Vol 2 Chapter 420: 1 confused face

The silver-winged steel angel crossed the sky, and the stern wind seemed to whistle in his ears, and the clouds turned into afterimages around the body.
The Chinese broadcast room and even the finals director room, which has not yet subsided, switch to this scene at the moment.
Countless people can't help shouting loudly with the high-speed flying angle of view similar to the first person.
The high-speed flight of the silver-wing armor lasted only a few seconds, and it quickly drew a perfect arc in the sea of ​​clouds and plunged into the ground. Instead of decelerating during the fall, the propellers in the palms of the limbs exploded like a comet hitting the earth. Outrageously smashed.
However, the screen suddenly switched at this time and came under a fortress tower.
"Props master, come out and die!"
"Our Lord Suzuki is very kind to give you a chance to struggle!"
The location of the science and technology team, Rakanisiu fortress, the island country swordsman team has come under the tower.
Sword Demon Suzuki sat cross-legs not far in front of the city gate, with an island katana across his knees, with his hands resting on the sheath of the katana, his eyes closed, seeming to be holding his breath , And his other five genuine island warrior teammates shouted instead for him.
"Our captain is not here, shut up and wait."
Hearing the obviously insulting cries under the city, Zhao Xiaolu, who had already returned to the Rakanisiu fortress in advance to guard against the island team, frowned slightly, and replied with a sullen expression on his face.
"No? Isn't it scary? No wonder no one stops us all this way, hahahaha."
"Does the dignified props master hide in fear?"
"Why don't he just give in and give us electromagnetic firearms technology, so as not to be frightened, hahaha!"
The five island warriors were not shocked and rejoiced when they heard the words, and they clamored even more rampantly.
"I'll go and teach them a lesson first."
Zhao Xiaolu above the fortress tower was nothing, but Wei Wuji's face fell directly gloomy, and the palms of the entire counter-attack armor hand armor were clenched fiercely, and there was a harsh explosion.
"Don't be impulsive, they are deliberately irritating us."
Zhao Xiaolu was also very annoyed by these five island warriors' trash talk, but calmly stopped Wei Wuji, who was about to turn over and go down the city wall: "These should be official people of the island country, and they are directed at Lin Yu's miniature electromagnetic Don’t fall for the firearms technology."
The technology team currently ranks first in the finals standings. This is the most effective proof of strength in this global game arena. Unless you are a fool, even people who are arrogant and arrogant cannot underestimate the technology of Linyu. Team captain.
It may be normal for the team sent by the island nation to have a fool, but if five arrogant and arrogant pig teammates are pulling hatred everywhere, it would be too outrageous. Therefore, the purpose of these five people's trash talking is obvious, just for Enraged the technology team.
It is an indisputable fact that the science and technology team is now the first in points. The island country swordsman team wants to catch up with the science and technology team by means of normal points competition. It can be said that the probability is very small. Therefore, if you want to win the bet, the only chance is to find a way to use technology. The team was eliminated early.
So they are afraid, afraid that the prop master will not accept Suzuki's challenge.
If the two teams are really going to fight directly, the variables are too great. Let’s not talk about whether they can be played or not. Even if they can win, they will have to pay a lot of money. What's more, the competition system has a chance to resurrect, even if the technology can be smashed. The team can't guarantee that they will win the second time.
In this case, it is wise to let the prop master accept the challenge of Suzuki to take a kill first and figure out his hole cards. Of course... if the prop master no longer invites one or two technology team members out to defeat that one by one It couldn't be better.
"This is... the island team?"
"Oh, the island team is going to fight the Hua Guo team? This is definitely another wonderful confrontation!"
"The one upstairs, don't think that I don't know it is a Chinese with a translation accent. You type Chinese characters."
"Hahaha, high-energy warning, our boss of props is about to arrive at the scene."
"Baga, Suzuki-kun is the best."
"No road race, obviously Lin Yujun is more powerful, how can you tell lies because of your narrow nationality concept!"
Suddenly switched to the perspective of Silver Wings armor and then seamlessly jumped to the scene of the island national team challenge. The audience in the finals director room naturally easily understood the cause and effect, and they were excited about the upcoming fierce battle. At the same time, a large number of Chinese audiences and the island country audiences Qi rushed into the director room to cheer for the teams in their respective countries.
Surprisingly, there are still many people in the island country who support Lin Yu, and it can only be blamed on the equipment of the prop master who is too much to poke the G-spot of various dead houses in many island countries.
"is coming!"
In a moment, all the discussions and quarrels in the director room of the finals disappeared and turned into cheers from all over the world.
But on the screen presented in the director's room, Suzuki Suzuki, who closed his eyes and crossed his knees, opened his eyes with feeling and raised his head to look up at the sky.
At the same time, the screen is switched, and heat and air waves are generated by high-speed friction, and the silver-wing armor bathed in translucent and imaginary firelight falls like a meteor. When it approaches the ground, it reversely uses the thruster to make a sudden stop. Exhausted all the time, it turned into a weak but widespread air current blowing countless fallen leaves and branches.
"I heard you want me to single out?"
With the wide metal wings gathered behind him, the steel angel floated down and touched the ground with his feet. There was a crisp sound, and the armor part of the visor opened, and Lin Yu's interestingly raised brows revealed.
"Actually I really don't understand..."
Suzuki Suzuki looked calm and answered the question.
Lin Yu was stunned: "Don't understand?"
"I like to make knives, using all available materials to make stronger knives."
Sitting cross-legged, Suzuki Suzuki stood up slowly, his tone was still calm, and stated: "The dark energy tide and the invasion of dimensional creatures can be regarded as good news for me. I rely on my skills and knowledge to overcome many difficulties. Produced a variety of swords, and became the best among the nation's awakened by virtue of its weak abilities."
"But, I don’t know from what day, someone will always jump out and say some yin and yang weird words, what is the skill of making a knife, Chinese people will make high-tech equipment with guns and swords, and even make exoskeleton armor... I was also made a little inexplicable by these people, and finally checked on the Internet and found you, the prop master."
Suzuki raised the plain-shaped black sheath samurai sword in his hand, one of the palms slowly stroked it over the sheath, and then said lightly: "I really don't understand. There are obviously more swords than yours. The so-called magnetic storm type 6 is even stronger with exoskeleton armor, but there are always people who jump out of Yin and Yang, even my country would rather plan your magnetic storm type 6 and dismiss my knife making skills."
"That's because your stuff is not productive."
Lin Yu was so speechless that he just wanted to roll his eyes.
Whether it can be mass-produced, from the perspective of a country, especially from the perspective of a country facing the threat of war, its value is completely different.
Just like the dragon fist suit and the silver wing armor and even the technology of the assault slaughterer, Hua Guo will definitely choose the technology of the dragon fist suit without any hesitation, because of the dragon fist fight. Clothes can easily be mass-produced to arm the entire army, while the silver-wing armor cannot be produced even if it is smashed and sold. The assault slaughterer is the only one. Without the required materials, it is impossible to reproduce it even with complete technology. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
On a large-scale battlefield, unless it is really strong enough to reverse the world, one or two more high-end combat powers are of little significance. From a more macro perspective, for example, nuclear bombs and even various large-scale missiles were created. Are there firearms in case of killing?
What's more, others don’t know it, but he knows a little bit of it. Now it’s only one of the insignificant members of the Devourer civilization that threatens the earth. This alone has plunged the world’s top leaders into deep despair, wanting to compete for high-end combat power. It’s not realistic at all. The battlefield can only be piled up by the number of people. This makes it even more important for mass-produced weapons and equipment such as electromagnetic firearms and dragon fist suits. Even if China has mastered these in this Global Awakener League The defeat on the top will surely have a place in the following global alliance.
"...That's it."
The sword demon didn't seem to expect Lin Yuzhen to respond, and he awakened the person in his dream with a single word. The reason was so simple that he was stunned for nearly half a second.
Although he didn't have any rich expressions on his face, it was his lack of expression that perfectly interpreted what a dumb face is, which made many viewers in the league director room laugh crazy.
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