Chapter 642: Richard Powell

The mortuary of the Central Hospital of Derui Town, which is under the dual control of the mayor's order, must have an undisclosed secret.
Because of the female body's obstruction, Han Dong could not go deep.
I had to make a mark in my heart silently and wait to investigate again in the future.
Talk to the female corpse again by touching, "Can I borrow a morgue? It will take some time to read Dean Richard's materials and make plans."
When the resident registration book was opened again, a faint starlight overflowed from the inside.
"Information of Residents Collected-[Void-Dean Richard Powell]"
Background wall and character drawing:
Half of them are normal hospital wards, corresponding to the kind-haired white-haired doctor,
Half of the fleshy stacked and blistered twisted hospital corresponds to the gray-and-black wrinkled skin, the center of the chest has an indented vortex pit, and the lower body wears a sacrificial long skirt, showing only two feet.
Type: Demon Dependent
Basic information: [Male], [175cm tall], [45kg weight].
Religion: Nether Deity
Place of birth: Void Realm-Marsh County Hospital, Canada.
Current place of residence: Li Derui Town-Central Hospital
Physical Monitoring Report of Derui Town:
[Strength]: E
[Durable]: B +
[Magic]: S-
[Agile]: E
[Divinity]: S +
Dean Richard Powell is the closest of all the inhabitants to the existence of God.
Prior to his 'ascension', he was in [World-Void Realm] and belonged to a doctor and junior theological researcher.
Until one day, the team of the stranger family came to this world and contacted Richard ... Eventually, this team was killed by Richard as the NPC.
Through his anatomy, delving into the brains of his dependents, and eating, he officially acquired the real [theology of the void].
The original world-"Void Realm".
Dean Richard has completed the development of the state-level mission, which enabled him to formally enter the gate of the void through the power of faith, making his first contact with God and breaking away from the original world level.
It is valued by the mayor, and [upgrade] was obtained after signing the agreement.
Eventually, a central hospital was established in Riedui Town to provide special treatment services to the townspeople.
Specific ability:
[Void Mark]: S
Dean Richard can apply void marks (black triangle symbols) to objects of any form within ten meters. The marks cannot be resisted, unavoidable, and cannot be removed.
Different objects will have different effects after being imprinted:
①. Doors, walls, etc. (solid objects with a minimum side length of more than 50cm) will be transformed into "Void Doors", which can lead to the Void Realm (existence of exit) that is not suitable for living creatures to survive.
②. Metal substances will be transformed into "Void Emissions", and will regularly radiate Void ions (range of three meters) to the outside. When the organic matter marked by the Void is irradiated, it will accelerate its fall.
③. Non-metallic materials will be annihilated as soon as they are marked.
Organic matter:
①. Humans, or animals with a similarity to human structures (including the brain) of not less than 90%.
Once the "Void Mark" is applied, it will go through three stages of change within a certain time:
"Ether" → "Starlight" → "Cause and Effect".
(When the "starlight" stage is reached, the individual is considered dead; when the "causal" stage is reached, the essence of life will change)
90% can only change at the "Ether" level, the human form is lost, and it becomes a low-level monster with a fleshy stack.
9% can achieve changes at the level of "starlight". The human form is lost, consciousness is reconstructed, and it is transformed into an intelligent life that is higher than human beings.
Only less than 1% of individuals can complete the final "causal" change, completely break away from the scope of carbon-based life, turn into a life of void, and become the elite subordinates that Dean Richard values.
Note: The mutation time is affected by the individual attributes. The higher the values ​​of "Perseverance" and "Physique", the longer the mutation time.
②. Non-human lower-order animals.
There is no interval, and the ether changes immediately (only the first stage). It becomes a corrupt pet driven by Dean Richard and is mostly used for reconnaissance patrols.
③. Plants.
The plant body can absorb the energy of the void by the imprint, and quickly grow into a polymorphic void plant (partly by building an intercellular nervous system to derive a simple self-consciousness), which is often used to build defenses, stabilize the gate of the void, and exoskeleton devices.
④. Life other than the above three types cannot bear the imprint, so it cannot be applied.
[Superbody]: A
Dean Richard has completely released himself from the shackles of the etheric body, and can lead to void filling, arbitrarily changing his physical form, and greatly increasing the two values ​​of "strength" and "agility".
Or condensing the void shell in vitro, greatly increasing the "attack coverage".
Mastery of Void Mystery
Note: Dean Richard with Super Body does not have any apparent weaknesses and cannot be killed by physical or magic means.
[Religious Void Believer]: D
Dean Richard cares more about faith than anyone in Derray Township, and he shows absolute ‘belonging’ to the he believes in.
It is also because of this piety that he received the gift of God-"immortal life".
In the lair of Dean Richard, the Derray Town Central Hospital, a total of nine enshrined statues of the "Void God" are placed in extremely hidden and heavily guarded areas.
As long as any statue of the "God of Nether" exists, Dean Richard cannot be killed.
Destroying any statue will also weaken the ability of Dean Richard to some extent.
When the nine statues are completely destroyed, Dean Richard will no longer be sheltered by God, will be weak and can be killed.
Inherent equipment (can not be dropped only the corresponding residents can hold):
"Sacrificial Dagger of the Void God"
Grade: A
Type: Pair of props
Distance: 1 (closest attack distance)
Dean Richard casts a dagger into the void.
It is a necessary prop when sacrificing objects, so that the cut objects immediately establish a channel relationship with the void.
The human body branded with the "Void Mark" ~ ~ will accelerate the occurrence of abnormal changes once hit by a short knife.
You can also pierce the priest's dagger into the body of any servant in the void, and give it full activation and strengthening (for 10min). After the duration, the servant will be sacrificed.
"Void Ball"
Rating: B +
Type: Military props
Distance: 0
Grinded by perfect spherical crystals in the Void Realm. When used, it will consume all the energy of the Void stored in the sphere, regardless of the scene and the terrain, and forcibly bring all materials within 100m to the Void Realm.
After each use, you need to wait for the sphere to be fully charged before you can use it again.
[Sort by Comprehensive Residents]: NO.5
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