Vol 4 Chapter 910: fraction

"A total of 208 contestants who passed the single test, please go to the "Obelisk" in turn to hand over the mummy heads you have obtained.
Also thank you for your contribution to God. "
At present, many contestants have completed the submission of their heads, and their names and corresponding scores are also lit on the surface of the obelisk.
Percentage system
Of the fifty heads currently submitted, the highest is only 51 points, which shows that the score is quite harsh.
"Nicholas, shall we go?"
"Don't worry... Now the score is generally low.
The quality of our head should be passable. Once turned in, it is easy to attract high attention. Let the other teams do it first, and we wait until there are extremely high scores. "
But for a while.
The two teams from Wangdu set off and submitted their heads in turn, and a series of high scores appeared immediately.
Captain of Particle Radiation. Tesla 79 points
Allele Captain Professor Novikov 82 points
Its teammates also have a minimum of 60 points or more.
The team following Longcheng also started one after another, and the team members submitted their heads in succession.
Professor Novikov's score in the first place was immediately suppressed in third place.
The leader of the Demon Crowd. Gu Xu 83 points, member Xuanyuanyu (woman with a gun) 87 points.
The other two players also scored 61 points and 72 points respectively.
At least in the "single-player test", Dragon City overwhelmed the king capital... Of course, the overall strength between the teams cannot be judged by this one-sided test involving luck.
Although the alien is the common enemy of mankind.
But true fate also involves competition between teams, and ultimately only one team can get the reward.
When the score of the Dragon City team beat this group of Sam, the latter also showed a certain unpleasant expression.
Staring at both forces sparked a certain spark due to the score problem, Han Dong could not help but smile.
I am still in no hurry to turn over my head...Let Abel and Mia go first.
The head of the corpse submitted by Abel Ryan scored 71 points.
The rot head submitted by Mia Seminović scored 66 points.
It is considered a high score, and it is inevitable to be selected for promotion.
"Maridis, let's go..."
Han Dong is also more confident, delivering this bandaged still head to the obelisk, which is quickly absorbed by the base brain.
Nicholas Wallen scored 77 points.
"Huh, it's not bad... Fortunately, it's not too high.
Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me. I hope this guy can develop the Mummy Corps for me in the tomb area. I must use this external force later.
Relying on the death energy injected into his body, it should convince other mummies. "
What Han Dong needs is this slightly higher score.
Just when Han Dong looked around and found that not many people were paying attention, fortunate that such a
could keep his team lurking.
Marithus vomited a special head wrapped in a film from her body.
Under the bandage was a flawless head, not like a mummy at all, but more like a head just cut off.
91 points
When the score on the obelisk is displayed, the eyes of participants from all regions are drawn.
Crossing the score line of ninety, the only highest score, does have such an eye-catching effect.
Tesla's squad also immediately confirmed their identities.
"This is! The "Returned Ancestral Body" encountered in the alien ruins before! There is nothing wrong with it... the physical characteristics are completely consistent, and the surface of the living armor also contains water. "
The perceptor Eva in the squad has been intimidated by Han Dong for a period of time, and has also been in close contact with the ancestor for a period of time...The various characteristics clearly recorded can be successfully applied to the woman who just submitted the head.
Moreover, only those returning to the ancestral body can do this in their view.
The other end.
The party in the Dragon City team also noticed an abnormality to some extent.
"Look at the expressions of the Sam people... Does the woman who submitted the head seem to have conflicted with them, aliens?"
The woman holding the heavy three-pointed rifle immediately showed strong hostility, ready to move closer to confirm the identity of the alien.
An invisible aura stopped it, as if there was a bergamot in front of it.
The quiet voice that calms the soul goes straight to the mind:
"Xuanyuan, this woman is indeed a demon... no further confirmation is necessary.
At the same time, we try not to target them too much in the early stage. "
"Captain... why?"
Although Xuanyuanyu trusted the captain quite a bit, he couldn't understand why he didn't target the alien.
There are just two human capitals of King Capital here. Shouldn't it be the best choice to join forces to eliminate risks in advance?
"One of the two teams in Wangduli was mischievous... coming to "Prometheus" with a bad intention for his own purpose.
I have roughly glimpsed some uneasy scenes in the dream, and once he successfully implements a certain plan, it will even threaten our lives.
Since this group of king capitals had enmity with the alien in advance.
It is better to let this group of strange demons stop them... We as the outsiders, try our best to get the final reward of this incident. "
Although Gu Xu's statement is very reasonable.
But the players are also a little puzzled. After all, according to the character of the ancient Xu ~ EbookFREE.me ~ generally do not let go of any alien.
The team's name, the Demon Crowd, was also derived from it.
"Captain... Is there anything hidden?"
"Indeed, the current Alien Squad is not the same as what we encountered before... Let them stop the group of Sams first. It is not too late for us to kill the Aliens at the critical moment.
Besides, the fifth squad hasn’t appeared yet.
What we have experienced is no longer the true fate of the small and medium scales before...but the five-team squad. Everyone who comes here is more or less pregnant with ghosts. Be cautious. "
91 points
Such a high score directly causes Mariss' name to appear on top of the obelisk.
Mary Tis also raised her head slightly, showing the appearance of a proud queen, "How... how can this group of low-level human beings compare with this lord."
"……you are awesome."
Han Dong looked helpless, and at the same time felt the hostile look from the Wangdu team.
In this way, the pretense of pretending to be abandoned due to Marithis's "excellent performance"... Since this is the case, Han Dong did not think much and accepted it.
Since the Black Pyramid shows the importance of ‘talent’, those who are successfully selected for the official competition will also be protected in a certain sense.
As long as the order is given above, at least in the promotion game will not be targeted by three human teams.
Han Dong immediately cast a glance at his teammates without having to continue to pretend, all came to gather.
Slowly, Demps also submitted his head, 60 points... just passed. However, this score is also enough to squeeze into the official game.
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