Vol 3 Chapter 808: First encounter

"The exact same routine.
At the beginning, when Earl Ben came to this ancient city, he said at first that he would take me to stroll around the city and appreciate the customs and customs here.
As a result, when I climbed to the top of the mountain, I changed my mind and asked me to go to the palace of the lord.
It was said that the banquet had been set up and invited me, the blood lord from afar ... In the case of bad rejection, Count Ben entered the game of this guy.
The palace is the "nest" of this guy. "
"No way ~ Since other lords have already requested a banquet, the current refusal will instead be targeted by the lord."
"Damn! You shouldn't be involved in the beginning.
In the two days I lived in the palace, it seemed that I had fallen into the monster's food pot. In addition to the mental abnormality, there was a feeling that I could be eaten at any time. "
"Eat? Why do you feel this way?"
"The Earl used to eat" raw meat "when he was young ... To a certain extent, he could smell such a similar taste in the palace.
But there is no way to be sure ~ I had a big problem with my mental state in those days, and even suspected that my memory has been changed. "
"Well, I will pay attention."
Han Dong turned to Vino who pretended to be his 'wife'.
"Be sure to bow your head all the way, and do n’t look at any piece of art in any palace ... you also need to lean on me at any time during your meal.
Of the four of us, the only one who can really fight against the lord is Charles Knight. "
As for Temples and Charlie Knight, there is no need to remind.
"Umbria Art Gallery-Palace of the Lords"
Located in the center of Perugia-November 4th Square.
The former city government and the most famous gallery in the country.
The bamboo flute connected to the lungs plays a melodious and melodic melody that can easily induce suicide.
Identify yourself with the sound of a flute.
Rumble ~~
The doorman in the interior began to rotate the heavy pulley device.
The heavy, rusty iron gate that was eroded by the wind is slowly sinking into the ground, revealing the opening to the interior of the palace.
The moment the iron gate sank into the ground.
Squeak ~ There are countless rat tides pouring wildly.
The number is so large that even the mice step on the same kind of body and tired out several meters in height.
Shaking his head, the horrible rat tide subsided.
What I just saw may be a phantom, or a ‘virtual image refraction’ that occurs when the palace breath overflows, or it may be a real situation that occurred in another plane, but it was only accidentally peeped by Han Dong.
Wei Nuo bowed his head throughout.
Temples pushed the glasses frame, his face normal.
Under the mask of Charlie Knight was a frowning expression.
"The banquet hall is located on the third floor of the mansion.
There are more than forty minutes before the meal. I will first show you the structure of the palace and take you to their respective rooms.
After all, the "Art Festival" will last for three days. As a guest from afar, the lord has arranged for you a high-level room inside the mansion. "
"Routine!" The earl jumped out again.
Feeling curious and a little nervous, he officially set foot on the palace.
Except Han Dong.
The remaining three have made corresponding protective measures.
Temples adjusted the special copper mirror worn on his face and secretly changed it to a filter lens, which can effectively reduce the intake of visual pollution.
Charlie even uses a "puppet physique" to temporarily transform the naked eye into a puppet's eye, which is far more effective than ordinary goggles.
Wei Nuo silently prayed in his head, strengthening the defense of the Holy Light.
Of course, she relies heavily on Han Dong, and she only needs to follow along and look at the ground all the way.
The main color is beige,
With a large number of beam column structures,
Lighting with multi-stand candlesticks.
The hall on the first floor is full of classic atmosphere, there are not too many artworks, only a portrait-a giant surreal painting.
Against the background of the deep space of the universe,
The left and right arms are connected by only one brain,
The left hand is covered with delicate skin, like a soft female arm,
The right hand is corrupt and swollen, and even in the gangrene area there are mouse teeth and hair,
On the palms spread upward, the sun and the moon are suspended,
"[Realizing the Truth], this painting is the favorite work of the lord ... It represents the spiritual dynamic of the lord when he returned to his ancestors and the mental journey when he touched the truth.
If you are also strange demons, this painting should bring you a mental sublimation. "
"Feeling a fart! Ben Count had seen this painting at first, so why did he not feel it at all? There is no help at all for knowing the truth."
Han Dong ignored the various beeps of the count and didn't care how this painting would affect him. He looked at the painting with wide eyes and tried to interpret the meaning.
"Please go here ... The first and second floors of the palace have been transformed into [VIP accommodation] by enthusiastic lords.
The lord will often invite life with artistic talent to come to his palace to provide the highest level of service, just to discuss art together and find a confidant.
Follow me, your room is arranged here. "
Turn from the main hall into the corridor on the left,
Occasionally I could hear some rat calls from the corners, and weird dialogues from the room door.
It seems that the holding of the 'Art Festival' attracted many artistic geniuses, all of whom were placed in the palace to rest.
"Is it possible to arrange three rooms?"
"Is there a large room that can accommodate four of us?"
The messenger smiled and explained as much as possible: "This is the main palace of Perugia. The lord is more focused on some 'details' ... It is not appropriate to live in such a noble palace."
"Two rooms ... one with my wife and one with them.
I believe you have seen the messenger, the two of them are actually ‘that’ relationship. "
On the other hand, Temples and Charlie, who walked behind the whole process, kind of meant that.
"Oh? That line ... The keys to these two rooms are handed over to you.
After about fifteen minutes, you can go directly to the [Banquet Hall], and I will send you here. "
"it is good."
As the messenger left.
Han Dong looked at each other and went back to each room.
Thoroughly inspect the rooms that need to be checked in during this time.
Followed by, a burst of crazy laughter that couldn't be restrained ...
As the Earl said, paintings that seem to have little problem will incur a kind of "eating" mental erosion when recalled.
Thousands of mice will gush out from behind the paintings, trying to eat Han Dong ’s brain and eat the talent tree hidden deep in consciousness.
But with the rotation of the black vortex on Han Dong's torso.
Crazy laughter came out.
Several scary blood dogs also formed around the talent tree.
A large mouth with thousands of teeth, dozens of tongues with tentacles protruding ... The blood dog ate the rats in a short time. UU reading www. uukanshu.com
"Nicholas, the newly formed [crazy laugh system] is really powerful ..." The count was shocked, and did not expect Han Dong to really carry it.
At the same time.
The two little brothers next door also came to the room,
Demps used a ‘special finger’ to pull a figurative mouse out of his mouth and crush it.
At the expense of an ordinary puppet, Charlie Knight shifted the erosion of thought brought by the painting,
We haven't seen Vino in the whole process, so naturally we don't have to resist anything.
All the staff carried the first round of mental shock.
This scene was also seen by someone in the palace, the inexplicable strange mouth hidden under the robe, showing a strange smile.
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