Chapter 197: Winning and testing

We admit defeat! "
All the white wolves were exploded by Fenrir, and the Datura team was completely out of sight. Looking at Fenril, who had gathered the fierce vertical pupil wolf eyes, he chose to surrender without hesitation.
"The champion of the Changhai Division has been born!"
"I announce! The champion of this sea election is... the technology team!"
"Let us congratulate the technology team with the warmest cheers!"
The host's passionate shouts echoed through the audience, and the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami also rang.
"Win! The technology team actually won!"
"Protect master's bulls! Hahahaha~"
After cheering, the award ceremony followed.
The mandala team on the field immediately disappeared with the traces caused by the battle. An already prepared podium and the originally killed Fan Lei and Wei Wuji revealed. Fenril also became a locomotive again.
"Lin Yu, we won! We really won!"
Zhao Xiaolu jumped and hugged Lin Yu excitedly.
"Well, won."
Lin Yu smiled with a smile.
Soon a few staff members came over and coordinated with the host to lead them to the podium. After a long discussion, they got a crystal trophy. At the same time, when they returned to the background, they all got a metal box with the awakening potion.
On the way out, several people met the chopper team and the people of the five fireball gods, Ge Xiaodao and the giant crocodile and others came forward to say joy.
"Do you have any thoughts after winning the championship?"
"What do you want to say after winning the championship?"
"Can you tell me why the motorcycle just turned into a giant wolf? Some kind of technology or awakening ability?"
A few people who had just gotten rid of the Five Fireball gods, and countless reporters ready to go out again surrounded Lin Yu and others.
Fortunately, a black car stopped at the entrance of Changhai Stadium, and several guards successfully rescued Lin Yu from the encirclement.
Professor Li, sitting in the back seat of the car, waved to Lin Yu.
"Professor, I promised my friends to celebrate."
Lin Yuwen Yan sat up and said helplessly: "Are you for Fenrir's thing? Just say it here."
"You still know that I am for Fenrir?"
Professor Li glared at Lin Yu angrily: "Do you know how much trouble the fourth-order blood wolf king will get out of control? You are too brave."
"out of control?"
Lin Yu froze for a moment: "Professor, you should take 10,000 hearts. Fenrir is essentially just a car, and it won't be out of control."
It is impossible for Fenrir to get out of control. It seems that things upgraded with upgrade capabilities have a default recognition binding mechanism, such as the boarding of the Xueba system, such as the fingerprint recognition of the six-type gun blade, etc., as long as there is recognition and authentication The functions of the class are bound to him by default, and Fenrir is no exception.
"Will it be out of control? You can say it. I really don't know whether to praise your kid's genius or scold you crazy. Once the blood wolf king rages in the city, can you afford it? Ride your car and go with me Be a test."
Although Lin Yu is clear, Professor Li obviously doesn't think so, or dare not think so, after all, if he makes a mistake, he may pay hundreds of thousands of fresh lives.
Seeing this, Lin Yu also understood that he had no choice but to get out of the car, mounted Fenrir and followed Professor Li to the Changhai branch of the relevant department, and was led down to an underground laboratory.
As soon as he entered, a large group of researchers carried out a lot of messy detection and analysis around Fenrir, and it was like an enemy in a closed room with an observation window that made Lin Yu control Fenril into Mythical wolf form.
Fenrir’s mythical wolf form requires at least a thousand points of blood power to drive, and this consumption is irresistible. Once used, it will consume all empty blood reserves, but fortunately, there is no actual consumption on the field, so blood energy It is still more than two thousand points, and the change of form is more than enough, but the body is much smaller, and even the blood control ability shown before is gone.
"Miracle! This is simply a miracle!"
"Biology can actually be converted with metals. How is this done? The microscopic material reorganization? It is as unscientific as the ability of metal fossilization..."
"With the help of the unconscious wolf soul in the blood wolf spirit as the logical processing center, the peripheral re-architecture analysis processing program screening restrictions form a controllable pseudo-intelligence, which is simply a genius-like creativity..."
"However, the shape of the living body is controlled. Like the fusion of the same family, the peripheral structure is also reorganized as a part of the personality by default. Or is it a semi-mechanical half-living state? Or simply because it has not been fused into memory, it has become a domesticated cub ?I really want to dissect..."
Witnessing the transformation of Fenrir with his own eyes, all the researchers were astonished, and even looked at Lin Yu differently, even if he had always claimed that he could make Fenrir was only a fluke, but only on the body The embedded technology also represents talented knowledge and the most important creativity.
A group of experts were talking about Fenrir twitter enthusiastically. Lin Yu had no room to intervene, but became an outsider.
However, listening to the discussions of these people also benefited greatly from Lin Yu. The composition of Fenrir was naturally studied during this period, but the understanding of the blood wolf population cannot be deepened by researchers from these relevant departments.
The blood wolf king's seizure is said to be a seizure, but in fact it is more like a kind of inheritance and fusion. It has no personality memory itself, and will only integrate the soul and power into the new blood wolf king.
The birth of Fenrir is indeed a miracle to some extent. The miracle shaped by the unique capabilities and life forms of the blood wolf is based on whether it is transformed into a living body or the shadow of the blood wolf.
It took more than half an hour to murmur, before everyone's detection was over, or it was called to stop.
"You can go back, but we can't be sure whether the Wolf Spirit is restricted in the living state, so we must not excite it to the state on the field, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable if it is out of control."
Finally, Professor Li was not assured.
After learning that Fenrir could not achieve the Tier 4 state without using a lot of blood energy, he finally felt relieved. The Blood Wolf King less than Tier 4 did not have the ability to control blood, and it was not as common as the same race. Dimensional creatures are pretty good.
"Is it okay to use it on the field?"
Lin Yu laughed helplessly.
"It's up to you."
Professor Li smiled and said, " Since you want to celebrate with friends, I won't keep you for dinner. Take this thing away, otherwise I can't guarantee that these people will not bear it. Live to dissect it."
"Then thank you professor."
Lin Yu sincerely thanked him, and then called Fenrir, who was still in the wolf form, out of the relevant department.
It is rare to consume more than two thousand blood to turn Fenrir into a wolf form. Naturally, it cannot be wasted. He simply ran on the wolf and ran on the highway, and he became addicted to the wolf knight.
"Wow, mother, there is a big brother riding a wolf chasing us behind!"
"What a fool, how can anyone ride a wolf, the wolf is a copper-headed iron-tailed tofu waist...ah! Monster!"
"Unsophisticated prostitutes, shouting anything, that's the props division! Just won the championship! No, I have to get a signature."
Of course, some small disturbances are inevitable.
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