Vol 4 Chapter 872: set up

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After fixing the landing parameters of the interstellar spacecraft.
Han Dong found some high-calorie foods, and while eating, he performed a hibernation warehouse rehabilitation exercise carved into his head, so that his body would recover from the weak state of hibernation as soon as possible.
But the teammates are in a slightly worse state.
Never experienced the "Hibernate Cabin" and the interstellar travel far beyond the Holy City technology.
The members of the squad who had left the cabin all experienced an uncomfortable reaction for about half an hour.
Everyone has also been implanted with corresponding character memories, and the comprehensive technology tree in the background of "Prometheus" has become handy for the control of various facilities on the spaceship.
Handong as "Captain"
Demps is a "spaceship engineer" and "chief officer"
The identities of Abel and Mia are more strange. They are marked as "ordinary crew" and also belong to "special combat members".
It was mentioned in the implanted memory that both of them belonged to the top mercenaries before becoming crew members.
In the case where Hyberion is willing to pay extremely high prices, it signed an agreement to enjoy a state-of-the-art biofusion technology called surgery.
Mixed beast genes and spider genes were grafted into the two people's bodies.
In this way, the specificity of Mia and Abel is reasonably explained.
This is the first time I met.
Han Dong suspects that this explanation may not be to make the two's "powers" more reasonable ... but to pave the way for some things.
At least in the original movie plot, there are no biochemical reformers as crew ... At most, the spacecraft is equipped with thermal weapons to deal with special situations.
This alone.
Handong's subsidiary Hyberion Company must have a different purpose.
Allowing such reformers to embark on the ship is on the one hand to enhance the crew's various skills so that they can adapt to the environment of the alien planet in a short time and accelerate the search process for the alien planet.
On the other hand, it is simply to improve the combat capabilities of the squad and target the exploration teams sent by other companies.
After all, the five companies belong to different developed countries, and they must go to this planet that may involve human origin with the purpose of competition ... It is normal for some people to die on an alien planet that is 34 light years away. phenomenon.
When the four of the team joined Han Dong in the bridge area, they did not see another important player.
"What about the alien?"
When Mia said the word ‘Alien’, her tone was very dissatisfied.
Han Dong fumbled for his chin. "Since the destiny system has set extremely detailed settings for each of us, we even have a reasonable explanation for the power.
Lord Maritese, who has deviated from humanity itself, must also have a "reasonable" setting.
Since this exploration of the origin of the planet is similar to an arms race between major powers ... Lord Maritese has a great possibility of being used as a "secret weapon" in Hyberion. "
Han Dong immediately connected to the core system from the central console through his own captain status.
Search for information about Maridis.
as predicted.
Marithis was
in a deep hydraulic hibernation chamber, placed in a laboratory inside the ship different from everyone. It required the permission given by the captain of the company to be able to open the hibernation chamber.
This setting also confirmed Han Dong's speculation.
Hide files by viewing the system.
In the context of "Prometheus", Lord Maridis belongs to the top secret of the Hyberion Company.
Through the most advanced biological grafting technology now available, the larval embryos are directly genetically modified, and the genes of other species are implanted into the embryos, resulting in pure-blood transformation of the stem cells.
Due to the extremely high sensitivity of embryonic cells, after thousands of tests, only the gene sequence of toad can be smoothly embedded.
Mary Tess belongs to the first purebred biological man made by Hyberion.
It is also the company's ultimate weapon, and I hope that Han Dong can make good use of this human weapon to win the greatest benefit in this 'arms race'.
"This setting must be digging ..."
at this time.
Dididi ... The ship system received the warning message sent by Hyberion a month ago, and the signal transmission based on the theory of gravitational wave was not transmitted to the ship until today.
"Captain Nicholas, please be sure to activate the highest-level strategic exploration plan when you reach Planet 233.
The company's "Toad Project" has been leaked by insiders, and your exploration operations will be targeted by other super companies ... Please adjust the landing position in the first time to avoid the fleet of other companies.
If you encounter other exploration teams, please kill them as soon as possible. "
"My crow mouth ... but it's all expected.
Even when we entered the space of destiny as a toad, we were given reasonable explanations in advance.
It really is "True Destiny." "
While the teammates were doing rehabilitation exercises, Han Dong rushed to the experimental area, and finally passed the layers of certification before finally releasing the Lord Maritis.
Unlike the ordinary hibernating warehouse, the company uses a highly viscous medium liquid to wrap the whole body in order to ensure the stability of purebred transformation.
With the opening of the cabin, the whole body was covered with mucus, and Maritis, who was still in a coma, also fell into the hands of Han Dong.
This scene happened to be the completion of the rehabilitation exercise. Brother Dumps who came over to check the situation looked at it ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Oops ... disturbed! Nicholas, you didn't know to close the door when you did such a thing.
If it is seen by the little spider who likes you, it will inevitably breed unnecessary trouble.
You can feel at ease here with Miss Toad ... I will be responsible for the landing. "
Not waiting for Han Dong to explain.
Demps had closed the laboratory door and locked it with his first officer.
at the same time.
Three different teams corresponding to the other four companies have landed in different areas of the target planet.
The last team's interstellar spacecraft was affected by solar flares during the voyage, and energy supply problems occurred, and it has not yet officially entered interplanetary orbit.
A spaceship that landed between the hills walked out of a group of human groups from the country of Sam. The r (torque) company logo was printed on the surface of the spaceship.
"Is this the future technology you are after? Mr. Tesla."
"Unfortunately, there is segregation of entropy between different worlds.
Otherwise, we will bring such a technology back to the capital of the king of the capital, Galari, whose value has exceeded the rewards provided by the destiny event itself. Such a perfect and streamlined circuit system is more beautiful than the works of art in any human age. "
In Sam's country, it corresponds to the third capital city of human survivors except for the holy city of Nothena and the Dragon City Emperor. Megaron, also known as the city of machinery.
Unlike the Holy City.
The mankind of Megalan Rui took a technological leap more than a hundred years ago. Due to the discovery and use of electrical energy, he decisively abandoned the steam branch in the technology tree and entered the era of comprehensive electrical energy.
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