Vol 4 Chapter 881: The system targets

After a series of searches, only the name of God Capital was obtained.
All information and materials about God are not found.
It may be that the local people do not understand God at all, but it is more likely that the fate system has erased these important information in advance, leaving only a relatively vague map as a clue.
Although the pass was obtained as soon as it opened, it looked quite ample for a full week.
But Han Dong still decided to set off immediately.
You must determine the true location of God Capital to be at ease ... And, if you enter God Capital in advance, you will also receive certain priority.
After all, the Han Dong team was tagged with a demon, and if they waited until they finally entered the city, they would definitely be targeted.
"The Yuangubao where we are is just a low-level creation zone.
This ‘human being’ named Damir has studied here for over three hundred years.
Through hundreds of methods, I tried to improve the quality of the black water. The effect is still very poor. The overall quality improvement is less than 10 ... Through my special detection methods, the "quality" of the black water is terribly low.
The purity of black water does not depend on the virus content, but on the quality of the virus itself.
The black water collected and refined in this area does not have the highest virus quality, and no matter how it is cultivated.
High-purity, high-quality black water virus should be directly controlled by Shendu. "
Han Dong stared at the map on the wall.
Although the drawing of the map is rough, it also basically illustrates a point.
The "underground river" formed around the God Capital flows to all corners of the planet.
The Yuangu Bao where everyone is located happened to be built on a tributary.
The bottles, which are regularly arranged inside and outside the round valley bag, are used to store black water, and they all have a "root beard structure" that extends to underground rivers. In this way, the river water is ingested to extract black water that can be used to cultivate life.
However, black water is the source of life on this planet and the core of life science and technology.
"It doesn't make much sense to stay here, let's go ..."
Han Dong decisively gave up the Yuangu Bao and the blackwater products living here.
Although the combat effectiveness of these life forms is very good, they are only inferior.
According to the experimental data left in the round valley bag, the life of these black water products is only a few months and the IQ is low. There is no growth at all, and there is no value in cultivation.
Han Dong temporarily abandoned the Yuangu bag and led the team back to the spacecraft along the original road.
"According to the record on the map, the capital Akamagan is located in the largest desert area on this planet ... This desert area is estimated to be twice as large as the Sahara Desert.
The motion of the interstellar spacecraft is relatively large.
I suggest landing on the edge of the desert, and then use the "exploration vehicle" that comes with the spacecraft to go deeper into the desert. "
However, a plan has just been made.
The first-in-class junior brother Temples came with a piece of bad news: "Hey, the spaceship seems to be banned ... The spaceship itself is not a problem, but I can't access the system.
It should be because we activated the predecessor, and the fate system canceled our control of the spacecraft. "
"Traffic control? The identity of the" Alien "is really subject to various targets ... In this way, the priority we have just won is gone.
Other teams rely on the spaceship to quickly reach the desert.
Calculated according to the scale of the map, the desert border is more than a thousand kilometers away from us. Despite the dangers that may be encountered along the way, we also need at least three days to get on the road.
Huh ... I can't help it. I'm ready to hurry. "
Because he was separated from the expeditionary force halfway, the "power armor" provided by the gold master was also carried on his body.
Travel mode
Considering that the carriage may be destroyed or unavailable in certain terrains, or in some large-scale battles, it is necessary to carry out long-term rapid migration between different magic cities.
The "power armor" equipped for all the expeditionary forces has been programmed into a travel mode.
In the "power armor" in the travel mode, most of the combat capabilities will be blocked, and the steam energy will be used to "boost the movement".
Theoretically, it can reduce the physical consumption of individual 95.
Abel changed into a posture on all fours.
The armor of the dragon clan style has also become a light posture similar to the cheetah.
Moreover, this posture can also ride an additional person, and will not consume additional physical energy.
Considering that this is just an ordinary way to go, rather than encountering a crisis that requires a quick escape ... Riding on the head of the future Bimeng Knights is not so good, Han Dong temporarily rejected this idea.
Abel seemed to feel Han Dong's gaze, and glanced sideways.
As for the functional light armor that Mia wears, there is not much change in appearance ... just the metal soft metal shell attached to the spider ’s legs will support Mia ’s action through a fixed frequency mechanical swing and steam boost .
Mia itself is very light, supported by eight spider legs, the maximum speed can reach 110km / h.
The functional light armor of Brother Temples is similar to the exoskeleton armor in science fiction movies after the travel mode is turned on. A layer of silver and light layered light armor is attached to the whole body.
However, in addition to the steam power system, Demps also needs to provide certain "wind attribute" magic.
It can achieve fast running under any terrain ~ EbookFREE.me ~ the maximum speed can also reach 100km / h.
The last is Han Dong.
"Holy Magic Garment"
This piece of armor, which Mr. Newton personally gifted to his collaborating companions, is equipped with a ‘miniature steam power source’, ‘auxiliary markings’ and ‘anti-gravity circuit’.
In the travel mode, only a small amount of energy can be supplied to achieve "low-altitude rapid movement".
Of course, because endless energy no longer exists, the self-contained energy of the power armor for more than a thousand kilometers cannot be supported.
at this time.
boom! boom! boom!
The cost of the tens of billions of spacecraft Hyperion was the sound of heavy metal impact from the bottom.
I saw a blood-red mad dog biting in random inside, directly cutting off the alloy steel plate and the layers of cables with his teeth, each bite is hundreds of millions of tens of millions of dollars ... Seen from the top level, he must be distressed to death.
Since the spacecraft is banned, Han Dong also has a big ignition.
Simply destroy the power room directly, dismantle the micro nuclear power generation components hidden inside, and use it for the energy supply of "power armor".
As for Lord Maritese without power armor, she was already sitting on the back of a piebald toad, her toad bracelet.
"Since you need to walk on your way, the low-level life in the round valley bag will be used ... just to pretend to be" group migration ", let us hide in it.
With Togu's command.
Thousands of black individuals rushed out of the nest to cover the team to the largest desert on the planet ...
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