Vol 3 Chapter 857: Toad's invitation

Perhaps it was the price of deepening mythology, or even combining it, or it might be rejected by the world for being in a high position.
Even the [toad ancestor] who is not inferior among the old kings is subject to a restriction called "burnout" ... The specific reasons that Han Dong at this stage is not clear and cannot be understood.
"How can we help?"
Since it was Chanzu who took the initiative to lower his status and was willing to talk to everyone in this way, there must be a chance to continue.
Moreover, Han Dong's identity is very special.
When contacting the Scarlet Earl, he was planning to develop his own network outside the city through the Earl's already established network.
A special and mysterious "median old king".
Such an opportunity to build a relationship network with Chanzu, Han Dong will naturally not give up.
However, there is a small problem in front of us.
When Han Dong asked "How to help", Chanzu didn't respond at all ... Looking closely, Lord Maritis, who was possessed by Chanzu, was standing asleep.
This situation, Han Dong still met for the first time.
The other party is the old king ... Wouldn't it be polite to wake the other party directly, but how long does it take to wait like this?
"Dumps, what do you say?"
"Since it's not Zuzu's initiative to fall asleep, it's okay to wake up ... According to rumors, Zuzu's sleep is based on [years].
Handong first tried various common wake-up methods.
Shouting, gently patting Marettis' wet palm, or even trying to shake the shoulders, nothing happened ... Even Toadzu slept deeper, and the clear saliva like the lake water continued to flow along the corner of the mouth.
Seeing this, Han Dong took a deep breath.
The long-depressed crazy laugh all overflowed.
Hahahaha ~
The sound of crazy laughter echoed in the cave, and even the walls here were trembling.
His body shivered slightly when he laughed into Toad's head.
From the deep sleep to the shallow sleep state, it is still a bit close to waking up ...
Just then, Brother Demps posted it immediately.
Because the toad ancestor currently occupies the body of Maridis.
This humanoid female torso is familiar to Demps ... skilled falls on the back area, giving a powerful massage that stimulates the nerves of the brain and restores the head to sobriety.
With the cooperation of the two.
Chanzu gradually opened his eyes, revealing some incredible expressions in the deep eyes.
"Puff ... you're so comfortable with your finger!"
Such "five-star praise" Temples has been listened to hundreds of times.
But this time it was different, the evaluation came from the old king.
"It's nice to be able to wake me up in such a comfortable way."
Not only did he not feel angry, but he seemed a little happy.
Handong also secretly gave Demps a thumbs up ... At the same time, it was like eating lemon, sour, Demps can walk sideways in and out of the city with just one finger, who can't envy.
"I don't know how we can help?"
"I have always been looking for a way to completely get rid of" tiredness "... However, it is extremely difficult for these mythological chains to break free.
Exhausting various methods can only make the sober time slightly longer.
However, more than two hundred years ago.
A special portal called [Space of Destiny] appeared in the major cities of your humanity.
Only people with mixed human origins can enter, and even our kings will be restricted.
In the early days, through the cultivation of human believers, a large number of family members were thrown into it. Although only a few pure-bred humans can come back ... but they barely got the information I wanted.
In [Fate Space], there are things that can effectively weaken tiredness or even completely break it.
I need the help of four of you to go to it in the name of toad and look for such items. "
This remark came out.
Han Dong and his party sank.
Not to mention whether we can find props to weaken the tiredness for the toad ancestors.
At present, the Knights are fighting with the forces carried by the four ancestors in the wetland area ... If the four Han Dong left without saying so, what would the Expeditionary Force think?
Moreover, in the name of the old king, from the "corrupted gate of destiny" to the space of destiny, it is unclear exactly what will happen.
It is also a big problem to be hostile to other "human squads" in real fate.
Haven't waited for Han Dong to ask.
Because of the double stimulation of crazy laughter and massage, Chanzu, who is getting better, continues to add:
"I am willing to offer good conditions:
1. As long as you are willing to go to the space of destiny in the name of toad, whether or not you get something.
The Wuxia Clan will voluntarily give up the current battle.
At the same time, when you successfully return, you will get an opportunity to "watch the wall" and return you to the Knights safely.
2. If you can really get the props that can effectively relieve tiredness, and give it to me.
I will give you the medium title deed of [Trasimeno Lake-Toad Palace], and I am willing to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with you ... If you bring back more than I expected, you will also receive a better reward . "
When such conditions are expelled.
Han Dong was immediately impressed, and Dempsey's expression also changed.
Next, you need to weigh the pros, cons, risks, and feasibility.
Han Dong immediately asked: "Let's follow you now, or wait until the expeditionary army captures the city with the" gate of destiny "before going there. "
"I will lead you to N'Kai ... entrance through the toad gate."
"I need to discuss it with my companions."
Suddenly, the incident said, "In the consideration of Han Dong," the advantages outweigh the disadvantages "... but we must also discuss with our partners.
Demps gave a decisive opinion:
"Toad ancestors will not, nor need to lie to deceive us ... Besides, Han Dong, as a deep sea messenger, this is a powerful insurance.
Moreover, just now my mother also rumors to me, this trip can go.
The one-year cooling period of the space of destiny has passed, and everyone still has a lot of room for growth.
I personally agree. "
After Demps expressed his opinion, it was the more important Abel's turn ... Although Abel had a knighthood in mind, he was not in favor of being separated from the expeditionary force.
But in the backyard war just now, Abel and Mia were at a disadvantage when facing mature monsters.
If you do not get timely support, you will be in danger of life ... If you can get a layer of talented development, the subsequent expedition will become smoother.
"The time of the real destiny should not be too long, as long as we can come back before the outbreak of the first phase of the general battle ... I agree." Abel nodded.
"My dear, listen to you."
Mia is more casual. At this time, you can leave it to Han Dong to make a decision.
that's it.
Han Dong returned to Chanzu and asked for something.
With the toad's response, the cave floor where Han Dong stood was directly transformed into a toad's mouth.
While falling into it, the space is also distorted ...
In the next second, Han Dong had penetrated the layers of the expeditionary barracks and reached the office of the dean of the Fourth Legion-Central Hospital.
When Han Dong, covered with slime, appeared, the head of Xia Ya was also surprised.
Boom Boom Boom! There was a quick knock on the door outside the Dean's office.
"Head Xia, just after" Eye of Expedition "has captured many spatial shocks around the camp, the final shock area is located in your office, what happened? "
"It's okay ... it's my reason."
Head Xia quickly drew the curtains of the office and sat with her legs in front of Han Dong.
"Speak, what's wrong with it?"
Time is limited, Han Dong elaborated as briefly as possible.
"[Toad] happens to be deep in the wetland !?"
"... Well ~ But as long as I answer this condition, the Toad forces will withdraw from this battle ... The battle of the wetlands will win with the smallest loss.
Accordingly, the four of us will need to leave the Expeditionary Force for some time.
Strive to rush back in time before the outbreak of the first battle in the first phase.
Please also head Xia Ya come up with a reason to explain our whereabouts. "
"Old King, Chanzu ... There are too many problems in the relationship, level differences, and other heads. I am afraid that it will not let you leave so simple.
I believe you ... However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com you have to give me a probability of ‘return alive’. "
It took a certain amount of time to elaborate.
When Han Dong just crossed out the number ‘1’, his body was swallowed by a toad.
Only the head of Xia Ya who was slightly soaked in the back of the office.
During the conversation just now, a group of black shadows followed behind Han Dong all the way ... It was the smell of the "Old King" that was distributed.
"Nicholas, you kid ... how many secrets are there?
It can even attract the attention of Toad, and can make this existence change his original intention.
When you come back, you must let you spit out these secrets.
Even if you die, the Duke will pull you out of the abyss of death and ask clearly ... "
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