

Han Dong also deliberately locked the door of the dissection room from the inside, and once again crossed the three people waiting for the door to not disturb himself.
Once you confirm the internal security, you will reopen the door.
At the same time as the door was locked, Han Dong also pulled the curtain up so that no one could look into the interior through the window on the door.
During the [Appearance Assessment], Han Dong did not make any movements and was observing the whole process.
Only 30% of the little magic eyes can not peek into this female corpse at all, and can even feel obvious rejection, making the little magic eyes and two ordinary naked eyes sore and uncomfortable.
The purpose of removing all teammates is to make the vision fully open.
If the internal structure of the female corpse can be seen in advance, there will be no need for a risky internal dissection.
"Suppose this female corpse is a resident of the village. Arranging everything for us to dissect, it is really a weird way of playing ... It is definitely not low in the town of Derui.
Let me see your essence. "
Han Dong has absolute confidence in Xiao Mo Yan.
The little devil's eye originates from the supreme evil book outside the city, even if it is only a manuscript ... that is a high-level manuscript verified by Mr. Black and White and recognized by Huang Yi.
At present, Han Dong, who has completed the second chapter, is fully engaged.
"Earl helps me!"
A smack of black gag lips was smeared on the face.
`` Magic Demon ''
Part of the tentacles only overflow from the skin.
Han Dong did this for two purposes:
1. Maximize the little magic eye.
2. Protect yourself.
If the snooping is successful, there may be a little hit back by the female corpse, and protective measures are necessary.
A variegated pupil mark emerges, and at the same time, there are various small gray tentacles drilled from the orbit and the gap between the eyeballs, which is quite embarrassing.
100% magic eyes.
Even inorganic matter is eroded, degraded, and mutated by being exposed to the eyes of such demons.
Quack quack!
Walls, surgical cart holders, camera lenses, searchlight glass, freezers ... The surface of various inorganic materials cracks one or more short slits, opening to reveal a "derivative magic eye".
This "derived magic eye" that appears under the influence of the magic eye is controlled by Han Dong and can achieve the effect of sharing vision.
When peeping at the female corpse again in this posture.
Some kind of seal existing under the skin of the corpse was finally penetrated by the magic eye, and at the same time, Han Dong felt a tingling in the eyes, like a thin needle piercing through the pupil.
"Resist ..."
If you close your eyes at this moment, you will lose everything.
Han Dong, who forcibly supported "Don't Blink," finally completed the perspective ...
A drop of cold sweat ran down the forehead, mixed with the blood overflowing from the magic eye, and dropped on the ground.
Although prepared, Han Dong was shocked.
"Humanoid ... sacrificed?"
The inner layer of the outer skin draws a whole pattern with unknown black paint-an ancient and mysterious circle of witchcraft ... Han Dong has seen similar patterns in the library while reading books, but they are not exactly the same.
The formation method as a whole should be in favor of [Sorcerer's Sacrifice] and [Devil's Call].
In addition, the ribs are also carved with tightly arranged secrets on the surface through a rough chisel, using a mixed recording method of English and Rune ... Han Dong, who has long read foreign wonderful literature, can barely understand .
"I will be guilty of this man and annihilated among the people, because he dedicated his children to Moro, defiled my sanctuary, and profaned my holy name."
"You are holy to me, and I will make you a people."
"Whether men and women are trading with ghosts or evil wizards, they will be put to death. They will be crushed by the stone of all peoples and rooted by the foundation of all sins.
Excerpted from the twentieth chapter excerpt of Leviticus in the Seventy Scholars Translation (partial modification). The content of the entire book is mainly about the priests selected from the Levites. All the statutes, later the Jews also called this book the "Book of the Priest."
After the outer skin and bones, there is the internal organs.
Either it is burnt, it is split, it is engraved with spells, or it is covered with worms.
This intuitive internal look-and-feel complements previous appearance evaluations.
With Han Dong's head, it is easy to conceive of the situation that this female corpse encountered during his lifetime ... An ‘extremely cruel’ indescribable picture has formed in Han Dong ’s head.
It was also when Han Dong glimpsed the 'full picture' of the female corpse through 'zero contact'.
A familiar system prompt sounded.
This time it was not the arrival of residents, blockade of the area, forty-eight hours ... but another weird reminder.
"Resident [Jane Doyle] is following you. A
Such a reminder made Han Dong suddenly feel cold.
Dangdang ~
The sudden knock also made Han Dong a little nervous because of the ups and downs of his thinking. The knockers were the teammates waiting outside the door.
"and many more……"
Han Dong took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and recovered all the pollution scattered in the operating room.
When I reopened the iron door of the dissection room, I saw the expressions of waiting outside waiting for my teammates to be slightly flustered.
"What's going on? Didn't you just wait? Internal dissection is still ongoing, and many dangerous imprints involving ancient witchcraft have been discovered. The dissection room is temporarily unsafe."
Han Dong pretended to be a disturbed look to ask his teammates why he was disturbing him.
"In some cases, it was from upstairs ... the doorbell of an unattended room rang, and there was a problem inside."
"and many more……"
Han Dong's eyes narrowed steadily, and he stared at the opposite side of the underground passage.
Originally, it only existed in the basement area of ​​the [preparation room] and the [anatomical room], and a third room appeared at the end of the other end. From the perspective of the iron door structure with glass partitions and rubber sound insulation, it seems that An anatomical room.
Han Dong delicate walked towards the other side, wanting to see what was going on.
Teammates naturally followed behind.
However, Huo Ziping repeatedly urged, "Let's pay attention to the above situation first, after all, Yu Wu has given a danger warning ... The following situation will be seen later."
Han Dong did not reply, and still kept walking quickly to the newly emerged dissection room.
Exactly the same room layout, the only difference is that the corpse on the dissecting table is packed in a closed corpse bag ... Han Dong cannot see through the 30% of the small magic eyes.
Seeing Han Dong not listen to him ~ ~ Huo Ziping is a bit displeased.
He stretched his hands directly on Han Dong's shoulders and said with a stronger tone, "Hey ... we better go there first! Let's all act together."
"Don't talk to me nonsense !!!"
Suddenly Han Dong was furious ... The mood was obviously impatient!
With a wave of his hand and a black sharp weapon formed by his fingertips, Huo Ziping's head was cut off directly ... Not only that, Diana and Ma Taotao's heads were also cut off.
Slap ...
His head fell to the ground with a strange smile, and his body was still standing.
Ignoring his teammates, Han Dong went straight to the dissection table and reached out to cut the body bag ... it was himself.
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