Vol 3 Chapter 829: paper

The city of Perugia is less than two hundred kilometers away from the Holy City.
Through the "Eye of Expedition", barrier-free communication with the Holy City can be achieved.
Details about the siege of Perugia were passed back to the Holy City.
Including the black and white prophets and Congreve Newton, the wise men and high-level prophets who stayed in the holy city gathered in the parliament hall to conduct an important meeting, and even decide whether the expedition will continue or be interrupted.
"The Old King intervened a little before the war, but the purpose is unknown ... What is certain is that the secrets of the Expeditionary Force were not leaked.
The most important thing is to further determine the availability of [World Rules].
Through the deliberations of the Parliament, the "Great Expedition" will continue in accordance with the phased plan.
All of you can ask questions based on this experimental siege battle, or give your opinion on the Great Expedition plan. "
Since the test results are normal.
Most of the participants had no comments and immediately signed and approved the proposal.
A participant sitting in the first row on the southeast side of the ring seat suddenly raised his hand.
"Mr. Black and White, please."
"I don't have any opinion on the Great Expedition Plan.
However, there are some suggestions for the management and security of the Holy City during the "Great Expedition" ... I don't know if I can make them here. "
"The" Great Expedition "was originally the joint action of all the personnel of the Holy City, and the internal situation of the Holy City was completely placed in the meeting for communication. "
"Please allow me to show a document."
Because the use of capacity is prohibited in the Parliament Hall.
A special document was delivered to the "document display stand" by the parliamentary assistant beside Mr. Black and White.
For a time, the true magic projection of this document appeared in front of all participants.
It's not so much a report as a large paper about astrology.
It involves some advanced astrology vocabulary, even if it is an expert in this field, it is not easy to understand this paper in a short time.
With the consent of the Parliament, Mr. B & W explained the document.
"The" Great Expedition "is fully taken over by the upper and lower councils, so I don't need to worry about it.
For a long time, I have put the direction of divination prediction on the future of the holy city ... The time I wrote this paper was exactly one week after the end of the [Big Betrayer] incident.
The director of the society [Stephen McNovsky] who is occupied by the body of "Mythical Level-Alien".
When I was in good disguise and was suspected by me, I was already in the position of president ... I have always been regarded as the biggest potential threat in the holy city.
Because of this, I made a major mistake. "
When it comes to this, Mr. Black and White points to the legend on the paper.
"I took the" Big Betrayal "incident as the key point, and the" Star Energy Spectrum "was drawn within three years.
As you can see, the trend of the star energy spectrum three years ago was quite turbulent. The Holy City's "degree of chaos" and "potential impact factor" have been continuously increasing.
It means that when Stephen was in power, he had been secretly planning and arranging the plan of "disintegration of the Holy City". "
Mr. Black and White turned to the node location.
"After our unremitting efforts, President Stephen has been exposed.
With the return of Captain Malone and the strength of Captain Alex, the "Mythical Body-Alien" caused irreparable soul damage and completely fled the Holy City.
In the follow-up, we also comprehensively cleaned up the 'intranet' established by Stephen.
Although I dare not say that all the partisans, including civilians, have been eliminated.
But what is certain is that all those in power in the Holy City, even the subordinates of small institutions, have nothing to do with Stephen.
It stands to reason that the trend of the energy spectrum of the stars should also gradually stabilize after the event ... However, "fluctuation" still exists and has grown significantly in the near future. "
A Member of Parliament spoke here: "Mr. Black and White,
The threat of the Holy City has never been eliminated since its establishment.
After all, the old king's siege may occur at any time ... shouldn't the slight "waves" be normal? "
"Prosecutor Sules was right.
However, the energy spectrum I have drawn is based on "inside the Holy City", which completely excludes the factors outside the city.
As far as the "potential impact factor" is concerned, with the opening of the Great Expedition, this index has risen to a peak comparable to the "Big Betrayer" event a year ago.
I speculate that there is also a character more dangerous than Stephen McNovsky in the Holy City. "
As soon as this remark came out, many people took a breath.
At this time, Newton raised his hand and inserted the topic.
"I have a little understanding of astrology. In the 3 minutes and 57 seconds you just spoke, I completed a complete analysis of this paper by" assisting the brain. "
According to Mr. Black and White's calculations, about eight months later, a holocaust-level disturbance will erupt within the Holy City.
am I right? "
"However, there are three" hypotheses "on which this inference is based. I will not say more about hypotheses that have little impact.
Just want to determine two things.
First, can the influence of the head of Hugo be completely ruled out? "
"No, but the presence of the head of Hugo will not cause the factor to grow."
"Secondly, the five regiment-level big men invested in the expedition, which led to a" balance shift "within the Holy City.
Throughout the text, this influence factor has not been fitted into the final energy spectrum curve ... this point will have a greater impact?
In the case of the interaction of the above two points, the impact factor must increase.
am I right? "
"It's true."
"That's all I want to say, but Mr. Black and White's paper is of great significance and still deserves everyone's reference.
Indeed, the security issues of the Holy City are not inferior to those of the Expedition, and must be treated with caution. "
Mr. Black and White, as usual, continued his remarks:
"Yes, Mr. Newton gave me the question I was going to say at the end. The perfection of this paper is not enough for the Holy City to take corresponding measures.
That is all I have to say, and I hope that all of you in Parliament will consider this matter carefully. "
The president of the council responsible for this memory gave affirmation,
"Well! After the meeting, we will carefully review this paper, and will also have in-depth communication with Mr. Black and White.
If the problem is determined, we use "power interruption" ... to conduct a one-to-one investigation of each person in power in the Holy City. "
End of the meeting.
When Mr. Black and White left the parliamentary area and was about to board the carriage outside the venue.
Mr. Newton wearing a noble wig suddenly found, "Mr. Black and White, can you take a little time ... I am very interested in your paper."
"of course can."
"It's like this ~ EbookFREE.me ~ My mechanical sect has developed an efficient differential machine.
The parameters in the paper that have not been fitted, or that cannot be fitted, can be realized by the difference machine. "
"If Mr. Black and White is interested, you can come directly to Mechanism to see me ... after all, my life-long research is linked to Steam City. Such a crisis must be cleared in advance."
"No problem, I will find time to meet Mr. Newton in the near future."
"That's right! I heard that Mr. Black and White also had a private meeting with the head of Hugo.
It is best to bring the head of Hugo together, and correct all the parameters ... After all, it is not just the head of Hugo, the [slate] stored in the secret hall is also a big problem.
So much to say, thank Mr. Black and White for everything he has done for the Holy City. "
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