Vol 4 Chapter 969: Advent

Now that the gap between the pyramid and the Black Pillar Prison has been broken.
Pharaoh did not have to detour.
The deity slowly descended from inside the pyramid
Hundreds of millions of black cables connected to the back of Pharaoh... When slowly lowered, it was like a giant curtain-level cloak worn on the body slowly unfolding. This appearance form brought great pressure to everyone on the scene.
The other ends of these cables are connected to the pyramid.
There is energy flowing inside each cable, which means that Pharaoh and the pyramid are almost one. The energy in the body can be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.
Han Dong also hurriedly signaled that the mummies who had just obtained the evolution were all scattered, leaving Pharaoh with a spacious enough landing area.
The top-notch black water exuding brilliance flows all over Pharaoh's body, and there are various gold lines on the surface to outline various lines, which makes it quite noble.
With the foot on the ground.
The black water and gold that overflowed the body surface were absorbed by the subcutaneous tissue, revealing the true appearance of the pharaoh. King Turing Model Company. Project manager and senior engineer Ed. Louis (Pharaoh gesture)
A pinch of moustache is between the lips and nose,
The eyes are black, the string of green crystals floats between the pupils,
The face looks around 35 years old, but the top of the head is bare... Under the pharaoh's posture, regular black lines are printed on the bald head, just like the etched patterns on the circuit board,
White shirt and black trousers,
The back still maintains the status of ‘giant curtain cloak’, hundreds of millions of cables are connected to the pyramid through the back,
Although it was suppressed to the level of the fifth-tier engineer due to the intervention of the real destiny event, but due to the fusion of the subject consciousness and the pharaoh consciousness and the blessing of the entire god, its strength positioning is beyond fifth-order.
If you let the perfect creature Novikov and the pharaoh Ed fight, the former will be suppressed in one minute, and will be completely defeated in less than ten minutes.
Half an hour ago.
The node holder of Prometheus who felt the fluctuation of the world, Ed Luis, intervened strongly, because of the violent turbulence of the node, the disorder coefficient exceeded the critical value.
At this time, the space of destiny allows node holders to come to their own node world at no cost and handle the current transaction.
The subjective consciousness merged with the pharaoh consciousness in the capital...I immediately got all the memories that happened in the capital during this time.
It was immediately understood that the perpetrator was in the title of Pharaoh and wanted to seize the world node.
Pharaoh Ed came in the core area of ​​the prison, ten meters away from Han Dong.
Through the fluctuations in the data between the eyes, Han Dong immediately recognized the "knighthood".
"I thought it was Novikov of Mendel Corporation who was doing things on my territory.
After all, he is a fifth-order knight, and his own attributes are also closely related to creatures. It is reasonable to want to use the God Capital to break through.
Unexpectedly, Novikov was dead.
And what is happening in the node world is actually a second-order knight from the Holy City.
I can hardly believe that the second-order knight can achieve this level... However, when I witnessed it with my own eyes, it was quite clear. "
The breath of death emanating from Han Dong's body surface is comparable to that of a fourth-order engineer.
More importantly, beside Han Dong, there is still a toad girl with water spirits... Even Ed in reality needs to invest 100 energy to deal with the ancestral monsters.
At present, Han Dong showed a friendly smile towards the current Pharaoh and whispered: "Sure enough, the master already exists in this world."
Although it is more anger, after all, things are so big, the whole God may go backwards for more than 50 years due to this incident.
But Ed is still very optimistic, and admires Han Dong at the same time, "I can do this, I admit that you are very capable, and also help me find out the shortcomings of the gods... as long as you are willing to take the mother Return it to me.
I will no longer pursue your faults committed by God here.
After all, the participants will try to fight for the greatest benefit in the event of fate, I can understand. "
Ed showed an amiable predecessor.
But Han Dong did not mean to accept the proposal at all...After all, Han Dong knew that the pharaoh here also belonged to the participants, and he could not take the status of the pharaoh through the normal status assessment. He could only fight for it in a special way.
Having reached this step, how could it be possible to give up.
"Senior engineer from Wangdu, I will say it politely...I need it very much, and I want to get the node you are controlling now. I want to take your place. I want to be a pharaoh."
I did not expect Han Dong to speak so directly.
Hahaha... Hearing such a comment, Ed couldn't hold back for a while and laughed directly.
At the same time, the kindness that remained on Ed's face also disappeared.
"Hahaha, do you think I am a pharaoh, don't you know the "hidden means" you buried in the gods? Let me figure it out for you.
One million "advanced mummy", a very good cannon fodder!
In addition, you secretly established contact with the White Giant's remnant party in the restricted area. According to my statistics, the group of White Giants has created about 70,000 "aliens", which is a good deformed army!
Then count the organizations and special people you contacted while growing up in the capital.
The total number of the Colosseum is about 1300, including 120 white slaves and 10 individuals who passed the assessment of the gods.
There are about 20 formal priests and 400,500 trainee priests in the Terror Source High Priest Tutramon and the Terror Source Factory under his command.
Do you think that with the above forces, you can start a "node war" against me? You look down upon me too..."
Ed can be sure that the above are all the foreshadowings that Han Dong buried during his life in Shendu.
Although such a force is already terrifying, it will not shake his status.
In Ed's view, such a direct disclosure will make the latter's state of mind shaken.
But... in exchange for Han Dong's crazy laugh.
a ha ha ha
Laughter spread throughout the Black Pillar Prison ~ EbookFREE.me ~ It will be difficult to eliminate for a long time...until Han Dong took the initiative to suppress the crazy laugh.
"Don't... Senior engineer, don't get me wrong.
These mummies or the alien legions cultivated by the White Giant are not my main army. They are just the props I used to recharge in order to achieve "war conditions".
As for the side of the Colosseum, I haven't even said hello.
In addition, the high-priest priest who trained me well did not completely pull him into the water. "
Listening to Han Dong's crazy words, Ed became a little impatient.
"Wouldn't it be said that the group of participants in destiny behind you is what you call the main force? Or is it that you are desperate to die and never thought of surviving."
"Haha let us try it."
Han Dong, who hid his face with one hand to curb his smile, slowly extended his other hand.
Initiate a special application to Ed through Destiny System, which involves an application for node rights.
"Node War "Prometheus" has been submitted"
Once Ed, the node holder, will start the node war.
If Ed loses, the node will be transferred to Han Dong.
If Ed wins, he will deprive Han Dong of everything, including all fate equipment and points, relationships and agreements built in different worlds, and Han Dong’s own ownership.
"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."
With Ed submitting confirmation information.
A "dimension" opened to the outside world... A small town shrouded in weirdness suddenly descended on the world of "Prometheus"!
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