Vol 2 Chapter 789: Night chat

Sant de Feel Central Hospital
Late night
The scarlet doctor or some external nurses who were busy with their work, when they left the hospital, found that the office of the dean, who should have been long ago, was lit brightly in the middle of the night.
Can even hear the laughter of the Duchess, the chief dean, from the office.
It is this kind of laughter with special frequency, and the smell of delicious smell from the room, which attracts a large number of vampire bats to be hung neatly on all the border areas of the hospital.
This group of blood-sucking bats is not wild, but is held by the hospital between the caves of the hospital as a "reactive blood pack."
Blood stored in the body of the bat can maintain maximum activity and temperature for a long time.
Under the control of the scarlet doctor, it is very convenient for the bat to directly inject blood into patients with blood loss.
"Strange, [Dean] should have left early this time ..."
There are rules inside the Scarlet Knights.
As long as you are in the hospital area of ​​the Holy City, you must call yourself the head of the group by 【President】.
"Maybe the expedition is approaching, and I can no longer stay in the holy city so peacefully ... the dean should have a good friend to drink and chat in the office, and make the final preparations."
"What kind of person can chat with the regiment all night like this? Who doesn't know the name of the [dread duchess] in the holy city, even the commander of the army, it is difficult for them to get along with the regiment of Xia Ya ... Is it hard to be the head of Malone?
It was rumored that the head of Ma Long was still one year higher than the head of the dean when he was still studying in Cavaliers College.
Due to the impulsive character of the head of Malone, he was often injured in performing various tasks ... The dean happened to be able to provide effective surgery and adequate and gentle blood supply.
Although there was a difference, the two formed a special team. "
At this time, another scarlet doctor said: "However, after hearing that the two of them were promoted to knights, they gradually separated because of some things, and their emotional aspects did not develop smoothly.
Later, because the head of Malone went to to study for decades, the relationship between the two also gradually faded away. "
"So who are you talking about?"
"I don't know ... don't even think about it ... it's fatal to know too much."
No one in the hospital can be with the head of Xia Ya.
In fact, even the protagonist of the incident, Han Dong, did not expect this to happen.
In the luxuriously decorated office, the flame of the fireplace is burning.
Dean's desk has become a wine table, and the documents originally placed on the table were thrown on the ground indiscriminately.
[The Duchess of Horror], [Mother of Blood], [Founder and Chief Dean of the Red Cross Chain Hospital], [Crimson Knights-Head of General].
With the above heavy weight titles, Xia Cromwell, at this moment, no longer has the dignified image of ordinary days, sitting on the desk.
One hand grabbed the wine bottle and put one hand on his thigh.
Take off the small leather shoes to reveal the little feet that are whiter and tenderer than the girl,
Drinking excessively and ruddy face, bright eyes are constantly shining with interest.
"Hahaha! You actually joined the little boy Lucius to wage a small war against Scarlet Mountain? Then ... Then how did you meet the baron troops of Scarlet Mountain? How did you defeat Scarlet Earl?
Hurry up ... Don't appease. "
Xia Ya was so happy only because Han Dong talked about the story of [Aragad Mountain Tour] and [Scarlet Battle] in a storyteller way.
Whenever he heard something interesting, Han Dong would deliberately take a break from "broken chapter", which also made Xia Ya more curious about the next plot, and from time to time she would gently kick Han Dong's arm with her little feet.
of course.
Since it's a storytelling, story-based, Han Dong has made many omissions and substitutions.
Concealed his "lord" identity, and described the crow's assistance as his crow physique and the help of Mr. Black and White.
The "deed of title war" is also directly omitted and replaced by ordinary war conflicts.
Xia Ya also listened more and more vigorously, drinking heavily.
Although he questioned the details of some wars, Xia Ya only listened to it as a story, as long as she had enough fun.
But when Han Dong talked about his war plan.
Xia Ya substituted herself in because she listened too seriously, but she couldn't hold it for a while, poof! A sip of wine spewed out.
"What? You passed the baron's troops under the cover provided by the crows, and arrived at the Scarlet Manor alone without any assistance to face [Mature Body-Alien]?
The boy of Lucius, is it hard to be with you? "
"Well, Lucius united the Ravens and other ground forces to confront the Baron forces ... otherwise it would be difficult for me to get behind the enemy."
"You ... how can you be sure that the alien will not use the power of the manor to target you, but choose to single you out? And, where is your faith, against the mature alien during the seed-breaking period?"
Such crazy and reckless leapfrogging battle even reminded Xia Ya of the former Malone ... Malone is also in the stage of the trainee knight, regardless of the difference in level, and forcibly killed the alien.
"[Heads-up] is based on the absolute self-esteem of the Scarlet Earl.
I'm just a trainee knight ... he dealt with me if he needed to use other means, it would be too much.
And I have a special method for blood, and I am very confident in dealing with the count. "
at this time.
The Earl who felt that his self-esteem was severely beaten could hardly hold back.
In his opinion, in the story told by Han Dong, he is a big-headed villain.
Forcibly crossed the consciousness layer and built a blood dog on the surface of Han Dong ’s right arm.
Then, from the depths of the blood dog's mouth, a human head with a cone-shaped protective head slowly came out and spoke.
"Don't listen to his nonsense ~ EbookFREE.me ~ How could this kid do me?
The Earl could easily kill him.
Who knows that at the last moment, this kid actually cheated, through some kind of ritual to establish contact with the distant crow god, borrowed a kind of death force that can restrain the blood. "
"Huh ?! The consciousness of the alien demon!"
Stared at the earl's head in the blood dog, drunk Xia Ya was sober for most of it.
Now that the Earl's consciousness came out.
Han Dong also explained it by the way, deliberately retaining the earl's consciousness at the moment of breaking the seed ... The main purpose is to borrow the earl's tentacle ability.
The Earl's "relationship network" hidden deep in the manor is naturally confidential.
Xia stared at the Scarlet Earl in the blood dog's big mouth, and whispered: "Only you have the" pollution immunity "physique, dare to make such crazy actions. "
Now that he has accepted the setting of Earl's consciousness.
The next story will be told by "singing double reeds". Hearing the head of Xia Ya laughed, he patted his thigh repeatedly.
Earl slowly became familiar.
At the end of the Scarlet Battle story, the Count asked the high-ranking head of the Holy City an opportunity, and the Count was very concerned about it.
"Hey! In your holy city, is there a [Olivia Hall] knight with superb swordsmanship and proficient in holy spells?".
The earl's mouth is the female knight who once stabbed the holy sword into his body ... This sword caused the earl to be seriously injured, and even for a long time was free from death, so he also obtained a similar holy sword ability.
"This name ... Hall family?"
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