Vol 2 Chapter 396: fuse

Six days passed in a flash.
For six days in a row, in addition to the 22 fortresses captured on the first day, the science and technology team declined in the following days due to the reduction of unmanned fortresses or distances, but it basically remained at more than ten fortresses a day. By the sixth day, a total of 91 fortresses had been captured. During this period, I also met a lot of teams from other countries, but they did not mean to start a war immediately, or most of them were reluctant to slap in such a minute-by-second competition. The tiger beards of the technology team are all staggered in tacit agreement.
In terms of ranking, the top few have basically not changed. As early as the first day, the siege efficiency of each team has almost reflected. There is not much fluctuation in the follow-up. The first is still the Liberty team, and the technology team is ranked second. The team was dumped a bit, fell from tied second to third, and the Divine Team moved to fourth after the pick.
The top four points are biting each other very badly. At this time, not only is the number of fortresses captured, but also the quality of the fortresses. After all, even if there is no settlement of the fortress points, they will be counted in the team’s total points. On the premise that the number of fortresses is not much different than those whose fortresses can produce more points.
This is obviously because the science and technology team has suffered a lot. It is surrounded by weak chicken Goblin, and the point output of all the fortresses does not exceed ten points, otherwise the reward points for fighting the fortress alone may be the technology team now.
"Brother Yu, don't you really plan to play two more strongholds? It's almost a few o'clock. The Liberty team's points haven't moved in a long time, and it's obviously already closed. It's a good time to overtake in the corner."
Fortress Lacaniche, more than eleven o'clock in the evening, Fan Lei, who was in charge of the night watch, sat on the tower and chatted with Lin Yu, who also couldn't sleep.
"No need, it's not time to really decide the ranking."
Lin Yuwen Yan just shook his head and smiled.
According to the rules of the finals, it's not yet time to decide the rankings. Don't look at all the teams that are currently tens of thousands of points, but there will inevitably be some fluctuations.
Fan Lei was a little puzzled: "Isn't it time to really decide the ranking? When will it be?"
Coincidentally, Fan Lei's words just fell, and the time just passed twelve o'clock, and everyone in the science and technology team's vision silently popped up a message of "Settlement Completed".
"Now it's here."
Lin Yu looked up to the dark jungles surrounding the city, with a dignified look.
The tip message just now is the settlement information of the fortress points of the Lacanicius Fortress. The points output of the occupied fortress is increased on time at 12 a.m., but these points only exist as fortress points. Once the fortress is captured, it will be looted. Half, it wasn't really in the pocket until it was completely settled into team points after twelve o'clock on the sixth day.
This is why Lin Yu said that it was not yet time to really decide the ranking.
Occupied points are settled at 12 o'clock in the morning, so there is no reward for the occupied points on the day of the hit, and there will only be 100 bonus points, and the settlement cycle starts from the next day.
Fortress Rakanihu was occupied on the day of entering the illusion, not counting the day when it came in. Six days had passed. The settlement was completed after 12 o'clock, and the 160 points were completely converted into team points for the technology team. Even if the Lacaniushu Fortress is destroyed, it will no longer be affected.
However, this is just the Lacaniushu Fortress. On the first day, most of the teams were running maps and familiar with the environment. Those who can lay the fortress on the first day except for the God Blessing team that seems to have fallen directly into the unmanned fortress. That is to say, the technology team and other sporadic teams, most of them began to capture the unmanned fortress the next day.
This means that most people's settlement cycle is tomorrow... No, it's already past twelve, it should be said that it is all tonight.
And the fortress points on the sixth day have just been added. Today, breaking other teams will be able to loot the most points. From now on, the "maximum benefit" of the fuse connected to the gunpowder barrel has been completely ignited, perhaps It was hard to calm down this whole day.
Bang! ! !
After five o'clock at twelve o'clock, a sudden and violent roar in the deep night, not far from the Lacaniushu Fortress, the fire light also soared into the sky, and a battle started like this.
"Have you started..."
Lin Yu's body emerged from the sky with silver wing armor, and he lifted up and looked over the fortress wall.
The battle is not the fortress occupied by the technology team, but an unfamiliar team with little impression. There are still many such teams in this neighborhood. Even if he is fast, he will not be able to grab the fortress in front of everyone. Of course, many people are preempted by others.
The fuse has been ignited, and the battle at the fortress is obviously not a case, but most of them are quietly silent, and there are not so many sound and light special effects. It is destined to be restless tonight.
Landing back to the ground, the horizontal knife immediately sat on the wall and waited for less than half an hour, Lin Yu's eyes suddenly opened, the back wings fluttered, and the soles of the feet and the wings sprang out of the blue luster. .
Fortress of the Casa tribe, in the rainforest outside the city, six pairs of eyes quietly peeped into this city that had already fallen into silence.
"Borg, are we really going to attack this fortress? If I remember correctly, this is occupied by the props division, let's pick other fortresses, and go a little further."
Quietly, even the insects murmured under the night sky that was silent because of crisis induction. A whisper of low voice suddenly sounded in English, but the real magical territory can understand the meaning spiritually even if the language is not available, so this is not important. s things.
"Relax, Oma, these strong teams captured a large number of unmanned fortresses only for those 100 bonus points. With the help of how six people could hold so many fortresses, they already had plans to be captured and destroyed. "
Known as Borg is an Asian face, but the skin is dark, looks a bit like an Indian, but it is clear that the Indian Brahmin is also one of the top teams in this finals, these people can not be The Brahmin team of India.
After hearing Borg's explanation, the rest of the people's expressions relaxed a little, only Oma, who is a woman, still hesitated: "But then we offend the technology team, at least we will wait until tomorrow's settlement, then attack? Maybe we can also look further and see if there is no fortress."
"Oma, you are too naive, you think we must not blame them, they will let us go? These strong teams have been letting us just because we occupied the unmanned fortress first, it is not cost-effective to destroy the first time, so we are ready to fatten. Just kill it, like a pig."
Borg’s IQ is not low, and his head is very clear, shaking his head: "All we can do is earn points as much as possible, like the strongholds that these strong teams will not manage, walk in and destroy the stele, you can get at least dozens of points, and still Team points that will not be taken away."
"Okay, hope your guess is correct."
Omar finally nodded.
"I have always been right, which is why the country sent me."
Borg confidently raised his head and chuckled. In order to set an example, he took the initiative to take the lead~EbookFREE.me~ led several teammates including Omar out of the rain forest to the open fortress gate.
Lin Yu’s siege has always descended from the sky, so the original monsters in the entire fortress were cleared, but the city gate was not destroyed at all-in fact, this kind of gate is only for teams capable of siege. Chat is better than nothing.
"Look, I said there would be no problem."
A few easy steps over the tower, Borg glanced at the silent city without lights, relieved slightly, then smiled at his teammates.
"Borg you really are a great wise man..."
Several of his teammates complimented him. At this time, as long as it is not completely without EQ, otherwise it will be impossible to flatten the face.
Unfortunately, as soon as their words fell, they only heard a buzz, and a pair of scarlet eyes lit up in the dark corner beside them.
"Invader, this is the stronghold of the science and technology team, please leave immediately, otherwise we will..."
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