Chapter 733: conch

[Magic Eye]
Looking at the past from Han Dong's unique perspective, it wasn't just the fish gill structure at the lower end of the cheekbones.
When looking through the clothes, I also found some special fish scale structures scattered under the skin.
A ‘mucosal network’ structure appears in the internal organs of the body, which connects multiple organs together. In special cases, all organs work together in a very efficient way.
What puzzles Han Dong the most is that the middle-aged man who lives outside the city has no signs of degeneration.
Without the sanctuary given by the holy city, ordinary people living alone will inevitably be unable to escape the fate of corruption.
Han Dong studied the brain structure of "pagans", "ghouls" and "bloods" in the manor ... and also indirectly determined one thing. When normal living organisms are affected by pollution, the first corrupted It is the brain zone.
The most obvious feature is that a pink filament dominated by brain cells will grow in the sulcus to strengthen the brain's signal reception in order to receive the "whisper" from the demon and accelerate the decline.
Subsequent stages of the brain will also undergo a greater degree of mutation, unable to maintain the original oval shape.
Mainly "Baihua bloom", "entangled body", "multi-spherical" form.
In the middle-aged man observed by Little Devil's Eye, there is no change in the brain structure, and even in the early stage of the sulcus, no early pollution can be seen and brain filaments are formed.
The only difference is from normal people.
The entire brain is wrapped in a layer of completely transparent soft film, which is less than millimeters apart from the brain, and the interior is filled with a little seawater.
It seems that it is the isolation and protection provided by the film and seawater that allows this middle-aged man to live outside the city all year round, maintaining awareness without corruption and corruption.
Han Dong has never seen such a situation, and has not even heard of it.
As for the boardwalk towed behind the man, a large number of conch was loaded on it.
Different sizes,
Surface is smooth or has spikes,
Or small dots, or streaks,
Either flat or tapered.
But these conch have a common feature, the bottom openings of which are disgusting and dirty materials ... These materials fell to the ground with the pull of the wooden board and were absorbed by the weird plants between the cracked ground.
at this time.
The "Silver Edge" team is also discussing.
It was just a bit of remarks given by Winnow Cavaliers that made Captain Diez incomprehensible.
"What? No pollution?"
"Yeah ... my area of ​​holy light has been emanating from virtually, as long as it is a life that has fallen under the influence of a strange demon, it will have a strong reaction.
But this person didn't.
It's like a normal person living outside the city all year round.
However, the conch trailing behind exuded a thick filthy air ... under the cover of my holy light field, there was a feeling of temptation. "
"Ready to get started."
It's useless to suspect in secret, and face-to-face verification is the most direct.
The plan has been worked out, fast frozen by the icing division in the team, and then tortured by Captain Deez.
To be honest, Diez, who had been in the battle for the first time, encountered this situation for the first time.
He could not sense any danger from the man in front of him, nor could he judge this man as a fallen man.
But Deez never believed that normal people lived outside the city.
"Sura ... freeze him."
The ice has just spread out.
Hahaha ~
A burst of laughter came suddenly ... Weird laughter came from Han Dong hiding in the branches.
Such a weird smile also reminded Winow Knight of the talent tree-smiley face that Han Dong talked about yesterday.
Laughter only works for the target.
Let the middle-aged man stay in place directly, and his mind be confused.
However, the effect was not satisfactory to Han Dong, "Huh !? Sure enough, the film and seawater can protect the brain, and even my laughter can resist more than half."
The figure quickly jumped out and was in front of the middle-aged man.
The magic eyes looked at each other, and the "pupil marks" turned.
In this way, the film that was oscillated by laughter was completely broken.
Mind control succeeded!
With Han Dong's hand reaching out, all three teams emerged from the shadows ...
The knights of the Silver Edge have not yet waited to evaluate Han Dong's action.
Han Dong directly controls the middle-aged man, telling his own identity and related information:
"My name is Herni Mabre, and I work at a waste disposal station in the port of Ostia.
It is mainly responsible for sending everyone's "conch waste" to the landfill in the forest.
My boss is called ...
No ... can't stop! I must quickly send these used conch to the landfill. If time is delayed too long, it will be dangerous. "
Just halfway through the introduction.
Herni suddenly became tense, and Han Dong also noticed that his brain became abnormally active, rejecting the control of the magic eye.
The source of Herney's tension was the conch on the board.
"Is the Holy Light stimulating these conch? Everyone withdraw ..."
At the same time, Sula Bingxian in the Silver Front team has diffused the ice layer as soon as possible in an attempt to completely freeze the conch and solve the problem.
Because of its "icy blood", "thick ice" and other characteristics.
The conch was completely frozen in an instant, and the temperature was reduced to minus 100 degrees Celsius, but ... the conch was still shaking slightly.
Everyone was aware of the danger and quickly retreated.
Contamination before the investigation began was a fairly low-level mistake.
Kakaka ~~
The thick layer of ice was completely broken.
A stinky, creamy dark green octopus tentacle grew from the conch, directly wrapping Herne Marble, who was standing still, all around ...
They seem to be fighting for food.
Each of the tentacles wrapped around Herni's body is pulled hard ... oh! Poor Herni was completely torn directly, swallowed into different conch, and digested.
It all settled down in ten seconds.
"Let me handle ..."
Blood Knight-Lucius applied to play.
The eyes on the handsome face look unusually bright in the dark.
In a knight stance, he strode towards the boardwalk with his right hand on the surface of the sabre at his waist.
As Lucius approached.
These conch scented tentacles again.
Come out!
Lucius' swordplay is very different from the swordplay of the Dragon City team Huo Ziping in the World.
Huo Ziping's sword is accompanied by Long Wei, fast and deadly.
Lucius's sword is entangled with heavy blood, and it can even be said that the sword is the sea of ​​blood ... crushing the target with absolute strength.
If a tyrannical blood king.
"This boy is growing fast."
The Scarlet Count hidden in Han Dong's body became very excited because of the blood sent out by Lucius. If he had the chance, the Earl would definitely want to taste Lucius' blood.
Blood red dropped.
Nearly all the conch broke and died ~ ~ At the same time, an extra blood hand growing on the back, tightly binding an unharmed conch, will be an important evidence in the first stage of the investigation.
Deez stared at Lucius with a bright red color all over his body, and said briefly: "Blood Knight-Lucius, the young knight most valued by the head of Charia ... a little interesting."
In this way, an important evidence was successfully obtained and certain clues were obtained.
Captain Deez gave an imperative proposal here: "The port of Ostia is not far ahead ... the next three hours will be used as the" investigation time ", and each team will be used to" monitor "the port. Investigation.
Three hours later, we met here to gather intelligence and report to the Holy City. "
After all, the three teams approached the weird port city from different directions at once.
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