Chapter 637: Character card

The picture returns to Han Dong and his party who have just entered the city.
"You have set foot in an important area-[Derui Township], because the area is affected by special substances, the individual's attribute indicators will be presented in the form of" character cards ". Please check your character card as soon as possible. A
pull over.
Each person draws a character card from the clothing.
Unlike the situation expected by Han Dong, the card does not give the conventional values ​​of strength, agility, intelligence, etc ... but gives four more intuitive basic attributes:
"Mind" and "Perseverance"
"Health" and "Physique"
On the back of the card, a more detailed definition is given for each basic attribute:
"Mind": Human beings are important beings in the universe, nature is friendly, and God is benevolent-the core of these human spiritual values ​​will be completely shattered when the truth of the world is revealed. They have become deceptive illusions, leaving only a desolate, terrible, and empty universe.
The mental index represents how many human beings still have the basic beliefs.
When an individual encounters some kind of terror in Derry, the mental index will drop.
Once zeroed, it will be considered "absolute state of fear."
The human body's mental protection and consciousness defense line will be greatly reduced, and it will be directly under the direct control of the residents of Derui Town, and will be reduced to the lowest level of pigs.
"Perseverance": Regardless of the initial cause is an eyeless male body hanging in the hospital, a weed monster hidden under the roadside manhole cover, or the torture tortured by residents of Derui Town. The shock and fear they cause can cause severe damage to the mind and nervous system, causing individuals to fall into panic, stiffness, syncope, extreme fear, or blind rage.
Your level of perseverance represents your tolerance for trauma.
It is directly related to the mind.
The higher the level of persistence, the slower the mental decline.
"Health": Health represents the total amount of damage an individual can take. When you are hit while fighting a terrifying monster in Derry Town, your health is reduced.
"Physique": Physical strength determines the ability to regenerate, the ability to take damage, the ability to resist infection, and the ability to survive in a toxic environment.
Directly related to health.
The stronger your body, the slower your health index declines when hurt.
The maximum threshold of the above four basic attributes is [10].
In fact, the above four attributes are well understood.
That is the simplest issue of defense and health.
However, the character card here gives a total of "two tubes" of health. Any one tube of health is zero, which will cause the individual to fall into crisis or die directly.
Each person's "character card" is a value given by objective assessment of the fate system:
Han Dong's card background is dark red.
"Valen Nicholas"
Background: A college student at Bates College and a trainee researcher at the Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering. He is sinking and calm, and likes to solve various problems encountered from a scientific perspective.
"Mind": 10 (can face the most scary myth)
"Perseverance": 10 (Unbreakable Will)
"Health": 5 (healthy people)
"Physique": 7 (deep metamorphosis of the infected person's body)
At the same time, it has three high-level characteristic abilities: "mysticism", "document reading" and "black magic".
"Cass Nicholas"
Background: Bates College college student, baseball team leader who takes care of rugby players, is cheerful and cheerful, and is willing to intervene for his companions.
"Mind": 6 (Fearless)
"Perseverance": 7 (from the firm belief of the Cavaliers)
"Health": 8 (extremely healthy)
"Physique": 9 (stone wall)
It also has two high-level characteristic abilities: "Combat" and "Melee Mastery".
"Diana Epsilon"
Background: Bates College student, cheerleader, and vice president of the Campus Weird Adventure Association.
"Mind": 3 (easy to be deceived)
"Perseverance": 8 (the heart of the night watchman)
"Health": 6 (quality healthy people)
"Physique": 10 (dense white bone)
At the same time, it also has several high-level characteristic abilities: "fight", "bone change" and "ultra high-speed movement."
The comprehensive value is obviously Han Dong's best. The two full attributes mean that Han Dong is best suited to deal with spiritual monsters.
Cass is the most balanced, and Diana's numerical value is very exciting ... However, from the motel incident, it can also be seen that Diana is not suitable for dealing with events involving illusion.
Staring at the character card, Han Dong gave an opinion, "After entering the city, we act separately."
"It's not good to be separated from each other in such a dangerous area, isn't it good?" Cass was slightly skeptical, but once Han Dong gave a definitive answer, he would certainly follow.
"Diana's mental condition is not suitable to go to the central hospital ... it is better to let the two of you cooperate to take charge of the collection of 30 source core mines in the main task requirements.
After all, Sam told us that the buildings in Derui basically use the "source core mine" as the raw material. It may be possible to find a corresponding mine in Houshan, Derui.
As for the perfect life quality brain that exists in the hospital, I leave it to me to do it alone.
The next time you encounter an unknown female corpse, the vision you encounter may be more horrifying and deeper than the 'motel'. "
When she heard this sentence, Diana was also slightly surprised. The previous terror experience had not completely dissipated in her heart. At present, she is holding the seat belt with one hand, and the bones on the surface are looming.
"I ... I'll deal with all the monsters except the female corpse, I'm sorry." Diana kept apologizing when she realized that she was hindering to some extent.
"It's okay, you need Diana in the later stage to help you deal with the" Longcheng Squad "... Huo Ziping's guy is too strong, only you can suppress him. "
"Jian Xiu ... Father said, Dragon City's Jian Xiu is the strongest in the world. I will do my best."
that's it.
The car bypassed the misty Derui Town Center ... Handong got off at the signpost with [100m ahead-Derui Town Central Hospital].
"Nicholas, be careful ..."
"Don't worry, I'm not alone."
Han Dong waved back to back, disappeared into the mist on foot.
"As long as you can get the brain, the main task is basically completed, other materials are trivial ..."
While Han Dong was walking to the hospital.
A sick man came face to face on the empty street.
White lined patient clothes,
There is also a needle hanging on the back of his hand, which is connected to the hanging bottle,
Bowed his head so that he could not see his face,
Ticking ticking ...
Some kind of viscous liquid is continuously secreting from this person, flowing along the trouser legs, and even some soft objects are falling to the ground, similar to some kind of soft tissue or tentacles.
When Han Dong approached.
The patient suddenly raised his face ~ ~ It was a fuzzy face full of small and large bubbles, and the empty eyes were filled with a weird tentacle.
This gaze has no effect on Han Dong.
Han Dong didn't have any intention of attack. He smiled and delivered a mask to the patient, and continued to walk to the hospital.
"Derui Town even has [gram system]! But it is also true that ... the residents of Derui town were originally sublimated from the small world, and there are some residents from the [gram system] world who are also reasonable. "
Han Dong took out the rusty key given by the female corpse and stared at the .I.D (Void) engraved on it.
"It seems that during my coma affected by the illusion, the female corpse gave me an insight into my true attributes and gave me a corresponding gift ... it was right for me to come alone.
The grammar incident is not suitable for Cass to contact Diana. "
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