Chapter 746: sell

The relationship established by Piaget in advance is essentially a Deep Sea Transaction Certificate.
The earl is allowed to conduct relevant transactions at any time and in any deep-sea jurisdiction. At the same time, the Earl will also be sheltered by the sea during the [transaction] period and cut off all his connections with the outside world.
However, every transaction has a minimum, and it is necessary to get a tribute that can satisfy the deep sea.
Otherwise, the deep sea will devour the earl.
Therefore, Earl himself is also more afraid of the deep sea, and has only traded once in such a long time ...
In order to ensure the normal conduct of the transaction, Han Dong released Nicole in advance.
Appearing, Nicole shrank into a small pink octopus immediately because of fear, falling on Han Dong's shoulders and shaking.
She has never seen such an existence. Such an intuitive level gap is stronger than the father in [Sea of ​​Destiny].
In other words, the existence of this big eye is the ultimate object that Nicole and his father, and even the deep-sea relatives in the whole fate space, try to make contact when they dream.
"What did you bring to the sea?"
The sound kept echoing in Han Dong's head. If this question could not be answered for a period of time, Han Dong's head would burst out.
It is neither a rare treasure, nor a living sacrifice, nor can it be a human secret ... unlike the count, who needs to sacrifice a large number of blood sacrifice and hand in the blood brew of his own body.
Han Dong took an injection from his head.
Green liquid, not a strange liquid belonging to the world here.
"The great Lord of the Deep Sea, in order for you to see the value of this item more intuitively ... you need to borrow from you two deep-sea life with almost the same level, physique and ability, one living and one dead."
As Han Dong spoke the request, imitating the voice of the deep sea.
The 'giant eye' under his feet cracks a wet channel overflowing with seawater from the surface of the eye mask.
The squeeze of sea water.
One death and one live, two deep dives classified as "Seven Gills" were squeezed out.
Compared to Han Dong who has seen sea crabs and hard fish in the upper dream, this lamprey is smaller and has no shell defense tissue.
Prefer soft, slender, but extremely aggressive.
Its body is like twisted twists and twists, consisting of three silky and delicate tentacles.
Invertebrate and crawling.
Its hands and feet are also composed of unique tentacles, which retain the characteristics of the lamprey-the ends of the tentacles retain the ring-shaped teeth, which can instantly tear the flesh of a fragile target, and can also bite into the skin of a powerful target, Suck blood.
Moreover, the regeneration and speed of this lamprey are high in marine life and are not common.
"Please look forward to it."
Han Dong injected a needle tube with green fluorescent liquid and injected it directly into the dead deep dive.
The liquid is not a rebirth that is made purely by West teachers using their chemistry capabilities.
It is based on the original foundation, combined with the improved rebirth medicament of Dr. Swell to cultivate ghouls, which can effectively act on evil and evil spirits and complete the rebirth more steadily.
The medicament is still in the research and development period. At present, this injection is an experimental type that Han Dong brought out from the laboratory.
With the slow pushing of the medicine.
The deep diver who has been stored in the [seabed cemetery] for dozens of days immediately showed signs of life and his body twitched wildly.
Even if there are signs of life activity, when viewed from the outside, this deep dive does not contain any vitality in the body, and still belongs to the category of dead things ... will not be dominated by the deep sea and the original owner.
Only under the absolute control of Han Dong ’s
breath of death
`` Dead spores ''
An ability to combine death and plague was thrown out by Han Dong.
Some black mycelium grew between the deep dive's brain, and even a black smiley mushroom grew on top of his head.
"go with!"
For a time.
The resurrected deep dive and a healthy deep dive immediately enter the 1V1 combat mode.
The result is crushing.
The rebirth only showed stronger combat effectiveness and aggressiveness ... and immortality.
He even used some brutal melee that the lamprey was not supposed to have.
The target should be sucked through the mouthpiece, but the resurrected body entangled a large number of tentacles to form a brute force with the ability to suck. The tentacles shot by the opponent were broken and torn apart.
Even at the end the target was thrown, pulled, bitten, swallowed.
This battle is not like life under the sea at all, but more like ... [Ghoul].
Even if it is fatally injured during the attack, it will not affect the action at all.
It was not more than five seconds before the battle ended.
The body of the resurrected lamprey appeared uncontrollable swelling, and it was suspected that the 'limits' of the whole body cells were stimulated and released, and they began to divide indefinitely ...
The originally slim and thin lamprey eel expanded to five times its original size in a short period of time ... and is about to explode.
Just before the explosion.
Han Dong gently touched the target surface with his mummy's left arm.
Forced degradation with death ... Complete the demonstration of the potion.
Although there were a few 'blemishes' at the end of the demo, the overall effect was obvious.
"The medicament is still in the experimental phase, and it will take a month at most to get a more stable finished product.
I am willing to provide medicaments to the deep sea on a regular and quantitative basis. It is estimated that 15 corpses will be provided every month, which will help you to govern the other areas of the sea faster and smoother.
We hope you can fulfill both requests.
First, I want to be your "low-level messenger", I just need to get the management of the non-land title area-"Ostia Port".
Secondly, I hope to get the embryos of purebred deep-diver from you. Any kind can be used, mainly for reagent research. "
With Han Dong's [transaction].
With the slight pulse on the ground, the giant eyeball blinked once.
A sound that seemed older than the planet echoed in the deepest part of Han Dong's head, and even caused Han Dong to have the idea of ​​kneeling, but in the end it was forcibly supported.
"Because of the special nature of the skull, the status of multiple messengers is within the allowed range ... I can agree to the first condition.
However, I cannot promise the second condition.
However, I allow you to do research on low-level fish species or alien fishmen in Port of Ostia.
As for the potion in your hand, I will regularly send Yuan Mo to your manor's estate to get it ... if it is feasible, continue to sign the contract. "
From the beginning, Han Dong did not consider that this great existence would promise the second point ~ ~ After all, this will involve the risk that a civilization's knowledge may be leaked.
Han Dong is quite satisfied that he can allow himself to conduct research on the fishermen in the port.
The most important point of the above transaction is the [ambassador] identity ... It is vital for Han Dong himself and the next expedition.
Han Dong seems to be helping the "old king" entangled in the bottom of the deep sea to improve his combat power.
In fact, this approach is to secretly break the balance outside the city ... There are conflicts and horrible wars that cannot be seen by human beings between the old kings who divided different territories and established different deeds.
and. .
No matter how many resurrections are made here in the deep sea, there will not be any harm to the holy city.
After all, Han Dong is the maker of the medicament. He knows exactly where the weaknesses of these resurrections are. If he encounters resurrection attacks on the expeditionary forces or attacks on the holy city, he will immediately 'disintegrate.
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