Chapter 709: Kill

[Black Vortex]
Only ‘very few’ lives in the space of destiny will be branded with such out of control.
No matter how cruel a life form is, it still has the right to survive ... Only those individuals whose existence will bring great disasters to the "fate space", even breaking the rules of fate, will be branded as out of control.
If the black vortex can be removed.
The world in which they live will gain a certain amount of upgrading energy.
There are certain rewards for killing the Black Vortex and assisting the killer.
"Is it fundamental to endanger the world of destiny?" Out of control markers are most likely associated with Laugh-Clown virus.
Laughing is not the ability originally carried by Penny Wise ... but derived from the day after tomorrow.
Or, Penny Wise's own origins are questionable.
Lord Mayor, how did the clown come to Derui? "
"After you deal with Penny Wise, you will naturally get the answer ... And, you should have a certain answer in your heart, too? Otherwise, you won't ask me about [Black Vortex] at this time."
"it is good."
Sure enough, when Han Dong found the clown's torso in the monastery, he found the strange vortex on the surface of the torso.
尝试 When she tried to look at it with magic eyes, she found that this seemingly black vortex turned slowly on the trunk of the clown ... After staring for a long time, Han Dong even felt that he was gradually being sucked into it.
Also, when staring at the center of the black vortex for a long time, a black tower can be seen faintly.
Gaze at the tower.
Exceeded the tolerable value of magic eyes, bloodshot eyes, blood shed against the corners of the eyes.
But Han Dong did not immediately close his eyes.
Because when looking at such a tower, the faceless person ’s head has a slight sense of affinity ... It is not an illusion. Han Dong guessed that the tower may have certain characteristics in common with the faceless person ’s head.
Intuition tells Han Dong that the subsequent upgrade of the faceless person's skull will be extremely difficult, and this tower may be useful.
"Out of control ... Black Vortex ... must touch the deeper layers of destiny.
I'm not a destiny life, and the clown's body won't become [Black Vortex Marker] ... Instead, I can gain insight into the black tower behind the Black Vortex.
Even if I can't do it now, I can do it in the future.
Hurry up and die for me, Penny Wise.
For today, I can prepare for three years.
I really want to thank the mayor for having [perfectly dealt with] you in advance, split your soul and body, and seal it in the depths of Derui town, so I don't need to fight you again. "
Uh ...
内 Opera House.
The Earl, who is the equivalent of mad laughter, and the clown basically showed a situation of 50-50.
Huo Ziping's intervention caused the situation to irreversibly deflect.
The reason why Huo Ziping was able to kill the clown was not because of the sharpness of the dragon-shaped sword in his hand. After all, this sword was given by the ancestral temple not long ago.
The reason why he can kill the clown is because his heart can blend with the sword.
Use the "heart sword" to cut off the clown's consciousness.
内 Inside a private theater.
The broken tentacles and several terrible blood dog heads were either chopped, smashed, or torn apart, scattered in every corner of the theater ...
Also scattered, there are various items taken out by the clown from the treasure chest.
With almost all of his power exhausted, Earl Min pulled out the holy sword between his wrists and personally cut off the clown's hands and feet.
Then "Crimson Secret. Blood Net" wrapped around the long legs of the grasshopper that was frantically struggling on the back, completely restraining the clown's action. The whole battle took more than ten hours.
The count's physical fitness was also exhausted.
Victory is not as simple as imagined.
Currently, the two are facing each other and laughing at the same time!
在 At this moment, the "treasure chest" used to trap the enemy was destroyed from the inside.
的 Huo Ziping trapped inside, [Imperial Borrowing] A horrible force in the body ignites the true elements in the body and forcibly breaks through!
At the moment when I walked out, my eyes flashed with determination to kill the clown.
Yi Yi sword into the head.
As soon as the sword entered the eyebrow, the "lifeline" hidden by Penny Wise was captured by Huo Ziping's eyes.
"Three years ..."
Huo Ziping did his best to stabilize Xinhu, not to make a wave, not to be affected by the clown's laughter, and he must not make mistakes at this time.
Heart sword.
Uh ...
The cricket is no longer the sound of a balloon bursting, but the wriggle and hiss of a worm when it dies.
Huo Ziping stared at the clown who fell to the ground, a wish that had been in his heart for a long time.
Uh ...
Didi Didi!
内 Inside the pyramid, an alarm sounded from the instrument.
Means a dissolution of consciousness, Huo Ziping has successfully wiped out Penny Wise's consciousness.
Han Dong immediately waved his hand, Huang Sha turned his blade, and cut off the clown's right arm.
It should be the earl's arm exactly.
送 Returning the arm to the biological laboratory of the brain also returned the count's consciousness.
The countless breathless count had no energy to do anything, "This thing is really hard to kill ... I have to rest! When I wake up, I hope to see [the finished product].
At that time, you must borrow your body to play with me, and experience the complete laugh and your new ability. "
"Hard work, count ... go to rest."
At the same time, Huo Ziping also woke up from his seat. After confirming his eyes with Han Dong, he decisively left the platform ... Standing on the stage and waiting until Han Dong achieved the so-called "true ending".
Finally came to the final step of the plan.
Professor Han Dong made a comparison of ‘3’ to the control room and signaled to proceed to the third step, which is the last step.
Several fetal avatars held large needles connected to catheters, pierced the clown's limbs and skull, and simultaneously inserted a large number of fine conductive needles.
As some green fluid is injected into the clown's body through a high-pressure pump, a strong current is passed.
Forcing the "laughing factor" scattered throughout the clown's body to converge towards [the trunk] ~ ~ that is, converge toward the abdomen where the black vortex is located.
50% factor has flowed into the trunk.
60% ...
70% ...
80% ...
90% ...
97% ...
Han Dong didn't do anything. For the whole three years of preparation, he should never have any flaws ... Only the most perfect [torso] is required.
99.5%. At this time, many instruments have shown high-load operation. The overall power consumption made the void generators made by Richard somewhat unbearable, and quickly filled the void energy.
"West is working harder !!"
99.8% ... 100%!
Thirty-three transformers exploded at the same time, and the void energy spattered around the pyramid, and the flare generated by the explosion of the instrument spattered everywhere.
But Han Dong was not affected by any external factors at all. When he heard the 100% prompt, he immediately removed the clown's head and limbs.
Only a perfect torso ...
Stared at the black vortex whose belly was spinning.
Han Dong didn't hesitate.
"Access to the trunk ..."
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