Vol 3 Chapter 863: reward

Unbelievable because of the expanded worldview.
Han Dong was also stunned for a long time in the same place. His brain was operating at full capacity. He accepted a new world system and thought about some in-depth issues.
"In other words, [Fate] is fully opened by the Black Tower, and it is completely open to the parallel universe of the" outer layer ", providing the opportunity for different creatures to" grow "... What is the ultimate goal to achieve?
Why is the "alien" rejecting my world?
What standards do living bodies need to meet in order to be identified as "participants" and enter the world of destiny? "
More and more questions are constantly emerging from the brain with deepening of thinking.
finally. Handong chose to give up thinking.
Not to mention whether it makes sense to think like this. It is currently Han Dong ’s first visit to the Black Tower. It is unclear whether there is a "time limit" for staying here.
The top priority is to understand the basic rules of [Black Tower].
Think of those far-reaching things in the future.
As Han Dong ’s thoughts became calm, familiar system voices came:
"Between when you first came to [Black Tower], I will be your" guide "to help you complete the basic understanding of Black Tower.
Do n’t worry about the situation of your teammates, the time flow rate of Black Tower World is only one ten thousandth of other small worlds. Even if you stay here for a day, it will be less than ten seconds on your teammates ’
With an explanation of the time flow rate, Han Dong was relieved.
Moreover, according to the guide's tone, Han Dong seemed to be able to stay for a day.
If there is such a long time, coupled with the guidance of the system guide, it is enough for Han Dong to seriously pry into this entrance to the "new world".
"The area you are currently in is the" ground floor public area "of Black Tower World.
"Participants" qualified to enter the Black Tower can choose to go to the Black Tower each time they enter and exit the Destiny Space.
First explain to you the rules of the public area:
1. Do not maliciously attack others, or infringe the rights and interests of others in any way.
2. Non-destiny abilities will be blocked by the Black Tower. Please use your own destiny abilities on the right occasion at the right time.
3. When you are in the Black Square, you can apply for a "temporary booth" from the system. The Black Tower system will assist you in selling related props (limited to fate items).
Be sure to follow the order in the public area. Violators will be directly arrested and detained by employees, deducting a large number of fate points and even depriving you of relevant permissions. 』
Han Dong's eyes lit up, such rules can protect themselves well.
After all, according to the [Clocker] in the Holy City, Han Dong was granted the authority to go to the Black Tower in the "early stage" ... Han Dong's "individual level" is the bottom of the life in the square from a different world .
If no such rules provide protection.
Participants who are at the bottom of the ranks like Han Dong, who carry two epic treasures, will definitely be targeted by many parties.
"First of all, please follow my guide to the" Supervision Department ".
Because you successfully killed the Black Tower fugitive Penny Wise in [Ridley Town], you will get a special reward from the Black Tower. 』
"Ok ... Excuse me, how long can I stay here?"
"Since you came to the Black Tower for the first time, you need to go to the" Monitoring Division "to receive the reward and get extra stay time. You can stay in the Black Tower for a total of 36h. 』
"Thank you."
Han Dong smiled, how long it took him to find out something.
Follow the guidance of the guide, and follow a specific route to the edge of the black square ... A black building similar to a snail shell stands in front of it, it is the "Supervision Department (Plaza Branch)"
The internal staff uniformly wore vortex masks.
Before waiting for Han Dong to speak, the staff has identified Han Dong's "destiny experience" ... and even called out Han Dong's previous life's name directly.
"Han Dong, first-order participant.
In the era of Destiny 301, the trial of "True Destiny" was conducted for the first time.
World number M-9310, corresponding to the area-[Ridley Town].
During the trial period, he obtained 10% of the equity of Ridley Town, completely killing the fugitives at the bottom of the black tower, the out of control-Penny Wise.
According to the Black Tower Archives display.
The Out of Control-Penny Wyeth comes from the high fate activity group-[Dark Circus], because of its amazing camouflage ability and complete ties with the circus.
When he was initially arrested, his identity could not be fully verified, and his assessment level was low.
Containment only through ordinary prisons below the Black Tower, resulting in containment failure due to dimensional shocks.
Thank you for your assistance in killing the Black Tower fugitive.
The list of rewards has been listed, and relevant rewards will be issued directly by the system. "
"The efficiency of this service ..."
Han Dong has just stepped into the "Supervision Department", and the staff has handed over the reward list.
The rewards are as follows:
1. Points reward: 200 (killing fugitives such as Ⅱ (upgraded by Ⅰ))
2. Access to Black Tower World (effective)
3. Internship card
Han Dong just thought that his fate points were not enough, because last time he took [Li Resident (NO.99)-Dr. West] to the real world and the training of Miss Chen Li, all points were used up.
At present, two hundred points are in hand, maybe some useful good things can be found in the black square.
However, before using points, Han Dong had a question.
"Excuse me, what is the internship card?" Han Dong only received the reward list, and there was no certificate at all.
The Black Tower system immediately answered Han Dong:
"Virtual documents are bound to your soul.
"Internship Card" is a special recruitment measure for external participants in Heta World.
Without knowing the concepts of [Black Tower] and [Out of Control], participants who can kill the out of control or the Black Tower fugitives will be rewarded with the "Internship Card".
Participants who have obtained the certificate can access the black tower's regulatory archives and browse the information of the out of control (minimum level of confidentiality).
When you follow up on the fate events, you may enter the world where the runaways hide.
Anyone who loses control will receive a 100% black tower reward.
Killing out-of-control people can only get a 30% black tower reward.
Heta World will rate the intern employees based on their performance in a specific period.
Those who fail to meet the standard will receive the internship certificate,
Those who reach the standard can continue to hold the internship certificate,
Those who meet the standards three times in a row and have excellent evaluations can become "formal employees." 』
Another set of settings is connected to Han Dong's brain.
"Access the Black Tower's regulatory archives and browse the information of low-level runaways ... that is, change to hire us to help catch people.
Of course, it ’s not white labor. From the point of view of the 30% reward for killing Penny Wyeth, it ’s not bad ... Moreover, once you become a
regular employee,
you will certainly be able to touch the roots of the Black Tower world.
[Clocker] should be a formal employee ~ EbookFREE.me ~ But the current situation of the clock referencer ... obviously paid a great price.
These things will be considered in the future. "
Han Dong immediately turned his thinking to the more important things of the moment, and asked the Black Tower system:
"Excuse me, [Reidry Town] related to me, and the situation of a fateful servant, can you inquire here?"
"Please follow my guide to the" connection room ".
Here I can initially detect that the above two factors related to you have changed significantly. "
Han Dong ’s first equivalent is the success of [Ridley Township] promotion and the growth of Miss Chen Li ... but there are also certain concerns.
The world of "Yin and Yang Road" that Chen Li went to was full of "strange power".
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