Vol 3 Chapter 848: Lake cave

Times are changing.
[Fate Space] is indeed the only pillar on which mankind survives under such a doomsday, and even confronts the monsters directly.
But never rely on everything to destiny.
All resources that can be used to fight against monsters, even distorted living things and chaotic materials outside the city, can be used by humans.
At the same time, the platform of destiny can promote the development of science and technology to the greatest extent.
Although the entropy values ​​are different in a world with different fate, the technology tree is different, and there is "technical isolation" in itself.
But the knights can obtain a large number of scientific and technological blueprints in the background of a high-tech era through points in exchange for points, taking the steam technology developed by the holy city itself as the root, and the high-tech technology of the world of fate as the branch to create a unique holy city human. Technology tree.
Develop military weapons that can threaten strange monsters.
The "power armor" prepared by the Steam City for the members of the All Expeditionary Force is the common crystallization of human wisdom and the platform of fate.
Over 200 years of anatomy, analysis, and research on the alien flesh.
Except for the metal atoms such as "copper", xenomon cells show strong repulsion.
It also displays repulsion, restriction, suppression of regeneration, and even cell annihilation of the Holy Light, Mithril, and patterns from ancient stone tablets.
Twenty years ago.
Steam Knights-Deputy Head [Congreve Newton] in the name of mechanical theology, submitted a military research project to the Parliament, trying to integrate all the "stuff" that can restrain the alien magic into metal machinery .
Years passed.
A batch of "copper bullets" bearing the church seal on the surface of the cartridge case were distributed free of charge to the knights who would use firearms.
In the short term, I received excellent feedback.
The bullets show excellent lethality to the monsters below the "mature body".
A bullet that successfully hits the target can effectively inhibit regeneration and cause damage at the cell level.
Especially when fighting in groups, this kind of combat method can save physical energy, and can kill a large number of low-level evils and suppress low-level anomalies by relying on firearms alone.
[The Popular Knights] even secretly established a secret connection with Mr. Newton.
Willing to pay high fees, and even provide some shooting knights, rush to the Steam City for actual combat exercises ... trying to order large quantities of ammunition.
If possible, they also hope that the mechanical gods can make some more efficient and powerful bullets to deal with high-level aliens in special situations.
that's it.
Mass production of "Religious Bronze Bullets" began, and a military workshop was added in the steam city.
These bullets were slowly put into various investigation tasks and small-scale expeditions.
To cater for the arrival of the Great Expedition.
Congreve Newton took the initiative to apply for a batch of funds from [Gold Master], produced a large number of copper bombs, and provided them to the Expeditionary Forces for free.
Many of the knights who benefited from it had special respects for Mr. Newton.
The war on the lake has ended.
Rely on [Shadow Assassin] to launch a raid to attract the enemy's attention to the greatest extent.
Immediately through the "Assassin's Heart" to find the weakness of this disguised toad, passed back to the Knights on the shore of the lake.
The dust raised by the explosion is used as a cover, and the knight who is proficient in firearms locks all the toads' weaknesses through precision aiming instruments.
The tongue burst into flames.
Within ten seconds, all the strange toads in the lake were shot.
"Is this bullet ... a product of mechanism?
Mr. Newton was really bothered with the copper skin, the secret inscriptions and the high concentration of holy water in the core.
This kind of thing is estimated to be able to deal with low-level evil and wild monsters, and even the new-born monsters will be injured.
But ... this lake should be just a test method for the toads.
Check the strength of the Knights through hundreds of wild monsters that are not even monsters, relying on the lake as a cover.
Next, the real thing should come out. "
As Han Dong thought.
With hundreds of toads being killed.
A vortex slowly appeared in the center of the lake, and the lake water was constantly flowing deep.
As the lake water receded, the entire lake evolved into a spiral staircase that extended deep into the ruins ... it seemed to be the toad's old nest.
Since the mission of the Knights is to win the battle, there is no reason to retreat.
Under the singing of the minstrel Meredith, with the victory of the Lake War, all the staff maintained a high spirit state and went deeper along the spiral stairs.
The deeper the body reaction, the stronger the response.
In addition to some herpes, there are some toad skin structures in the knight's body surface, and even a few people have a few black hairs between the skin ...
Han Dong also kept [Magic Eye] closed at all times, secretly thinking about the plan.
Don't have a hole in the sky
The staircase at the bottom of the lake led the Cavaliers to the depths of the ground, corresponding to a dark and damp giant cave.
The torch can't be ignited here at all, and it's soaked once it's taken out.
Fortunately, the power armor rooms are equipped with lighting devices, and some knights who are proficient in the holy light and flames also light themselves up, illuminating the lake cave to the greatest extent.
Similar to natural caves, except that there are a large number of circular raised structures between the rock layers, similar to the skin of a toad.
"What is this building?"
A strange and huge stone building is located about 100 meters in front of the Knights.
From the current view of the Knights, only the main gate of the building can be seen ... the gate is only tens of meters high, and the whole building is completely integrated with the cave.
A "stone toad" is set up on each side of the gate
Han Dong interpreted the high-level text imprinted on the base of the stone toad.
"We should be in the front yard of Toad Palace.
The cave is essentially a toad palace, that is, a territory that is paired with "medium title deeds" ... The scale of the palace should be terrible. The battle may be different from the imaginary large-scale engagement, and it will become a kind of many small Scale conflict.
I don't know how many toads are hiding inside. "
Think of here.
Han Dong's left palm slowly spilled out of the dead black sand, and the sand was wrapped in "moving title deed-Scarlet Manor".
According to the method described by the Scarlet Earl, verify whether the deeds can swallow each other.
Buzz ... There is a slight tremor in the title deed.
"Huh? Earl, don't you mean that only the same type of title can be swallowed?
This toad's medium-sized title deed, built in a cave at the bottom of the lake, has extremely high humidity and exists in the form of a palace. It is completely different from Scarlet Manor.
Why is there still induction? "
The count in the body is also confused.
"Weird ... shouldn't it? How could this Earl's manor react to this toad territory that was damp, messy, and lacking artistic style and beauty?
Does it mean that the inside of the palace is different? "
"Leave it alone ~ EbookFREE.me ~ I will ask if you can devour it?"
"It can produce such a resonance, it means that there is homology between the deeds ... It can definitely be swallowed. Just ..."
"That's no problem."
"Hey! Don't mess with your kid, don't you see Chanzu observing all this in secret? Even if the mouse in Perugia city is gone, you catch its weakness and happen to win.
Toad ancestor is not a ancestral body, not even a mythical body in front of it.
The Earl did not want to be turned into a larvae. "
"I'm also afraid ... rest assured, if I don't have a certainty, I won't start the war."
"Even if you are sure! Ben Count will never participate."
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