Chapter 689: Professor West

"The # 1 [Love Family] package requires three hundred banknotes printed with the mayor's head, which can resurrect your loved ones and restore their appearance before life, with a shelf life of six months.
After half a year, I need to take him every other month to give me a shot to ensure freshness. Get one free shot when spending during the event.
No. 2 [Perfect Lovers] Package ... "
Han Dong quickly interrupted the middle-aged professor who was in a hurry to recommend his products, and presented his work permit for the neighborhood committee:
"Wait ... we are the staff of the neighborhood committee. We received your opinion letter and came to investigate and deal with the problem of laughter in your basement."
When he heard the news, the man became extra enthusiastic, and there was a respect in his eyes.
"You're finally here. Come on! The continuous laughter in the basement has seriously affected my operation. Five failures have occurred and I have lost two old customers."
"Your opinion has been accepted by the neighborhood committee. Once the issue of economic loss is verified, a staff member will contact you.
We only deal with laughter. "
"Okay ... come with me."
Professor West has a relatively insignificant appearance, rubbing his hands while drawing Han Dong and others into his green house.
The air was filled with the smell of carrion and chemicals.
However, it can be seen from some details that Professor West is a very cautious person.
The basement entrance was blocked by him in five different ways of locking ... Apparently, the professor West knew the horrors of laughter.
"Hey, a few friends of the neighborhood committee!
Presumably you already know what the source of the laughter is ... I have a potion here to help fight the virus and ensure your absolute safety within an hour.
It only costs 50 yuan. Would you like a tube? "
Having said that, West pierced the syringe into the brain and injected a tube of green and bright liquid into the cranial cavity. He demonstrated for himself that his eyes were completely dyed green, and his expression was hi.
"No, we have corresponding protective measures."
Just as West finished fully unlocking the basement.
Han Dong glanced at Diana next to her.
The bone blade cut across Professor West's body instantly, and a bone whip appeared, pulverizing his body.
There was only a wretched head with glasses, and it fell to the floor with a pop, widening doubtful eyes ... without showing any pain, but asked curiously:
"What does this mean? The neighborhood committee can't endanger the personal safety of the residents at will, right?"
"Professor West, I have sensed the" laughing laughter virus "in your body. According to the rules, you must be eliminated ..."
When hearing such an answer, ordinary residents must show a look of panic or perseverance.
Being labeled with an infected virus means that it will be wanted and cleared by the town hall, losing all residents' rights.
But the professor West was all right.
"Oh! That's it ... I'll do it myself."
His head left the house by rolling, and then only heard an explosion outside the door, and a little green liquid splashed on the glass windows.
Just a minute.
There was a sound of unlocking, unsealing, and dense footsteps from the attic.
Obviously, the attic and the first floor of the building are completely separated from each other.
Professor West walked down from the top and waved hello to Han Dong.
When looking at it with a little magic eye, it was found that the newborn Professor West had no giggle virus ... Even during the fluoroscopy, immature body organs and umbilical cord heads had not been removed.
However, the muscles and bones are basically mature.
It's like a baby being quickly ripened.
Professor West said immediately, "Rest assured that I have done more security than anyone else in the town ... come with me."
For a moment, Han Dong became very interested in this West professor.
It has nothing to do with strength.
Whether it is the isolation system and protective measures inside the building, or the life science technology demonstrated by Professor West, and a more cautious attitude, it means that he is a very rigorous life scientist ... but his research direction is relatively unique That's it.
Such a person is very suitable to go to work in Han Dong's manor.
"Professor West, how much do you rank in Derry?"
"Well ... I'm so embarrassed to say it. I can't compare myself to the monsters in Derui, ranking 99th.
I don't know what the mayor thinks of me and promote me from the small world. "
If Professor West is not too strong, Han Dong will try to inquire about the points it takes to take Professor West from the fate space when the reward is settled after the fact.
If it is acceptable, Han Dong would like to recruit a real deputy for Dr. Swell, or to conduct partition management of the basement experiment and set up directors of various departments.
The expedition is approaching, and Han Dong has decided to participate.
"Residents of Inri [Professor Living-Herbert West] provided their rankings, and the book has been opened."
Background wall: green juice and a rotting corpse placed on the operating table.
Type: Scientist (partial mutation)
Basic information: [Male], [175cm tall], [61kg weight].
Religion: None
Birth Place: Dead Jump-California
Current place of residence: Reedry Town-149 Smutal Street
Physical Monitoring Report of Derui Town:
[Strength]: E-
[Durable]: D-
[Magic]: E
[Agile]: E (can be increased to D in a dead body state)
[Divinity]: E +
Abilities: "Rapid Elixir Synthesis", "Living Corpse"
Unique prop: "Professor West's personal syringe"
[Sort by Comprehensive Residents]: NO.99
Da Da Da ~
The crowd walked up the stairs to the basement.
There is an older operating table in the center, with various head models displayed on the wall table and a needle tube below.
You can add money in the process of corpse rebirth and add cosmetic projects ...
"This is the wall, and you can hear laughter behind it." West pointed to a wall on the right.
Han Dong took out the map of Derui Town and found that it extended along the wall without any mark on the map.
"Where does this wall correspond?"
"Behind this is a wasteland ... nothing ~ ~ I don't know what is underground.
The town hall strictly stipulates that the space covered by the house is the private property of our residents, and the non-residential areas in the town belong to the mayor's property.
The building space cannot be expanded at will, nor can it penetrate into unknown areas.
So I can only write a letter of opinion to you, hoping that it will be dealt with. "
"Okay ... Cass, you come."
As Cass reached out, liberating part of the ability from the secret stone stranger ... The stone wall was immediately transformed by Cass's consciousness, forming a passage to the depths.
The clown's laughter was coming from deep.
When Professor West heard the laughter from the clown clearly, he consciously blew himself to death.
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