Vol 4 Chapter 951: All-round

It is not directly stated as power.
After observing the tests and the scores obtained by the first three people, Han Dong came to a conclusion.
"Abel cited the dragon's bloodline to give a round kick, and the animalism broke out in the final moment.
[Strength] should be more than the opponent... The reason why the score is a little lower, it should be related to [strike intensity].
The woman's grasp of the technique was quite subtle, and she flung out the concept of a gyrating spear with a punch, with amazing strength.
"Meat Priest" took a step back when taking this punch, not being shaken by the power, but deliberately retreating to buffer the attack... Otherwise, it may be hurt.
In this case... Earl! "
In the case of [50%] ability to unblock, the Holy Blood flowing between the right arms has been able to construct the Holy Sword freely.
"Is there any way to explode a single point of maximum damage in a single blow?"
"That must use the "Holy Sword". Are you sure you want to reveal "Holy Blood" in front of this group of people? In the eyes of Count Ben, there is no need to fight like this, here we only need to get a more moderate result.
After all, physical strength is not your strength. "
"My purpose is to show them holy blood and holy sword."
"What do you want to do?"
"It's nothing.
When I talked to the monk just now, I can basically determine the attitude of their team.
They came to the world of "Prometheus" and they just went through the normal fate clearance without the purpose similar to Novikov.
By killing "Novikov" to give them the psychological pressure, I will show my strength in the test... to prepare for the follow-up negotiations.
As far as possible, persuade their team to leave the fate event after completing the [God Selector Assessment]. "
"OK...just a little hard.
The punch that the yellow-skinned woman just gave was quite powerful... If you stay at the end, let me think a little more. "
After Xuanyuanyu punched out the results of [Jin Li A+].
No one surpassed.
The dark-haired little brother [Jianli C] in the Dragon City team, the little girl majoring in the five elements similar to the mage, achieved the result of [Jianli B-] by strengthening the soil with the arms.
The seemingly ordinary punch of Guxu's young monk made a great deal of movement and got the same result as Abel [Jian Li A].
At the moment of fisting, Han Dong vaguely saw a ghost image of a motionless Pluto.
As for the Han Dong team, both women performed well.
Mia【Tennis B】
Mary Tess [strain A-].
After getting the transcript.
Mary Tis showed an ugly expression and deliberately whispered in Han Dong's ear: "I am not very good at strength in this aspect... such benchmarks are not necessarily related to actual combat.
You hurry up, don't procrastinate, hurry up and end this meaningless test. "
Han Dong walked leisurely toward the priest, made of fat.
"Count, are you ready?"
"In other words, is it really okay for your body to toss like this?"
"Random... I worked hard to get the body of the clown, just for tossing and looking forward to your performance."
In the shrine, the earl actually took John's spine as the root of the knife body. The act of building a scarlet machete surprised Han Dong, and he had a completely new view of the earl.
Consciousness transfer.
Kaka Kaka~
A strange bone sound came from Han Dong.
On the one hand, Han Dong poses in a weird and weird posture, with his feet firmly'rooted' on the ground, making a "turn around waist" movement.
Swivel: Using the waist as a link, the body rotates 180°.
Lower waist: When the feet are fixed, the upper body leans back so that the body is arched.
Han Dong, who achieved "turn around and lower waist", twisted his waist and abdomen due to rotation, and his cheeks were almost on the ground...
This strange posture hasn't even been seen by teammates.
At the same time, the bones in the body are being replaced by strong tentacles.
The twist of the waist and abdomen is formed by the spiraling of tentacles in the body, similar to the spring effect...
At the same time, since the earl took over the body.
Han Dong's flesh reveals a dark red color, and the left and right arms are exaggerated.
"Holy Blood" + "G Virus" + "Tentacle Isomerization-Blood Dog"
The dark red and slightly swollen right arm forms,
Blood dog's teeth are closely arranged on the fist surface,
The mark of the holy sword appeared on the surface of the fist,
The magic eye locks the target,
break out! boom!
Hundreds of tightly compressed spring-like tentacles are released at the same time.
The dark red body, rotating at super high speed, soared into the sky...like a dark red mad dog rolled down from the top and hit the area above the head of the meat priest.
The blood mist spread.
The chief priest was surprised, and even forced to raise his hands to defend.
A large number of wounds were torn from the hands used for blocking, partly ordinary wounds from canine teeth, and partly holy sword wounds running through the entire arm.
Such a crazy attack method, even teammates are the first time to see.
"Do you give all the flesh to [Scarlet Earl] to control...it's really interesting." Temples smiled secretly.
This performance is also full of the shock value of the Dragon City team.
【Reinforcement S-】
When the results came out, the consciousness also changed back.
Han Dong was quite satisfied with the result. Earl's recent performance was significantly better than before. As a reward, Han Dong planned to wait for him to go back and fight for Earl for some'quality dog ​​food'.
Next is the endurance test.
There is no need to step forward. Participants will be immersed in a pond that can greatly increase the burden on the body.
Give comments by sticking to time
The moment the body sank in the pond, in order not to let these weird liquids invade the body, the body burden increased tenfold in an instant, and it was still growing.
Demps collapsed again, and after only five seconds, he could not stand it anymore, [Durable E]
Everyone's average level is about three minutes. Forcibly persevering may make the body collapse, and even bury hidden dangers, which is not conducive to subsequent evaluations.
Most people do not have any forcible support. They left the pond four minutes ago, and the evaluations are between C and B. Only Xuanyuanyu, Abe, and Han Dong, who refused to accept, continued to persevere.
At seven minutes.
Seeing Abel's forehead start to sweat, Han Dong quickly whispered: "It's almost the time, the assessment is the main... let me do it."
Although Abel refused to accept defeat, he listened to Han Dong very much.
The animal's ears fold, and with a little strength left in the body, it jumps ashore.
Han Dong did not respond at all here. As the black vortex on the surface rotates, the adaptability of the flesh is terrible... Moreover, Han Dong also has a lot of fruits on the talent tree for use, and the energy can be said to be constant.
Fifteen minutes passed.
Xuanyuanyu was a bit overwhelmed, but didn't mean to admit defeat.
Reduce the burden by taking off your coat.
There was only a white cloth wrapped around the chest to cover the body. As the coat was taken off, a ghostly dragon tattoo was exposed in front of everyone.
Cruising over the shoulder, domineering side leakage.
But... in twenty minutes, Xuanyuanyu still wavered.
"Come up." Gu Xu's voice came, "It's not good for you to stay here, our purpose is to clear customs."
With unwilling feelings, Xuanyuanyu chose to withdraw, and even then received the evaluation of [Durable A+]... As for the last landing, Han Dong, who was safe, reached the [Durable S-] again.
Gu Xu is very clear about what Han Dong wants to compete for the first place in all tests, but he is also surprised by the basic strength that Han Dong shows.
"It seems to be stronger than when I first met in a dream...Is it completely integrated into the life of the God Capital, has it grown up? It's terrible adaptability and growth. 』
"Quick Test"
Test officer: Long-armed priest-Zaharad, a weird priest with a thin and tall body and more than a dozen arms, with black hair on his head, looks creepy.
Go to the test area in turn to dodge the attacks launched by the test officer.
Get out when you hit.
Demps resolutely stepped up first, acting as his experimenter, so that the two teams could see clearly the priest's movements.
It is worthy of being the man who bears the title, and he was hit within ten seconds before flying directly out of the test area.
[Quick E]
Next, the two teams began testing.
Xuanyuanyu is not good here, just get [Swift B-]
It is worth mentioning that Lord Mia and Lord Maritese received [Swift A] and [Swift A+] respectively.
Afterwards, a dark-haired young man who had always kept Han Dong in mind showed amazing responsiveness and won [Swift S-] in one fell swoop... And, it was only because he was slightly rubbed his elbow. .
The expression was a little regretful, and it didn't seem to play well.
When the dark-haired brother returned to the team, Xuanyuanyu in the team looked at Han Dong over his shoulder with one hand, and decided that Han Dong would definitely not be able to do it in the quick test.
"Nicholas, do you want me to come?" The count offered.
"Are you 100% sure of reaching the S rating?"
"It's not..."
"Then let me do it."
When Han Dong stepped into the test area, a picture of the battle with Novikov suddenly appeared in his mind.
Novikov, with ten arms, is completely similar to the test officer in front...
Thinking of this, Han Dong even imitated Novikov's "standing posture"
After the left foot leans on the right foot, he slightly stands up,
Straighten your arms, and the corresponding palm fingers are fully extended,
The overall appearance is a'cross-shaped' stance, it seems to be showing his body to the test officer.
At this moment, distortion occurs.
The theme of the eye is the little magic eye.
Under the mixing of the magic eye and the G virus, eyes of different sizes grow rapidly in various parts of the body of Han Dong, up to four digits.
[Perception fully open]
According to Han Dong's observation, the test officer's speed is only relatively fast. The main difficulty lies in the "omnidirectional blockade" given by multiple arms... Only by pre-interpreting the only escape route can all attacks be avoided.
The quick test is not only about speed, but also about the agility of thinking.
Capture the dynamics of all directions through the whole body's magic eye, and give it to the brain for relevant simulations to get the best dodge route.
"This man...so weird."
The black-haired little brother who doesn't like talking very much, stares at Han Dong in the test area, but can perfectly evade every attack.
After the test, Han Dong got the same result as the black-haired brother [Swift S-]
The last item-"Magic Test"
The testers are required to inject their magic power into a "succulent magic pot" produced by the Black Pyramid. This kind of tank can store a lot of magic energy and is a must for priests to go out for long-term exploration.
It is still the first person to pull down~EbookFREE.me~Dumps comes first.
Reach out on the surface of the heart-shaped container.
The magic element is activated, the pure source is demonized...
Not only that, Demps deliberately invoked the power that was only recently unsealed, an energy that originated from [Wang].
A magic energy with only willpower can be poured into the container.
The priest in charge of the test project widened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.
The "succulent pot" exploded.
Not even he can do this.
Contrary to the previous, Demps directly gave an insurmountable result:
【Magic S+】
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