Vol 4 Chapter 934: Host cold room

Channel on the other side.
Professor Novikov successfully arrived inside the temple with a positive attack.
The reason for such a reckless positive attack is because of Novikov's "personal traits"... He has a special ability in biology and is in Mendelian biotechnology company.
Adaptability and variability are at the top.
He can understand the target's kind by killing the target, while still strengthening himself.
When Novikov had just arrived in the penalty area, the speed of killing the enemy was relatively slow, but with the constant killing of aliens, the speed was getting faster and faster.
Moreover, it is different from Han Dong.
Novikov can be described as a comer.
No matter what quality of black water, he will actively absorb, and can also absorb and display the characteristics of various mutant monsters.
Even so.
Due to the 20's ability limitation, Novikov is not enough to dominate the penalty area.
The first rib of the right chord area of ​​the temple
Since Novikov was heading into the temple directly, he directly attracted the attention of a powerful existence deep in the temple.
No longer let the white giants or ordinary aliens die.
Rather, it sent a crown prince alien that had been trained through decades of optimization to solve the goal. This kind of alien belongs to the real elite in the temple.
Using high-quality white giant as a host, combined with excellent human genes, the pure white alien obtained by subculture.
Appears about two meters in size,
The pure white hard shell is stronger and more adaptable than the ordinary black shell.
The physical function is far more than ordinary aliens and has perfect thinking ability, high IQ, super fast learning ability, can control a variety of external equipment.
Such a pure alien elite is the real purpose of Novikov to trigger this commotion.
A lot of physical energy is consumed at the expense of a teammate.
Succeeded in killing a special white shape with a crown on the head and an ion cutting blade.
"Wow! It's a pure product... It's no effort to get it."
Novikov was not distressed at all about the death of his teammates...or his teammates were destined to sacrifice at a critical point in the moment they were made.
"Go eat the dna and hurry up and repeat it."
Follow Novikov's orders.
The other two surviving ‘teammates’ opened their big mouths and nibbling at the white aliens lying on the ground.
Due to the fierce fighting, the rubber jacket worn on the'teammates' was almost broken, and a strong body in the'golden ratio' was exposed.
These teammates who followed Novikov to the space of destiny are not really human beings.
It's the "bionics" made by Mendelian biotechnology company... These bionics can be identified by the space of fate and undergo the same fate test.
The bionic man who ate the white aliens immediately performed a quick engraving in the body.
The first is that a large number of white spots appear on the skin of the whole body and spread quickly, dyeing their dark gray skin to pure white.
Kaka Kaka's back became larger and protruded, and his tail came out.
Within a short period of time, a genetic combination close to 80 has occurred, and the appearance of the "bionic man" is almost the same as the white alien just killed.
When the next elite team in the temple finds here.
Novikov and his teammates have disappeared, leaving only a big bite hole on the top.
With white-shaped dna, they can walk freely in the temple of the White Giant... The identity authority allows them to reach deep areas.
Professor Novikov, who lingered in his body, did not change much in shape, but also exuded a special breath.
His rickety running speed is no slower than that of his two teammates... Careful observation will reveal that his lower body has appendages to assist running.
Novikov had a sinister smile on his head, and it seemed that only the last few steps would achieve his goal.
The white invaders were killed, the invaders disappeared, and the temple entered a state of alert. .
Left chord
Han Dong followed the instructions to the third rib.
During the period, the structure of the temple was roughly clarified, and the so-called ribs represented the floors.
There is only one way to go between different floors, the "spine lift" in the center of the temple,
Relevant identities need to be verified when using the elevator. The aliens disguised by Han Dong belong to the lowest level and could only be operated on the first floor.
Who knows, as the temple is on alert, various restrictions have been relaxed.
Even low-level aliens can be active on all floors, searching for the intruder's traces in a comprehensive way... as long as they can provide information about the intruder, they will all get extraordinary rewards.
"I really have to thank the invasion team, otherwise I'm really inconvenient."
The spine lift is about 200 square meters, and the power system is quite powerful.
Han Dong, who is carrying Marithis, rides in the elevator cabin with several white giants.
Among them, a white giant has an extraordinary status, and seems to belong to the war commander. He rides on the back of a canine alien and is equipped with quite advanced biological equipment.
"Canine Alien", as the name implies, allows the face-worm to be combined with dogs to obtain special types, which are mostly used for investigation and riding.
Has a higher sense of smell than ordinary aliens.
At present, this alien dog moves its nostrils closer to Han Dong. UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to smell a non-alien smell.
At a critical moment, a layer of water invisible to the naked eye covered the nasal cavity of the shaped dog to curb the sense of smell... and soon lost interest in Han Dong, deflecting his head.
This situation scared Han Dong into sweat.
In the case where the intruder is missing and the temple is highly guarded, if Han Dong’s identity is revealed, he will naturally be put on the name of the intruder... He will face an endless army of aliens, and there is almost no way to live.
Arrived on the third floor.
Han Dong learned other aliens, hissed, and went quickly.
"Miss Mary...I was almost found just now.
Sure enough, I can't fully believe in the ability to disguise, and then I have to think of other ways to continue to go deep into the temple.
Or, we wait a little bit here, and when the intruders show up again to attract the attention of the temple, we secretly act again. "
"Well, wait a minute."
A device similar to the hibernating cabin is closely arranged around the room, with an operating table in the center.
"This... how could there be so many humans? I have at least a hundred people in this refrigerator, not to mention that there are many similar refrigerators in other areas on the third floor.
There shouldn’t be so many explorers? Is it..."
A not-so-good scene was conceived by Han Dong.
"The movie is set, nothing to worry about... Miss Mary, let's take a break in the cabin first."
at this time.
There was a noise from the top of the room.
Two strange white monsters descended at the same time as a rickety middle-aged man.
"A lot of primitive embryos... take a break here."
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