Vol 2 Chapter 417: Old yin beeping terrifying

Two from the Alliance of Gods and Blessings? "
Before coming to the Jungle Mutual Aid Association, Lin Yu had actually notified Lin Jin in advance. Therefore, after the guards reported, Lin Jin’s disguised Malken did not refuse to meet. He soon opened the fortress gatekeeper Lin Yu and Lun surrounded by a few people. Astoria greeted him in.
"That's right, Your Excellency Malken, the Alliance of Divine Blessing is a league organization similar to yours, led by our Divine Blessing Team. My name is Batis, and this is Randolph.
Both of them showed actor-level acting skills, and walked forward with a happy conversation, and soon came to a side entrance of the central hall of the fortress.
There is a fortress core in the main hall, so it is naturally impossible for outsiders to approach it. Being able to treat guests in the partial hall is already the ultimate courtesy.
"I've already told Defoe who I just reported on your intentions. Please discuss it in detail."
Lin Jin, who came to the entrance of the Pian Hall, kindly gestured to invite in, and then glanced at the teammates following him.
The few members of the Neragua team guarding behind Lin Jin suddenly understood this, and did not keep up. Instead, they lined up on both sides of the door of the side hall, acting as a door guard.
Lin Yu also said to Randolph who was following him: "Randolph, you are also waiting outside."
Randolph still didn't say anything, but he nodded slightly, and stood silently beside the hall door.
It is naturally impossible for him not to give Battis face in this kind of occasion. After all, Battis represents the entire God Blessing Alliance. What's more, the leaders of the Jungle Mutual Aid Association have set an example. If Battis speaks out, even if It's impossible to speak out admonishment if there is worry, so I have to get closer to a few members of the Niela Quaker team intentionally or unconsciously.
"Finally got rid of this stuffy oil bottle old man."
Lin Yu, who had entered the side hall of the fort with Lin Jin, was finally relieved.
However, the awakened person has five keen senses. Just in case the father and son did not communicate too much, the eyes exchanged for an instant, and normal negotiations began.
Of course, this is only on the surface. The jungle area is the site of the science and technology team. Although this fortress is temporarily occupied by the Jungle Mutual Aid Association, it is already within the coverage of the signal network of the science and technology team. Lin Jin took out a smart glasses and put it on. Lin Yu directly communicated with one mind and two purposes through his intelligent assistant brain.
Naturally there was nothing to be polite between the two. Lin Yu told Lin to listen, and then the two exchanged their outfits tacitly. Lin Yu changed into Malken’s attire, and Lin Jin wore Battis black Priest robe.
"?? The plot suddenly became philosophical!"
"Wow, what's the situation, just take off your clothes when you meet, is it so amazing?"
"Billy, is it you Billy!"
"A faint question: Is it true that I only saw the smart glasses on the face of the president of the mutual aid association?"
The official director room of the finals basically won’t switch scenes outside of the fierce battle because of the overall situation, but most of the time, the country’s broadcast rooms that are fixed on their own teams are not like this. The audience in the Chinese broadcast room follows the live broadcast. When they walked into the fortress side hall, they took off their clothes and exclaimed.
Most of them were playing tricks, but this inexplicable scene really made many people bewildered. Then they realized that the two were only exchanging clothes. Some people vaguely noticed the smart glasses on Lin Jin’s eye sockets, vaguely aware Something is wrong.
After changing his outfits, the priest of the Gods and Blessing Team stretched out his palms flatly, and the space on his palm immediately rippled with insignificant air ripples, and a thin and light object like a mask appeared on his palm out of thin air.
"Hi! No way?"
Seeing this scene, the entire broadcast room suddenly burst, and there was a sound of'fucking' in the barrage.
Although the rest of the contestants such as the sword demon also have props or abilities for space storage, the'special effects' that rely on spatial ripples in the screen are frequently displayed by prop artists in the competition, and cosmetic masks Although it is not used much, it is not unfamiliar to some old tool people in China.
With such an iconic feature, the identity of the ‘Fr Battis’ can almost be realised, not to mention that the fast-moving audience immediately connected the scene before him with the weird picture switch just now.
where is this place? During the official broadcast of the China National League, the game screens of the science and technology teams have been broadcast. How could it be possible to suddenly switch to teams from other countries?
But if this Father Battis was actually disguised by the props master, then everything would naturally make sense.
The leader of the God Bless Alliance, the members of the God Bless Team turned out to be disguised by the prop master. It is extremely scary to think carefully. The audience in China may be just a surprise and excitement, but if the audience from other countries is already cold and cold at this time. Up.
"Wait, Battis of the God Bless Team is the boss of the props, then who is swapping clothes with the boss now?"
Everyone didn't have time to think about why Lin Yu, the props master, had to pretend to be lurking into the Gods and Blessing Team. Looking at Malken who took the plastic surgery mask over in the screen, a new question of urgent matter emerged from the bottom of their hearts.
The live broadcast did not answer their doubts.'Melken', who took the face-lift mask, directly attached the mask to his face. Soon his face was distorted and changed to Battis when he took it off again. The appearance of a priest.
This is not the end. After the face change, the whole body of "Melken" who returned to the face-lift mask was swollen and contracted, and his height and body shape rose slightly.
"Ciao, I see, this is Uncle Card, and the entire technology team also has this ability to transform his body."
"I guess so. The big guys lurked into the Gods and Blessing team before so they haven't shown up, and the card guys are the same. It even seems that he hasn't appeared in the live broadcast for longer than the prop master big guys."
The discussion in the barrage was fierce, until a particularly conspicuous high-V barrage slowly drifted past, as if a pause button was pressed for the scrolling of the barrage in the broadcast room: "So~ no one of you thinks about it, why Uncle Card Will it be in the Jungle Mutual Aid Association, and when did they get in? You must know that these people were united in the beginning to fight against the technology team..."
The fierce barrage came to an abrupt end, stagnating for an instant like a pause in time, and then like a volcanic eruption.
"No wonder, it's no wonder that the Jungle Mutual Aid Association, which was united to deal with the science and technology team, didn't do anything to the science and technology team after it was established. It turns out that the prop master had arranged for the card uncle to enter them as a rape?"
"I wipe it? Really?"
"666, Old Yin Beep is terrifying."
"In fact, there are even more terrifying things. I seriously suspect that the prop master planned it from the beginning. Otherwise, how could it be possible to risk the world while defending the 90 fortresses and offending the surrounding team to death. This is a long time ago. A response plan is planned!"
Numerous sand sculpture netizens share their brains, UU reading www. uukanshu.com really guessed at all times, and even the brains became more and more terrifying.
Of course, some people still maintained their sense or calmed down quickly, and raised some doubts or doubts one after another.
For example: How did the prop masters let the Jungle Mutual Aid Association, which was founded with the purpose of fighting them at the beginning, abandon its original intention?
This is also the place they most can't figure out after they come back to their senses.
Relying on the card uncle to easily sneak into the traitor? Don't be funny, everyone in this loose alliance has their own minds, and there is still a competitive relationship between each other, even if the card uncle is really mixed as the president, it is impossible to let these people listen to their words, let alone put down the technology team Enmity.
If the significance of the existence of the God Blessing Alliance is to report to the group to warm up and obtain the protection of the Gods Driven by common interests to join in, the core idea of ​​temporarily changing the original intention of the whole alliance should have been self-defeating.
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