Vol 3 Chapter 859: Toad's Gate

Because he could clearly feel the anger that [Mary Tess] had deliberately hid, Han Dong did not continue to talk ... The feelings of things always need to be worked together slowly.
After waiting for about an hour, the supreme massage service provided by Temples is over.
Cooperation has been reached.
Chanzu directly exerts a unique spatial ability on the cave area.
A toad that exists both in reality and in the gaps in the void covers the cave, positioning and capturing the living things here.
In an instant.
Including Maridis, Han Dong and others have been located between the mouth pockets.
Through the "mouth bag", the burden of space transfer can be eliminated ... Moreover, this time the transfer distance is quite far away, and some taboos will be traversed halfway, and corresponding space protection must be given.
The toad ancestor is located in the dark world inside the earth- 【N'Kai】
However, what Han Dong and his entourage are going to is [Enkai], which corresponds to the original human city on the upper end and is located in the southern hemisphere of the Australian mainland.
In fact, whether it is a city on the surface, or the dark world underground-Enkai, is controlled by "king-level deeds" ... the two can be seen as one.
All belong to the site of the ancestors of Toad.
Nowadays, this ground-level Canberra city is directly called [Enkai-Watch City].
During the teleportation, Mary Shea still maintained her long hair covering her face, soaking her lower body in the water pool, and did not have any communication with Han Dong and the others.
... buzz!
With the tremor in the space inside the mouth pouch.
End of teleport-[Enkai-Watch City].
When you open your mouth, there is extremely dense and even sticky air that escapes from the outside.
The style of ‘Alien King Capital’ is completely contrary to the conventional urban construction concept rooted in the human head.
It is not flat cement or regular stones laid on the ground.
The rugged intestines and irregular bones of monsters constitute a substantial street.
At the same time, there are a large number of dirty rivers running through the city.
The ratio of river to street is approximately 6: 4.
In addition, there are a large number of toad balloons floating in the sky. The bottom of the balloon has a flesh and blood channel with the characteristics of 'rapid ascent and descend', connected to the ground.
The different toad balloons are connected together by a soft tubular channel.
In Han Dong's eyes, this is a 'scenic area' that I have never seen before.
A seemingly chaotic city, if you look closely, you can find hidden precise details, and you slowly feel a "heavy biological aesthetics" design style.
Chaos but without losing the law, complicated but extremely convenient.
However, there is simply not much time and opportunity to watch this [Toad King Capital].
Handong can adapt to this city, but his teammates cannot.
When Han Dong was preparing to release a series of pollution asylum to his teammates, he found that everyone's mental appearance was very good, and there was no sign of pollution.
"This is ... a slime protection layer? Is Chanzu so intimate?"
In addition to providing transmission protection, the "oral pouch" also attaches oral mucus to everyone, which can effectively isolate pollution.
At the end of the transmission.
From the deepest part of the toad's mouth pouch, the toad ancestor with black hair crawled out.
The "breath of the king" is suppressed to the minimum through dense hair.
Due to the effect of "burnout", the toad ancestor did not want to walk at all ... When he appeared, a large number of winged toads immediately poured out from the hose between the ground, and a soft toad recliner was quickly constructed, carrying the toad Move in the air.
Fall asleep again.
The guidance and explanation work was handed over to the accompanying Maridis.
"We will enter the space of destiny from" Toad's Gate ".
The building in front of us is the stabilization and interference device of "Toad's Gate".
At the cost of mythological power, combined with the structure of the toad body and a little different magic technology, a large-scale interference device is constructed.
Can effectively interfere with the nature of the "gate".
It can allow families with mixed human attributes to enter it, and it will not be cleared of memory ... but like you humans, you can complete plot tasks and get corresponding rewards in it.
However, when we pass the "Toad's Gate", our identities will be directionally marked.
The specifics will be discussed later ... follow me.
Once you are lost, you can be mistaken for an intruder and be wiped out. "
Mary Tess just explained the instructions of Chanzu, and did not look at Han Dong at all.
Such an explanation put Han Dong in contemplation, "The Gate of Toad ... Mr. Black and White is right.
For hundreds of years, the aliens cannot do nothing ... The increase in the number of aliens in the fate space is a good proof.
It is precisely through the present opportunity to understand "the gate of the polluted fate" in advance. "
In the Holy City, "Bell Tower" encompasses and manages the "Door of Destiny".
Han Dong and others also stood in front of a building similar to the bell tower-[Wang Chan Tower], where the so-called toad gate is located.
The whole toad tower is like a long and thin toad, squatting on the ground ... Even in the squatting position, the whole tower has a height of more than 130 meters.
【The Tower of Wang Chan】 The essence is the flesh of a mythical body Wang Chan.
The king toad sacrificed in the battle, and before dying, he asked the ancestor to use his physical body to make a final contribution.
Inside the toad tower also retains the toad's internal structure,
Various blood vessels serve as transmission channels,
Various organs are used as an important area of ​​the tower, with a large number of instruments and devices,
These important devices are connected to Wang Chan's head through the 'neural network' scattered in the body, which is the area where the "Toad's Gate" is located.
Various instruments, toad priests, together with Wang Chan's brain, interfered with the gate of fate.
Inuzu's incarnation followed.
The guards of [Wang Chan's Tower] were also taken aback and immediately let go.
All the multiple examinations that should have been carried out were omitted, and the fastest arterial elevator was used to reach the [toad brain area].
Thousands of hoses are connected to the cerebral layer area, providing interference energy and stable support.
The originally floating "door of destiny" has merged with Wang Chan's brain, turning into a "door of toad" visible to the naked eye, embedded on the surface of the brain.
The surface of the fleshy door is also printed with the pattern of "Sleeping Toad". UU reading books www.uukanshu.com
This time.
The sleeping toad ancestor took the initiative to wake up.
"Marytis ..."
Listening to Tozu call his name, Maridis immediately put her whole body on the ground, waiting for Tozu to give her command of this operation.
"This trip of fate will be assisted by Nicholas with you.
The command of the whole process is in the hands of Nicholas. You can make comments, but you must not forcefully intervene. "
"Oh! ... Yes."
Mary Tis had a sudden surge in blood pressure.
This was an order directly ordered by Toad, and she dared not raise it, nor could she question it.
The anger that piles up between my hearts raises another level ...
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