Chapter 701: Hit hard

No ... line. "
Huo Ziping can see the opponent's "lifeline" when he kills the enemy. Once he cuts it, he can directly kill the target ... For the powerful target "lifeline" will also become difficult to capture or extremely tough, or Have other qualities.
But no matter what, Huo Ziping's eyes can always see the lifeline.
However, just after the sword skill "Dragon Flash" was cast, and Han Dong's body was cut instantaneously, he saw no lifeline at all.
When he looked back at Nicholas, his neck was not broken at all, and the whole person seemed to be on another plane.
For the first time I encountered such a weird situation.
Just like the same black sand fell into Huo Ziping's heart lake, a rare wave wafted.
"Candle Dragon Flame Heart"
The Zhenqi in Dantian flows along Huo Ziping's body vein to the Dragon Sword ... due to the special material of the sword body, the Qi is immediately transformed into "Dragon Flame".
A flame that can burn everything, gently burning on the surface of the blade.
The screen turns to Han Dong.
I am also amazed at Huo Ziping's severe attack just now.
If you can't be in the state of death, you may have been killed.
"If you can't stop Huo Ziping's sword, you won't win at all.
I must extract the hardest black sand, and strengthen it with the black magic provided by the Raven to form a super strong defense system. "
The concrete floor within the area of ​​Derui Town Park has been deserted by the influence of the black magic field.
The dark sky has been rolled into the sky.
Every second, there will be a little perfect hexagonal black sand crystal, which falls into Han Dong's hands.
Just then.
A heat wave swept through.
The unusual heat is different from ordinary flames, and also completely different from the flames of on Tuogu.
When Han Dong looked at it with a little magic eye, when he saw the dragon sword wrapped in a layer of flames, he could vaguely see a ghost image of a dragon with flames burning all over his body.
Han Dong could intuitively feel burned by this kind of dragon inflammation.
Even in death, there is still danger.
"Sha Jing is not enough ... delay a little time."
The staff waved.
Three seemingly ordinary black crows flew towards Huo Ziping.
Just halfway through the flight, the crow's black bird's beak completely cracked to 90 °
Gao Gao ~
More than ten horrible tentacles covered with mucus spewed out from the crow's body, trying to penetrate and pollute Huo Ziping's body.
This kind of picture made the three members of the Dragon City squad have an emergency situation when they encountered a strange monster while performing an investigation mission outside the city, and quickly put on "goggles" due to their instinct.
Huo Ziping with his back on his back didn't look back at all ... He had captured the target and gave a turn to cut.
The crows were all beheaded and killed, and the tentacles burned under the envelope of Long Yan.
When Huo Ziping turned back, he had closed his eyes and only used his other senses and eyes to look at his opponent ... While shielding visual pollution, his actions would not be polluted.
`` Step forward ''
Obviously it is just a step forward to lower the center of gravity.
Huo Ziping was able to get closer to ten meters in one step.
Instantly close the distance to reach the attack range.
Vertical slash.
The burning blade left a virtual image of Yanlong in the air.
Just failed to hit.
Han Dong was just a moment away and somehow opened a distance of one meter.
"Huh? How did it move?"
Huo Ziping with his eyes closed slightly tilted his head and failed to understand Han Dong's evasion.
Rather than thinking, it is better to continue to attack.
"Flying across the pontoon"
This is a move to abandon the defense, forward pressure to continue the sword skills.
With the perfect fusion of the human body and the sword, continuous continuous blows are given, and there is almost no space for the opponent to counterattack ... The strength given by each sword will continue to increase during the continuous attack.
Attempting to parry this trick will bring a great "stiffness" effect to the individual.
At the same time, the location of each sword attack and the location of the next sword appeared extremely tricky.
It is never possible to dodge continuously.
唰 ~ 唰 ~ 唰!
A flame arc remained in the air.
Han Dong escaped every slash in an almost impossible way.
"No ... this is a space trick ?!"
Aware of the problem, Huo Ziping immediately expanded the area observed by his eyes.
It was found that in addition to the body's evasive action, Han Dong had a vicious dog attached to his arm behind him.
Han Dong was able to make short-distance space transfers when the evil dog touched an avoidance position about one meter behind him.
"It's not a space in the absolute sense. It needs to be" contacted "... as it is. "
Huo Ziping focused on where the evil dog was about to touch, and immediately changed the course of the next slash.
Cut out ahead of time.
Han Dong also extracted enough sand crystals at this time.
"Sand wall"
A layer of unusual black sand suddenly stood in front of Han Dong.
The blade that could have easily cut the black sand this time has become a hindrance.
Ding Ding Ding ...
One by one, the full and perfect sand crystals hit the blade surface, making a crisp sound, which seriously affected the speed of the slash.
At the same time, a dangerous breath was smelled by Huo Ziping.
It seems that behind Black Sand, Han Dong is accumulating some deadly tricks.
Continue to complete the slash?
Or take it away?
Huo Ziping chose a compromise.
The blade of the black sand has been cut into a shock.
Hum! !!
The trembling of the blade disrupted the densely packed black sand.
Close the sword and change into a defensive posture, ready to parry the attack appearing from behind the black sand.
At the same time that the right hand changed the sword move, Huo Ziping was also running his qi in the body very fast, and adjusted to his left hand.
A record of Long Yan's palm blasted forward.
The whole process was flowing, and it was not at all obvious that Huo Ziping was making a temporary move midway.
Just as this palm crossed the scattered black sand.
A hundred-eye blood dog made of tentacles was also biting at Huo Ziping at the same time.
"This is the isomerization product that Gongsun Hao said?"
When trying to parry with a blade.
The blood dog leaned to the side of his head, and the upper and lower jaws were split unrestricted, completely beyond the conventional scope ... Avoiding the parry of the blade, he bite at Huo Ziping.
Han Dong put a palm on his left chest. If he was hit by a dragon beast and burned by flames, the whole person would fly out more than ten meters away ... Death failed to avoid injury, hey! Large mouths of blood scooped out.
And because something was cut off, Han Dong kept twitching on the ground.
Huo Ziping took three steps backwards.
The blade cut into the ground and supported the body.
The left hand slammed the canine teeth marks on the right shoulder ... even tiny tentacles were still wriggling in the wound, deepening the injury and pollution.
Tickling ... Blood dripping.
Moreover, during the close combat with Han Dong, Huo Ziping was also attacked by death, and the skin in many parts of the body showed signs of aging ... and even some clots formed under the skin.
Huo Zi front of the plane.
The "Hundred Eyes Blood Dog" who opened his mouth to a depth of one meter was also cut off to the ground ... At a critical moment ~ ~ was cut off by "Heart Sword".
Otherwise, if this bite is completely bitten, Huo Ziping's right half may be gone.
The so-called body protection is really nothing in the teeth of such terrible blood dogs.
Both were severely hit.
The fighting is temporarily suspended ...
The intensity of the battle was completely beyond the expectations of the spectators, watching the crowd.
Ma Taotao stared at the captain who was kneeling on one knee, and even needed a sword to support his body. It was ridiculous to think of the squadron's battle plan that he had previously made, and it was a little scared.
"If there is no such appointment, but the team will collide head-on, if I confront this black magic so that ... it may die."
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