Vol 4 Chapter 891: Entrance of God Capital

"Huh! No more nonsense with you, sooner or later all these guys will be killed ..."
The battles that took place in the alien ruins were carefully observed by Maritice hidden in the dark.
For the group of young knights who were fully suppressed by the other side, they expressed considerable disdain.
But at the last minute, Han Dong suddenly killed, using "Tentacles Isomerized Blood Dog" with the fateful treasure "Master of the Blood Oath. Roger Horion's Nether Blood Skull (broken)", plus a second layer of talent Tentacle lover ".
The blood dogs constructed by the overlapping of the three almost reach the strength of "return to the ancestor" and can instantly suppress the opponent.
This performance also shocked Maridis.
Although Han Dong, as a messenger, established connections with many ancient beings, his own rank was not high.
Being able to exert such strength of tentacles in a low-level state is enough to make Maritis pay more attention.
So, she added a note to her small mating partner's "Tentacles are very powerful"
At the end of this exchange, Han Dong immediately noticed the problems of his teammates.
Both Temples and Abel are okay.
The damage on the flesh and blood level depends on healing magic and self-regeneration, giving enough time to recover ... Abel belongs to the kind of person who is fighting more and more bravely. Once the body is repaired, it will become stronger than before.
But Mia's condition is not very good, in addition to being hurt at the physical level, her psychology has been seriously traumatized.
In fact, even Han Dong didn't even count that there was a member of the particle radiation team who was stronger than the captain Tesla in "destructive power" ... and happened to be hit by Mia.
In order to survive.
The eight spider legs that Mia spent several years in the practice of the insect-attachment and consumed the "insect essence" are now completely destroyed ...
If Han Dong moves a little later, Mia may really die.
A "shadow of death" lingers in Mia's heart ... After drinking herbal grinding fluid with pain relief, Mia sits against the wall and closes her eyes for a rest.
"do you need?"
The familiar voice opened Mia's eyes.
I saw that Han Dong was sitting next to her, beckoning to rest on his shoulders.
"... I will do it alone."
When Mia said this, Han Dong immediately knew the seriousness of the problem.
Once, as long as the intimate relationship between the two was used to abduct Mia, no matter how bad her mood will be, it will immediately get better ...
Currently, there is a sense of fear and escape in Mia's eyes.
at this time.
A strong right arm, embraced Mia's shoulder and pulled it over, forcing the shoulder pillow.
"Oh, it's okay! It's pretty good to be able to hold on without dying ..."
During his lifetime, Han Dong was a bachelor who only knew how to engage in scientific research. The essay was written in a decent way, but he had no experience in men and women.
At present, I also recall some pictures in some movies and try to comfort Mia.
However, this kind of line with no emotional integration and a little bit of rigidity was quite inconsistent when Han Dong said it outright.
Pooh haha! ... Mia didn't hold back for a while, but instead laughed.
"How can you coax a girl like this ... Besides, I'm really close to death."
"The other party is a fourth-tier engineer, and an elite among the engineers ... even the guy named specially by Lord Maritese.
According to my observations, the little brother's "hands" could not be completely controlled even by himself, and he was also careful to use it.
It is a kind of hands with complete erasure, not just your witchcraft, I am afraid that even my death spell and tentacle ability will be erased. "
Mia nodded, "Well ... just a touch, and the" spider legs "that I spent years forming are gone.
Every time I touch, I feel like I am standing on the verge of death. "
"I promise you ... If there is any danger next, I will keep you for the first time."
Because of being laughed at, plus the strong guarantee given by Han Dong.
Mia, who smiled on her face, was already asleep on her shoulders, and there was even a spit of silk with venom in her mouth. She slept soundly.
The shadow of death is mostly eliminated.
Nervous battles and hours of desert travel ... Mia was exhausted when hiding in this abandoned building.
Just when Han Dong was about to take a nap, he immediately felt weird.
Miss Maritis, half of her body sinking in the waterhole, was looking here, apparently concerned about the possibility of mating.
There is a final 36 hours left before the time limit to go to Shendu.
After a period of rest, Han Dong and others who continued to embark on the trip, but fell into a state of confusion.
The first way to find the God Capital was based on the capture of the "gradient of life" by the Devil's Eye, and proceed in the direction of vitality in the gray desert.
Han Dong seems to have come to the center of the gray desert.
There is no "life gradient" here, all the sand contains the same amount of vitality, and everyone does not see any outline of God.
After ten hours of aimless searching, there was no clue.
The "water bead" is depleting faster than expected, and the water inside has been exhausted.
Lord Maritis gradually showed a state of weakness caused by drought. If you meet other teams at this time, the consequences will be extremely serious.
Walking for a long time in this gray desert without any reference materials has also allowed everyone's thinking to be completely solidified, and it is difficult to come up with effective solutions.
"Dumps, come here!"
Continue to go on this luck, basically can not find the entrance of God.
"Huh? Do you have any ideas?"
"Walking in the desert for a long time, my thinking is rigid ... Could you give me a brain massage package?"
"Need extracranial or intracranial?"
"Oh? Can you go in ... Come and try it!"
"Ready, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may be a little exciting."
When skillful works on the back of Han Dong ’s head, a hidden sixth finger directly breaks through the skull and goes deep into the skull to massage the surface of the brain.
This feeling of ascension caused Han Dong to twitch all over his body, and his thoughts were immediately completely relieved from the state of confusion. He jumped out of the fixed thinking of looking for the God Capital and found the key point.
"Wait! Our search direction is not wrong, otherwise we will not encounter two other teams on the way ... Since this area has no life gradient, is it possible that we are currently within the scope of God Capital.
The gray desert with the lowest altitude,
A large number of exterior buildings are buried in the gray area desert,
Underground river, black water ...
Everything important on this planet is at the bottom.
Is God all at our feet? Miss Mary, try the ‘pass’. "
With the call of Han Dong.
Mary Tess took out the "black water fetal egg" kept in her body and placed it on the sand surface.
Rustle ...
With the place where the fetal egg is placed as the center, the surrounding sand particles began to rotate regularly, and the sand began to oscillate slightly.
Slowly, the range of influence expanded from the first few seconds to hundreds of meters.
"Something is coming from below ... so big !!"
A giant sandworm with a trunk leading to the sky appears from the bottom, and the width of a single mouth can reach more than one kilometer.
Han Dong and others are not allowed to make any resistance and fall directly into the sandworm.
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