Chapter 718: Han Dong's Question

最为 The most important journey in human history is about to begin.
For the specific situation, Han Dong has to learn from Mr. Black and White or Hugo Head.
After all, this is not an immediate action on a temporary proposal.
But after hundreds of years of precipitation, after hundreds of joint discussions with important institutions such as the Parliament, the Thirteen Knights, the Holy See, and the Royal Family, the final battle plan was set.
Preparations for the Great Expedition have been carried out in secret.
Only with the return of the two core combat capabilities, this battle plan is about to surface, known to all holy cities.
Uh ...
As Han Dong stepped down from the exclusive carriage of Chief Kuran.
There was a moment of complaining from behind.
"Nicholas, when can we go to your biological laboratory? This backward steam city is really boring ... I just want to start a scientific research project sooner."
He talked about Professor West's "heads packed in glass containers" that Han Dong exchanged for points.
Loose backpacks donated by living creatures are carried behind Han Dong.
不 "Not in a hurry ... just returned to the city, some people need to deal with the situation, we will set off in a moment."
Han Dong went to the headquarters of his Knights- [Secret Hall] as soon as possible.
However, just as Han Dong came to the crossroads for identity verification, he spit out a letter from the mailbox.
"At present, the secret museum is in the process of in-depth deciphering of the" Magic Slab "project. In order to avoid the time and space turbulence in the deciphering process, the current street and the secret hall space have been completely closed. The estimated unblocking time is [seven days and nine hours]. A
"The interpretation of the strange magic stone slab caused a spurt of time and space ... Okay."
In this case, Han Dong no longer delays time.
Immediately ride a carriage back to the familiar Knight Academy.
东 Han Dong is currently the most prestigious character in the college. Due to his record at the Cavaliers Conference, he has even more than doubled the enrollment of the mysterious department this year.
The mystery department's attention has also been comprehensively improved, more teachers are settled in, wider dark moon coverage and more project funds.
The carriage stayed in front of the familiar Dark Moon Tower.
The graveyard steward who specially received Han Dong still followed him, providing services within his ability, until Han Dong boarded the elevator leading to the [Star Watching Room].
Stargazing indoor.
Mr. Black and White just adjusted a glass of wine and sat down.
"Well ... beyond my expectations, I didn't expect you to have a relationship with [Black Vortex] so quickly."
Mr. Black and White's focus is completely different. It seems that this layer of the relationship of [Black Vortex] is more precious than the extra talent.
Just when Han Dong wanted to ask further.
But Mr. Heibai immediately raised his hand and signaled, "You don't need to ask me about the black vortex.
When you are ready to go to the space of destiny next time, go to the clock tower a few days in advance to look for the [clocker], she knows more about the black vortex than I do. "
"it is good."
After Mr. Black and White took a sip of wine, he switched the topic back to an important thing.
"What do you think of [Expedition]?"
这个 "This ... I don't really understand it, I just want to participate."
"Well, just be willing.
I believe that Captain Hugo also hopes that you can go out as a representative of their Knights ... I will talk directly with you about the early stage of the [Expedition]. You must set a goal and prepare yourself. "
Han Dong immediately focused his thoughts and planned to write down Mr. Black and White's next speech without fail.
"Because of the return of Death and Malone,
The identity of the betrayal of the Holy City was revealed,
汇 The total amount of sacred city materials provided by Jinzhu,
And a further increase in the total number of knights,
基础 The basic conditions of the [Expedition] prepared by the parliament have been fully achieved.
Relevant preamble regulations will be released within one month.
Puppet mainly involves "screening of expeditionary forces."
It is not just a screening of the strength of the individual knights, but a screening of [functions and resistance] ... the scale of this expedition will be unprecedented.
Whether it is the total trip, the number of battles, the time consuming, and the intensity of the targets that need to be confronted, it is far more than the previous expedition.
There is no sanctuary in the Holy City,
There is no safe place to live,
I need to move forward in the polluted world without dawn.
I need to make sure that every knight of the expedition has strong enough conviction and spirit to withstand all this ... The concept of ten aliens and one alien is absolutely different.
The screening of expeditionary forces is by no means determined by a certain game.
Instead, it will be secretly determined based on the personal experience of the knight and the results of handling special events.
应当 You should understand what I mean.
Personally, I suggest that you can pass the screening of the expeditionary force from the following ‘three channels’.
First, as a knight of the Knights of the Whisper, you participate in the deciphering of the strange magic stone tablet.
Second, rely on the identity of the night watchman to complete some special tasks during this time.
Third, Jinzhu's laboratory.
Of course, you can try the above three channels I mentioned, and they are also very helpful to you. "
"Thank you for your guidance ... Teacher, will you go on a journey?" Han Dong asked a question that many leaders in the Holy City are still uncertain.
Mr. Heihei's answer was extremely firm, without any doubt.
It seems that Black and White saw something in advance, or that Mr. Black and White's positioning was too special for the Holy City.
"The holy city needs my guard and has avoided the worst."
"Worst case scenario ..."
The horror picture that emerged in Han Dong's mind all of a sudden, the expeditionary forces were completely occupied, and the holy city was also broken.
At this moment, a smile appeared on the black mask ~ ~ Rest assured, the [Expedition] was launched precisely because we had prepared well ... the real preparation time has been more than a century. "
"Well, there are indeed too many complicated problems that need to be solved in advance. I can't do this."
Han Dong estimates that the [Expedition] may take more than ten years.
The Expedition will completely break the inherent way of life that human beings are accustomed to.
如何 How to solve the long-term pollution problem? How to solve the problem of power supply and food supply? What has changed in areas beyond the boundaries of exploration? How to respond to the old king level emergency?
Too many problems require thinking ahead and giving at least two or more solutions.
Alas, these do not need to be considered by Han Dong.
The reason why Han Dong intends to participate in the Great Expedition, in addition to being a formal knight should be dedicated to the cause of human freedom, but also has a certain selfishness.
In addition, Han Dong is only concerned about one issue.
老师 "Teacher, what is the ultimate goal of this [Expedition] initiated by the Holy City?"
The answers given in advance by Han Dong were ‘recovering territory that should have belonged to mankind’, ‘building a fourth main city, and the like’.
However, Mr. Black and White put his hands against his chin and whispered:
"Kill the old king ..."
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