Chapter 649: Facing the void

轱 辘 Slide.
The clean slab pushed the female corpse and slid across the hospital aisle.
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, a little irritable.
As the female corpse passed by, I was automatically cleaned up in the originally stained passage.
The cart returned to the morgue along the road.
Come to the ‘office’, which belongs to the female corpse alone, and take out a report about Han Dong ... due to the unique characteristics of being unable to speak, move, and perceive.
The female corpse can only be read by controlling other intact corpses
カ 嚓 ~
The morgue opened, and a perfect stitched body appeared.
I said it was stitched, but there were no traces of stitching.
What is perfect ... just because this corpse is a female corpse made of various best-quality 'parts' in the morgue, and even each finger is taken from a different individual to assemble the perfect imperial body .
Witchcraft drive.
The corpse sat upright.
The first thing is to say what is in your heart.
"This boy obviously can choose to leave, and then go to Sam's farm to receive the reward of residence permit ... Why choose to infiltrate the void and challenge the old guy closest to God.
You know, even the mayor dare not easily set foot in the empty world of Richard this lunatic.
Judging from the previous illusion of deciphering the "motel", he is not a reckless person, but a deliberate guy. Why did he make such a decision? "
When the female corpse was puzzled, a weird voice came from the morgue aisle.
因为 "Because ... he's funny ..."
The weird voice coming from the depths of was immediately heard by the female corpse.
Immediately control the perfect royal double to open the door.
I saw a red balloon floating on the door with a smiling face painted on it.
I am also at this moment!
All the witchcraft mantras drawn in the maid's body were activated, and a colorful ripple visible to the naked eye continued to overflow from the body, almost ten times more intense than the motel.
之 处 Where the colorful ripples spread,
通道 The passage between the morgues or gorgeous flowers,
Or a stream of 潺潺 between the ground,
Or a little sika deer bouncing between the passages.
This physical illusion spread to the end of the passage, and several eyes appeared between the flowers. It was found that the deepest door had opened a seam.
After learning of this situation, the female corpse immediately called a special phone in the town hall that belonged to a certain existence.
时 When the call has not been answered.
I saw the red balloon flew back immediately, forming a face on the surface, and begging bitterly: "Don't! Don't let the clerk come over ... I just came out to get through the wind and didn't mean to escape!
Hahaha, I'll go back! Go back immediately ... please let go. "
The balloon floated back to the deepest room by itself, and brought the iron gate through the rope.
Even so, Jane Doyle was still uneasy.
Then applied a multi-layered witchcraft seal to the door, while sending a paper file report to the prosecutor's internal mailbox, which he wanted to send to the town hall.
Can't stand it.
When she wanted to hand out the letter, suddenly she remembered an important question.
Nicholas is fighting Dean Richard in the hospital.
If the people in the town hall come over at this time ... especially the secretary who likes to go around is coming in person.
Even if Nicholas had great skills, he would certainly die.
I thought of this, the female corpse did not post a letter.
I plan to wait until the incident in the hospital is completely over, and then report the relevant information to it.
1. After a series of contacts, the female corpse has a good opinion of this person. The appearance of Nicholas and the way of doing things are very different from the ‘foreigners’ who came to Derui in the past.
Others came here with the purpose of killing. It is impossible to negotiate with the female corpse, and it is impossible to cooperate.
这位 And this young man is slightly different. In the process of contact, the female corpse did not feel any hostility ... even though she might have been a killer under the motel, Nicholas still did not take it seriously.
2. Due to the problem of jointly managing the public morgue of the hospital, the female corpse itself has no small conflict with President Richard.
If Richard really died, it would be a great thing for her.
Can't stand it.
The puppet corpse still didn't understand why Nicholas dared to challenge Dean Richard.
At this moment, the female corpse thought that it seemed that Han Dong had touched a corpse in morgue 1 before.
Immediately asked the substitute to inspect the corpse ... Sure enough, a special note was found in the corpse, which said Han Dong's special message.
The contents of the note showed a smile on the female corpse.
"If you can beat Richard, I can give you special privileges ..."
Uh ...
【Void Realm】
Xun angered Dean Richard by executing a void life.
Can't stand it.
Dean Richard did not descend directly in front of Han Dong, but appeared at the top of the Black Pyramid ... overlooking this group of invaders not affected by the void.
His voice echoed in the void, reaching Han Dong and others' brains.
"I admit that individuals who can walk in the void are free, and you are welcome to come ... But killing my subordinates is blasphemy against the void.
Feel the void! "
Dean Richard opened his arms completely, as if embracing the void.
Based on the black pyramid.
虚 Nether-like waves like the ocean tide are coming towards Han Dong and Myers ... The width and width of these waves cover the whole world. There is no way to escape. Once they touch life, they can directly peel off the body and soul.
Staring at the approaching wave, the bodyguard Myers had no fear.
Continuously released the evil spirit accumulated by the 10,000 people to try to confront the wave of void.
But ... This is Richard ’s place. There is a field hedge between the two. Myers must lose.
在 At this moment, Boss Han stood up ~ ~ Tap Myers' shoulder to signal him to step back temporarily.
In the face of the mad wave of emptiness, Han Dong smiled and didn't even want to defend ... In a flash, the wave was here and drowned all the invaders.
"The vastness of the void will never tolerate profanity ... uh !?"
Dean Richard noticed something strange.
As the person in charge of the hospital, he has a certain understanding of the situation of each resident. The ultimate human devil Myers is very strong, and he will not be swallowed up and died instantly.
Under the current tide, it is strange to feel the existence of no life.
Detecting anomaly, Dean Richard immediately recovered all the void fluid released.
黑色 In the original location of the intruder, there was a little black gravel and a sandy channel leading to the ground.
强烈 A strong collision sound came from the bottom of the black pyramid.
After the seal of the Shishimen was cracked, it was destroyed by brute force ...
When Han Dong went to the Nether Realm last time, he did not do nothing, but determined a very important point.
I got an important piece of information. The geology here is 'can be desertified' ...
Dean Richard launched such a large-scale attack, which was exactly what Han Dong wanted, and took advantage of the opportunity to invade the pyramid.
"A change in intimacy was detected, and the intimacy with Richard Powell, an important resident (ten demons), changed. Hostility → hatred!
主 The main mission of No. 5 is activated-[Black Pyramid in the Void]

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