Vol 3 Chapter 851: Caretaker

The team is allocated.
The stone gates opened respectively enter the corresponding tomb palace passage.
In the blink of an eye, the hall was restored as it was.
There is no stone door at all between the walls ... or that the [32] channel itself was created in an alternative way, through the chaotic treasure given to Maridis by the ancestors-"Sweet Tumor Stone".
The purpose is to completely separate the Knights.
Waiting for the different cavalier squads will fall into the trap that Maridis has carefully arranged.
Of course, even if you do not accept additional treaties, forcible destruction of the Toad Palace will still fall into the trap ... There are other reasons for the temporary addition of treaties to split the Cavaliers.
At this time.
In the pus that flows out of the toad idol, a pure emerald Mary Tis emerged slowly, and a swollen tongue full of pustules and small holes protruded from the hair covering the face, licking and licking in the damp curl between.
"The most troublesome assassin did not follow the young knight, which is easy to deal with ... Although a later knight is also more troublesome, it is not the worst case after all.
First absorb some weak knights to improve my physical condition.
Then find another opportunity to deal with the knight around this kid in one breath, and bring him alive to the Lord ... If he is really related to "The Book of Necromancers" and presents such a gift, I will definitely receive an unprecedented gift.
Close to the myth ... "
In the passage lit by toad oil.
With a strong body, the Asamo Cavaliers, who occupy almost a single channel, are at the forefront.
Abel clung to the shaman.
The two often talk to each other, and the relationship seems to be very good.
Asamo. The Thundercaller was born as a Shaman priest because of the origin of the family. He knew some basic shamanic witchcraft before entering the space of destiny. It can attract thunder and lightning by chanting mantras under certain circumstances.
Major during the apprenticeship of knights-[Control].
Asamo perfectly combines the shaman priest and the beast attributes, controls the bear soul and cultivates a body comparable to the giant bear, and combines the shaman priest's most primal power of the thunder with his own way of fighting.
Belongs to a fierce shaman warrior.
Of course, because it is related to lightning.
Asamo will also glance at Demps in the middle of the team from time to time ... It seems that he can feel a unique source of lightning in Demps.
Mia naturally followed Han Dong all the way.
Even if two powerful knights join, it is still the most reliable Han Dong in Mia's eyes.
Various bones have been caught in the hand, and bone witchcraft can be released at any time to protect itself.
Han Dong looked relaxed here, and in his spare time walking in the passage, he tried to have an in-depth conversation with this never-before-seen bard and learned some information in advance ... In the battle by the lake, Han Dong made up his mind to Pull this senior into his own plan.
I am not floating? ~
The world is spinning, I read? ~
My history, like a night watchman? ~
Joy and mystery, with incomprehensible appeal? ~
Poetry-like singing resounds between the channels, which not only makes everyone feel refreshed, but also can detect the channel through the temperament.
"Thank you, Senior Meredith."
Meredith is always a smile with a kind smile, "Nicholas ... Since it is the person that Hugo's leader values, even if you don't say it, I will protect you as much as possible.
However, you seem to be hiding something deliberately, I wonder if it is my illusion. "
Han Dong was also taken aback by Meredith.
To be reasonable, from Han Dong's subjective perspective, he has played a standard salted fish throughout the journey, and never showed any extra desire.
"It should be the illusion of seniors ... I just want to retain my physical strength, so that I can't take off everyone's hind legs in a crisis, so I basically didn't do anything before entering the palace.
Meredith did not answer, and continued to hum tunes.
Unusually long channel.
Han Dong and his team walked for more than five hours in the passage.
He even suspected that small-scale conflicts had broken out in other regions, and he finally saw the end on his own.
"Finally ... where does this long passage lead to?"
When the cold iron door at the end of the channel was pushed open, it was neither the secret room of the Toad Palace nor the lord's bedroom.
Backyard area with four square structures.
Moreover, the toad palace built in the cave at the bottom of the lake should be sealed at the top ... The top of the backyard corresponds to the sky, and it is not a kind of illusion stone, but a real sky.
It is explained from the side that the entire toad palace is under the blessing of land titles and chaotic treasures, and the space has shown a chaotic state.
In the backyard half the size of a football field, four weird statues stood in every corner.
Strangely, the statue is almost unrelated to the toad, corresponding to:
1. Serpents with hooks,
2. Indefinite shape, both black body with obsidian shell and pus structure,
3. The body is covered with pustules, dressed in a snakeskin coat, a giant savage holding a toad sledgehammer,
4. The face is full of fangs, dark bats with round eyeballs on their wings,
They don't seem to be completely people in the Toad Palace, but are related to the Toad Ancestor for some reason, guarding the aliens here ... Even if they are only in the form of stone statues, they still radiate similar to [mature body-alien] breath.
Judging from the breath, their attributes are different.
Compared with these alien stone carvings, Han Dong ’s attention was drawn deeper ... through the layers of moisture, he saw a cave entrance blocked by inscriptions.
A trace of overcast breath is constantly spilling through the stone joint.
"Sure enough ... due to the problem of Little Devil's Eyes, part of [Zuzu] 's goal changed to me.
The cave behind the boulder should be outside the battle.
If I guess right, it corresponds to the nest where the toad inhabits. "
Han Dong hurriedly made eye contact with Demppers in front of him.
After getting Demps' "convinced" look, Han Dong also feels at ease here ... If he is really found by Toad, even if Han Dong's mark fails, Demps still has [Mother] this hidden safety brand.
at this time.
Guru Guru ~
The lawn area in the center of the backyard becomes a pool of water.
A man stepping on a toad ... To be precise, it should be that the lower body is integrated with the toad, and the humanoid life in the cloak of the upper body slowly emerges.
This man was the messenger who signed the "Book of Battle" with the Expeditionary Force in the lake.
When the messenger appeared, the moisture in the backyard immediately increased ~ EbookFREE.me ~ directly caused the stones on the surface of the stone to disintegrate, exposing the hidden magic inside.
The five mature-body anomalies, if measured by the intensity of the Scarlet Earl, are equivalent to fighting with 5.5 Scarlet Earls at the same time ... and they are still in a favorable humid environment.
If other Cavaliers come to the backyard, I am afraid that there will be more and more evil.
The shaman Asamo, who stood in the front, was not very good-looking, and used bandages to wrap his palms and axe handles so as not to let go in the next battle.
"Five ... and two have shown signs of returning to their ancestors. Fighting separately, or joint confrontation?"
Han Dong immediately gave his opinion, "We are not very familiar with the two predecessors, and we are not very cooperative.
This group of strange demons seems to have lived together for hundreds of years, but they are still better apart. "
"Um ... pick a target!"
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