Chapter 87: equipment

说明 Let me explain in advance, the classification of destiny equipment.
According to human's current understanding of [Fate Space] and the equipment items brought out from the inside, the fate equipment is temporarily divided into five grades based on its quality and capabilities.
White (common equipment): Provides attack and defense similar to ordinary equipment, and provides an active skill.
Green (high-quality equipment): additional attacks (or attribute attacks), additional defense (or resistance), and provide an active or passive skill.
Blue (Excellent Equipment): Provides two active or passive skills (or greater base gain) based on green
Purple (Epic Equipment):
Substantially increase the basic attack power or defense power (or directly change the main body's attack mode, for example, a normal blade swing may attack an additional time, or the attack can hurt the soul)
Provide an exclusive skill (exclusive skill is related to the epic fate weapon source, the effect is much stronger than the active skills provided by sophisticated and below equipment)
Orange (Legendary equipment): [Missing data]
Compared to the [limb grading] that Han Dongjin can control, the holy city has a slightly simplified grading of destiny equipment, only five grades.
The limb quality is divided from low to high as follows:
Gray (rough) → white (normal) → green (high quality) → blue (rare) → purple (unique) → pink (epic) → golden (legendary) → dark gold (empire) ≯
………… (The above are not included in the number of words in this chapter)
Check out the equipment.
Han Dong will not deliberately pit the Winnow Knight, after all, the relationship between the two will be useful in the future.
Just in accordance with Winnow's requirements, the sophisticated equipment will not be seen for the time being.
Moreover, Han Dong also deliberately glanced at the sophisticated equipment marked with the name in blue text. Its value is up to four digits and the number at the beginning is not small.
Han Dong crossed the white general equipment area occupying a large space, and set his sights on the green high-quality zone.
After a quick glance at all the green equipment, a total of three pieces of equipment were selected by Han Dong and considered to be the most suitable for him.
Fate Equipment-"Fung Hunt's Prosthetic Leg"
Type: Inlaid or mounted foot
Quality: Excellent
Basic Attributes: Increase leg defense and movement speed slightly.
Special effects: The holder can release the active ability by consuming [Seed] energy: "Sprint"-Increase the movement speed by 100% for 5 seconds.
(After the effect is over, the subject will enter a 'tired' state with various speeds of -30% for 10s).
Source: The remains of the ancient Roman beast von Hunt. After being bitten by his beast, his right leg was replaced by a special prosthetic leg to help him achieve the ‘longest survivor’ achievement at the Colosseum.
Poor Hunt, in the end, was still killed by the beast, only this false leg was left.
Uh ...
Fate Equipment-"Leather Boots of Gryphon Cub"
Type: wearable foot
Quality: Excellent
Basic attributes: slightly increase the speed of movement.
Special effects: "Griffon's Aura"-the holder can actively turn the halo effect on or off.
When the aura is turned on, the [Seed] energy will continue to be consumed, the movement speed increase effect will be doubled, and the physical energy consumption during movement will be reduced.
(Halo-like effect, sustained energy consumption is very small. Based on the seed reserve energy of Samsung Trainee Knight, the halo effect can be turned on for up to 5 hours.)
Source: Manufacturing materials [Griffon Feather] comes from the griffon (the lion's body with claws, the head of an eagle and wings) in the ancient Akkadian myth.
This magical feather was perfectly combined with fine leather materials by advanced tanners to make this magical shoe.
Uh ...
Fate Equipment-"Bloodstone Bracelet"
Type: jewelry
Quality: Excellent
Basic attributes: slightly increase the maximum life limit of an individual (can be understood as increasing the total blood)
Special effects: "Blood activation"-Individuals can activate active skills by consuming [seed] energy, accelerating blood flow throughout the body, and accelerating metabolism.
"All speeds" increased by 15% for 7 seconds.
One activation of "blood activation" will consume a moderate amount of energy. Multiple activations will cause the individual to fall into a "weak" state. Each speed will decrease by 40%. It will take more than half an hour to recover. Please use sparingly.
Uh ...
"Fung Hunt's artificial leg" Price: 900 copper coins.
"Leather Griffin's Leather Boots" Price: 1200 copper
"Bloodstone Bracelet" Price: 1050 copper coins.
In fact, among these three pieces of equipment, Han Dong is very optimistic about the cheapest first one.
Its ability to "sprint" is very interesting.
The moment of life and death was just a few seconds.
Once the super fast moving speed can erupt, escape to a safe area, even if it subsequently enters the 'tired state' for 10s.
Moreover, Han Dong is free to remove his body leg to install this artificial leg.
The problem is that this prosthetic leg is only a single piece.
Han Dong is a little worried that he with a prosthetic leg will not be able to adapt and maintain balance in the early stages.
[Fate Space] is about to open soon, there is no time to get familiar with this prosthetic leg.
As for the bracelet, Han Dong also considered it for a long time.
装备 This equipment increases the speed by activating the blood, not only the moving speed, but also the attack speed and reaction speed ... This can give Han Dong unexpected help in some key battles.
The shortcomings are also obvious. Each use will consume medium seed energy, and multiple uses will also fall into a state of weakness of 'half an hour'. This is fatal in the fate space of tight time.
Of course, temperance is fine.
In the end, Han Dong made the optimal choice.
"Knight Wino, choose this foot."
Staring at the 1200 copper coins marked under the booties, Wino's face jerked slightly.
She was born at any time, but she was so proud that she did not ask the family for a penny from the day she became a formal knight.
All rely on the monthly salary and reward tasks distributed by the Knights to obtain copper coins.
I'm still just an ordinary knight. The 1200 copper coins are a lot of money ...
"You really pick! Green and high-quality equipment can choose the most expensive one."
"Haha ..." Han Dong could only smile awkwardly.
道具 After paying 1,200 copper coins through the "treasury function" of the clockwork device, the item was sent to the private room.
Brown leather booties.
I did not imagine that the griffon feathers were attached to the sides of the shoes, but the griffin feathers and leather were fused together through a certain leather making technique ~ ~ When Han Dong tried on shoes, the leather was collected Beam, adapt to the size of the sole.
At the same time, a silvery white feather mark is faintly displayed on the outside of the boot, giving Han Dong a light-weight feel.
I feel far more than the ‘small increase in speed’ in the description.
Han Dong tried to open the "Griffon's Aura", the energy loss in his head is very slow, and it can be used for a long time.
"Choose the right one!"
Han Dong is very satisfied with the choice this time.
薇 Wynol Sileste looked at Han Dong's shoes, but his heart was bleeding, but he must pretend to be all right.
"Thank you Vino Knight."
"Even if the relationship is paid off, remember! If Sister Feia has three strengths or two weaknesses in the space of destiny, I will be the first to find you."
"... emmm, I see." Han Dong could see that Wino was not happy because the price of shoes was more expensive.
The shopping is over.
The two naturally left the trading center together.
"Andwa friends! You are here too!"
I just walked to the first floor, and a familiar young man's voice came.
It was Cass and his team that used the bounty obtained from the last ghost event to buy some necessary supplies at the trading center.
Russell West didn't turn her head, and in an unusual dress, Cass couldn't recognize it for a while, and bluntly asked:
"Is this ... your girlfriend?"
After all, a mysterious student like Han Dong can easily find a 'high quality' girlfriend.
Sophia, who was next to her, was stagnant, unable to speak for a while.
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