Chapter 78: Heal

It is clear.
It is Baker Marcellus who has completed this "great plan" with this greasy creeping sound.
I was hunting for Sileste who had escaped.
Can't stand it.
The sound of lingering nearby disappeared soon.
"It hasn't been long enough for the other party to integrate life outside the city, it's not particularly stable, and it's not enough for perception ... once we wait for it to stabilize, we will soon find us ... we have to hurry ... ah ~ hm ~
莱 Silesite, who has always been strong and highly patient, is now screaming in pain ... but, because it cannot be too loud, it deliberately suppresses the scream.
Han Dong, aside, sounded weird.
西 As a [Holy Religion Army], Sileste has certain medical capabilities, such as 'Ordinary Holy Light', which can treat ordinary injuries.
However, she has no way to deal with her current injuries.
‘Serious injuries on the waist and abdomen must be treated by professional therapeutic knights, and also need to cooperate with various precision instruments ... Once improperly handled, there will be various side effects.
东 Han Dong, wearing a crow goggles, looked at West Laster's wound.
A large number of finger-thick tentacles grow on the wound surface, and she seems to be trying to penetrate her body.
Most of Lexiste's energy stayed near the wound, preventing the invasion of these tentacles.
Because the tentacles are constantly moving on the surface, the wound is constantly expanding, and the delay is not good for Celeste.
"Is holy water okay?" Han Dong asked.
"No, this is not an ordinary pollution body, this tentacle has reached a certain intensity ... but it is not a simple source of pollution that you have encountered in the inner city, this is the real higher life.
等 This kind of tentacles will have a strong reaction when it comes into contact with holy water. Not only will it not be able to destroy it for a short time, but it will stimulate it to frantically chase, tear the wound, and even creep into my body.
Stop talking about it, and hurry up with me. "
Han Dong didn't do anything, but whispered, "Do you think I'm helping you up, what is the probability of being found?"
"About 50% ..."
"And, now your sister Fia, and two other teammates are fighting a fusion pollution body in a special scene ... even if we can escape, once the other catches up! Fia they will also be in danger. "
Han Dong said so, West Lester moved.
In the underground area, due to the influence of the evil formation, the information cannot be transmitted. The Knights must be notified when they reach the ground ... But as Han Dong said, if you accidentally bring Baker Marcellus up, things will be troublesome. .
The only way is to kill the [degenerate Baker] in the underground hole.
"If Cyrest Knights don't mind ... I have a way to get rid of the contaminants on your wounds."
你 "You? The kid who just assigned two stars to [Mystery]? Don't be kidding ... If you disturb this thing and penetrate into my body to destroy organs, you are equivalent to indirectly murdering a knight."
Jesse Lester didn't take Han Dong's words seriously at all.
"Hoo ..."
Han Dong took a deep breath.
西 While Sileste didn't notice, she fully inspired the power of "Ghoul Arms" and turned to crush her to the ground!
I said before that because of the injury to the waist and abdomen, Westlet devoted a large part of her energy to the wound, and did not dare to make too much movement ... just stared angrily at Han Dong who was pressing on her.
"What are you doing !!!?"
Since the explanation was useless, Han Dong went straight to it.
The right palm is directly attached to the waist and wound of West Lest.
He took the initiative to ‘close contact’ with those weird tentacles.
An unexpected situation happened.
He couldn't tolerate the struggle and resistance of these small tentacles, and was absorbed by Han Dong in an instant.
The pollution disappeared, and the pressure on Searest disappeared.
Holding his waist and abdomen hard, he directly struck a carp, knocked Han Dong to the ground in the opposite direction, his fists hung in the air ... He stared angrily at the trainee knight who was disrespectful to himself.
若 If this fist comes down.
Han Dong Jiucheng will die ... even after his head is smashed, a large hole will remain on the ground.
的 The purpose of the [Holy Knights] and the noble education that he has received since he was a child have given Sileste a special pride.
感 The sense of humiliation brought by the apprentice knight who was ten times weaker than her, stimulated her self-esteem ... In addition, Han Dong's ability showed that there was a problem!
"If I don't force this, I won't have a chance to 'heal you' ..."
Han Dong's words made her pause for a while.
I took the initiative to heal her, at least to show that although Han Dong's ability was problematic, he was not in the company of the enemy, otherwise he would start directly or make a loud noise to bring [Baker of the Fallen] over.
After about ten seconds of careful thinking, Xilasite raised her fist, calmed her mind, pulled Han Dong up, and continued to hide in the dark.
Because of the complete removal of the pollution, Celeste took an efficient healing agent from the waist and applied it to the wounds on the waist and abdomen.
药剂 Under the stimulation of the medicine, the cell division is accelerated, and the proliferated fleshy self-connection closes and repairs the wound.
Lucy Lester said solemnly:
"Did you know! The abilities you just exercised were enough to get you into the Supreme Court."
No matter how you explain it, whether it is human or not. In the rest of your life, you will be reduced to an experiment, and life is better than death. "
"I know ... And I also know that if we don't, we might die here directly."
Han Dong's answer left Sileste speechless.
The pair of white knight eyes of the female knight, staring at Han Dong at such a close distance ... is considering whether to cooperate with the trainee knight.
Time is tight.
Celeste grabbed Han Dong's shoulders and pulled them closer, even the two bodies were close together (Sileste has temporarily removed the light armor due to the injury, and currently only wears a corset ).
独特 A unique aroma spilled into Han Dong's nasal cavity.
Is not a perfume, but a kind of fragrance that Xilaisite comes with ... to refresh Han Dongshen, and UU reading is 100 times more spiritual.
Silester said sternly: "Boy! I need to confirm your identity, tell your mentor, and the place you usually practice."
Han Dong handed out his trainee knight identity card and said:
"First mentor-Pasha Habut, second mentor-Mr. Black and White. On weekdays, I usually study epidemiology in the [Old Sewer]."
"Crow Prophet !!"
When he heard the name of Mr. Black and White, Searest was shocked!
Although she belongs to a different knight group, she still knows the name of Mr. Black and White ... even full of reverence in her heart.
"Let's go ... next, we will cooperate to kill the fallen who have merged with life outside the city through the sacrifice ceremony.
I will give you various blessings of the Holy Light to greatly reduce the impact of pollution on you.
And the only thing you need to do is to clear them in time when I am eroded by the tentacles. "
"That ..." Han Dong and Silaisite posted too close, a little 'boring'.
After all, Han Dong's current poor physical fitness plus 30 years of single experience is normal.
"I ... I don't need blessings. These pollutions should not be of much use to me. Save your energy to deal with the fallen."
Lucy Lester widened her eyes again, observing the two-star mysterious apprentice from a distance.
Thoughts are slightly more complicated.
She can only be sure that Han Dong is not in the same group as the fallen, otherwise she would have died.
For the moment what this two-star mysterious apprentice is, she cannot understand.
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