Chapter 686: Return to hospital

With Han Dong helping to clear the clerk's arm.
The ogre gradually became quiet.
However, there seems to be one less man and monster who used to block Han Dong in the monastery.
The undead Jason, who Han Dong saw in the movie "Friday the 13th," seems to have dealt with his arm in advance and has already left.
When Xie expressed his thanks to Myers, the latter made a ‘one to one’ finger gesture to signal that the owing to Han Dong had been offset.
Perhaps because of Miss Jane, the whole party place was extremely quiet. Everyone seemed to be afraid of this female corpse who couldn't move or talk.
The smell in the air was completely dissipated by the arrival of Miss Jane, and the entire underground area became as clean as the dissection room, completely disturbing the atmosphere of the demon party.
Considering that Miss Jane seriously affected the atmosphere of the party, Han Dong said goodbye to Myers and others, and immediately pushed the car away.
Called Cass at the same time, signaled that they still have some things to do, let them go to bed early tonight, and come tomorrow to discuss the next plan.
Everything is arranged.
Han Dong strolled back to the familiar central hospital.
进 Before entering, Han Dong first asked:
"Miss Jane ... I heard that the hospital has been managed by Dean Richard's daughter, Shirley. What is her current status? I can go straight in, right?"
Talk about relationships.
Han Dong can be regarded as Shirley's father to kill the enemy ... even if the two have a good relationship, once they are involved in killing the father, they will inevitably become enemies.
"Rest assured, little Shirley likes you very much.
Alas, Dean Richard wasn't completely dead ... the last tinge of color you brought to Shirley was a tinge of his father's consciousness.
He caused Shirley to see his father beside him and manage the hospital together. "
"Is that so?"
When Han Donggang stepped into the hospital gate.
The two white silk legs directly straddle Han Dong's waist, and the little blonde Roli took the initiative to enter her arms ... It seemed that Han Dong's arrival was perceived in advance, and she was waiting at the door for a long time.
"Little straw brother!"
"Hey ..." Han Dong laughed for a while.
Yue because Miss Jane was beside him, Shirley didn't hug for too long, slowly let go of her arm and fell down.
Wu Xueli still maintains the appearance of about 12 years old, but due to the injection of color, the eyes and pupils are flashing with seven colors, and the eyebrow is also printed with a complete void mark.
With this infusion of color, Dean Richard's ultimate goal of pursuing the void has been achieved.
He is the perfect resurrection of his daughter.
"Color" has completed Shirley, and her consciousness, soul, and body are absolutely stable.
"Sister Jane seems to be looking for you, right? Then I won't bother you ... Anything, Brother Straw can come to the office to find me at any time.
Dad, let's go. "
When Xi Xueli reached out and pulled out her hand, the color in her eyes separated into a small part, and she outlined the outline of Dean Richard in the air, and returned to the office together.
Han Dong stopped for a moment while staring at such a back.
Then she turned her mind to the matter and pushed Miss Jane to the cold and dark morgue ... The gatekeeper has been replaced by Miss Jane's subordinate, which also means that the entire morgue area is mainly responsible for Jane.
A bald female corpse stood so straightly on the entrance side of the morgue.
With the arrival of Miss Jane, the neck of the bald female corpse made a clicking noise, and she nodded quickly at an angle of 90 ° to pay respect.
"Room 13 is my office ... where we do things."
"it is good."
As Han Dong pushed Miss Jane deeper into the morgue, he felt again what seemed to be hidden in the deepest part of the morgue ... What exactly was there? Han Dong also speculated.
However, Han Dong placed it at the end of the plan as the most crucial move.
[The 13th Morgue]
There was a layer of frost on the surface of the cardia body.
When Han Dong stretched out his hand, he was immediately chilled into the body ... This chill was not the kind of low temperature that freezes the flesh, but the chill that can make people fall into a "soul trembling".
The familiar anatomy room was presented to Han Dong, but the previous conflict had long since disappeared.
"Tenth row, the bottom drawer contains the information you want."
"it is good."
Han Dong is quite skilled, opening Ms. Jane's mouth, holding the thin thread in it, taking out a key from the body, and opening the drawer locked in a special way.
Inside, I collected everything about the [clerk], from the simplest newspapers, to the life records of some people who had collided with the clerk and post-mortem autopsy, plus Miss Jane's personal analysis.
However, because of being in the fate space, the auxiliary system does not need Han Dong to summarize these materials by himself.
"Sufficient information has been collected about [Clerk-Ferner Riwald], illustrated information has been completed"
Opening the first page of the book is the detailed picture book of the clerk. The first picture alone makes Han Dong very uncomfortable.
Background wall and figure painting: The dark town hall is the background, and the clerk is standing in the front garden.
If you look closely, you will find that all the backgrounds are made up of small and large hands, stone walls, flowers, and even clouds in the sky ... Such dense patterns are uncomfortable ~ ~ Crunching ~
韩 As Han Dong tried to turn to the next page, the cart's 推车 slid back and forth.
"Nicholas, I need to clean my body every other month ... the dissection tools are next to me, please be sure to clean my‘ inner layer ’within six hours.

东 Han Dong is very good at dissection.
"Ms. Jian, what kind of water is this?" Han Dong asked, pointing to a large bucket labeled "cleaning".
"Hydrogen peroxide, specifically for bathing."
Considering the nature of Miss Jane, Han Dong silently accepted this setting.
Although I used to look at the body structure of Miss Jane with 100% little magic eyes before, when I have witnessed it with my own eyes, I can't help but be shocked by these "perfect" pictures.
On the endothelial layer, a scroll pattern representing Nordic sorcery is drawn.
精密 Every inch of bone and every organ are engraved with precise spell text, and no area of ​​the body is wasted.
Miss Jian Jian is sorcery.
东 Han Dong walked through every gap with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide to clean up the dirt in the body for Miss Jane. These black dirt are not caused by saprophytic organisms. Han Dong speculates that it should be an impurity generated after the use of witchcraft.
Clear occasionally took Miss Jane's cold fingers and asked where else to clean.
If you disregard the dissection room and the special cleaning screen.
The scene like this is a bit like a caring boy is carefully wiping his body to his girlfriend who is paralyzed in bed.

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