Chapter 36:

It's not that I'm too careless, I think Li Zhaozhen really wants to kill me. +++ Girls must go to the website
Now, on the beach, under the blue sky and white clouds, Li Zhitong rubbed his temple and stood up. He looked at me. I am a little confused. Meimei stood between me and Li Zhaotong: "Don't stare at Xiaoxin with this look. You threw her over by yourself, don't blame her."
"Don't blame her?" Li Zhidi was covered with sand in his pajamas, as if it made him very upset. He held back his emotions and patted his clothes. "You died for her?" He seemed to think of something. He raised his eyes and pushed. Put down the glasses, "You are also the mastermind, don't die for her, let's go together."
Probably out of instinctual fear of the landlord, the rigid Meimei swallowed and took a step back slightly.
"Ahahaha? Yu Meimei!"
"Really brought it back hahaha!"
Two frantic voices came from the coconut grove that was unwilling to leave the beach. When I turned my head, I saw a sturdy woman with a dark face and ragged clothes. She took the lead out of the coconut grove. Behind her was a man with the same ragged clothes, but this head, he His head was held in his arms.
Even though they were so far apart, I had already smelled the unabashed sour and rotten smell on them.
Seeing the two, the atmosphere of Meimei's whole body immediately changed, and Ah Ji stood up next to her, staring at the two with gloomy eyes.
Li Zhaodi was in anger. He was disturbed at this time, and his anger rose to the next level. When he turned his head, a gust of wind blew the fine hair on his forehead, and the sunlight made his too pale face look cold.
"Oh, did you bring rescue soldiers?" The female pirate laughed strangely. "This island is our territory. It's useless who you bring."
As she said, suddenly I felt the sand under my feet sway, I was about to look down, Li Zhidi dragged me aside, and at that moment a rusty knife came out of the sand, almost touching me His face jumped into the air, then turned around in the air, and returned to the female pirate's hands.
The female pirate holds the knife in one hand and the iron chain tied to the hilt in the other. The heavy knife and chain make her look like those pirates in Western fantasy stories, strong, dirty, and evil.
Even though I was afraid that Li Zhizong was too scared before, I changed the environment, and now being pulled by Li Zhizong by the wrist, I felt an inexplicable sense of security.
"It's very fast to hide." The female pirate praised Li Zizhao.
With the other hand, I pulled on the sleeve of Li Zhaodi’s pajamas, and said to him, "Li Zhaodi, go, let her see how good you are." Although it was a bit untimely, I really felt like I was hiding in a giant cat. Behind the animal, let him help me out and bite the animal trainer.
Li Zhuan turned his head and glanced at me, half-heartedly pushing my hand off his sleeve:
"Awesome? I think you are pretty good, bravely rushing into the association, saving people and fleeing, they are too good."
After all, cat family is cat is not as good as canine family. I was a little embarrassed and asked Li Zhaotong, "A neighbor, you will die!"
"Then you have to die first."
The female pirate swiped the big knife in her hand: "Intruders, all must die!" She yelled and threw the big knife at me.
Why always bully me! ?
I hid behind Li Zhaoyi, and at this moment, Meimeijie stood in front of me and Li Zhaoyi, raised her hand, condensed her breath and hand, resisting the female pirate's sword: "None of you should interfere. This is my own grudge. ."
Meimei turned her back to us without turning her head, but I can see from her voice how determined her eyes are.
She pulled the iron chain and wrestled with the female pirate, kicked her feet on the soft sand, jumped into the air, and swung her fist to kill the female pirate.
I have been in the old apartment for so long, and my impression of Meimei has always been that of a fat girl who loves to eat and is lazy. Only at this moment, I can see her deep in her heart as a non-human bloodthirsty and fierce. quite.
She was fighting with the female pirate. I looked anxiously. I looked aside, but Ah Ji did not do anything. He looked a little ugly, but stood beside him without saying a word. The other male pirate gave out a cold smile. The sound is unpleasant and harsh.
I looked towards the male pirate, and saw the headless body, holding his head in one hand and a red meat in the other.
I decided to see that it turned out to be a heart!
It is the heart of Aji!
The rough hand of the male pirate loosened and tightly squeezed the heart, cold sweat on his forehead, but he kept his lips tight and said nothing, as if the pain of the heart being squeezed was nothing at all. He didn't even look at the male pirate, but stared at Meimei's back.
I think he is afraid that as long as she exhales in pain and reveals a little bit of vulnerability, Meimei will no longer be able to deal with the female pirate with all her strength.
I think that as a person with a conscience, I should help Aji, but as an ordinary person, I should help them wisely.
I looked to the side for a while, and there seemed to be no other way to help them except for Li Zhaodi beside me. So I stood behind Li Zhaoyi, picked up a shell from the ground, and hit the male pirate's head with all my strength.
I watched this clam hit the head of the male pirate's waist, but didn't want to suddenly turn a little in the air and hit the male pirate's other hand holding the heart.
The male pirate's arm holding the heart was severely injured. He lost the heart and his own head, covered his arm, stepped back two steps, fell to the ground, and rolled around in pain on the sand.
I think it’s strange that I threw away this mussel and it weighed three to five kilograms. Even if I burst out power that is impossible to burst at this moment, it would not be possible to smash this thick-skinned pirate to the ground. Right.
It's like breaking his hand.
I poked my head out from behind Li Zhaodao, looked up slightly, and looked at Li Zhaodao.
His gold-rimmed glasses reflected dazzling light under his eyes, and his expression was cold, as if nothing had happened before him.
But if he saw me smash people like this, how could he show no expression at all.
I curled my lips and didn't expose Li Zhaozhang's awkwardness of duplicity.
The male pirate’s body was so painful that he was rolling around on the ground. The male pirate’s head yelled on the ground: "Pick up that heart! Stupid! Pick up the heart!" His body was twisting to get up, and at this moment Ah Ji suddenly jumped forward, grasping his heart.
The male pirate was shocked: "Hold him down for me! Turn him upside down, this brute!"
The body of the male pirate stood up and was about to catch Aji. I picked up the shells on the ground, no matter how big or small, and smashed them one after another.
I stood behind Li Zhizhan, and all the shells thrown out of my hand hit the male pirate without exception, like bullets from a machine gun, and smashed the pirate, making it impossible for him to get close to Aji. .
I was so happy, I felt that I had never been as strong as I am now. A heavy clam shell smashed over and smashed the body to the ground. I just jumped up, cheered and hugged Li Zhaotong’s arm: "Hello. Great!"
I cheered and jumped for a while, standing on the ground, steadying my body, without shaking my gaze, and then I could see Li Zhaodi clearly, I thought he would scold me, maybe let me go away, maybe let me stop him , But no, he looked at me quietly, the island sun poured down, as if there was still a moment of tenderness.
And the gentleness of this moment, as if through the layers of mist, hit my soul.
I want to call his name. But at the moment he spoke, he also awakened his soul. With a blink of an eye, all the emotions in his eyes dissipated and returned to normal: "Can you be quiet?"
I was a little stunned, and then, Aji shouted in shock and pain, calling back to God.
The male pirate's body was smashed to the side by my shell, and the male pirate's head bit his arm to stop him. Ah Ji resisted the pain and wanted to put his heart in his chest, but it seemed very laborious to put it back. He threw off the male pirate's head with the other hand, and the head rolled on the ground, then stood up with difficulty and laughed at Ah Ji. "Do you think it is so simple? Without a spell, you never want to regain freedom from us!"
Ah Ji gritted his teeth.
His eyes were bloodshot, he stared at the male pirate and stood up, holding his heart in one hand, while rubbing his tail against the ground, he walked to the male pirate's body. The male pirate's body was already smashed by me.
Aji drew the rapier from the male pirate's waist and walked towards the male pirate's head.
"Say, what is the spell." He was like a ghost from to collect debts, his voice hoarse.
Ah Ji walked to the male pirate's head and pointed his sword at the male pirate: "Spell."
"You are just our dog, the shackles for you, I want to get rid of it."
Ah Ji has no reaction to such words. He pierced the male pirate’s eye with a sword, but not very fast, but slowly, slowly, the tip of the sword seemed to be a worm. , After piercing his eyeball, slowly walked towards the back of his brain.
The male pirate screamed.
I felt nauseous for a while, and Li Zhaodi took me behind him.
My eyes could only see the yellow bubbles on Li Zhitong's pajamas.
But I can still hear the screams of the male pirate, and soon afterwards, his screams turned into laughter: "Hahaha! Come on! I am immortal! Come on! No matter how you tortured me! I am immortal. The body! I am a on this island! You are just my livestock!"
I couldn't help but stuck my head out from behind Li Zhaoyi again, I saw Aji nailing the male pirate's head to death on the beach.
He turned around, came to Li Zhao and me, and put his heart in front of us.
Without saying a word, he turned around again and headed towards Meimei. He didn't do anything about the insults from the male pirate. Perhaps for so many years, such insults could no longer hurt him.
He walked towards Meimei, and the battle between Meimei and the female pirate had ended. Amidst the male pirate's reprimand, the female pirate gradually lost the wind.
Meimei was injured and there were scars on her face. She didn't care. Aji glanced at her and didn't speak.
Meimei took the female pirate's broadsword and pointed at the female pirate on the ground. Aji walked to Meimei's side: "Give me the knife." Three words hoarse and calm.
Meimei didn't say much, and gave the knife to Aji.
Ah Ji took the knife, raised the knife in his hand, and chopped off the head of the female pirate. Then he picked up the female pirate's body and threw it into the sea.
In the surrounding sea, it seemed that there were souls who had been killed by this couple for many years. They rushed forward and ate the female pirate's body instantly.
Ah Ji carried the head of the female pirate and said, "From today, I will nail your heads, one on the east of the coast and the other on the west of the coast. I will use the flesh and blood of your body to sacrifice to the undead in the sea. I want your bones to sink to the bottom of the sea forever, and I want your soul and brain to live here forever, and loneliness will always follow."
"No!" The male pirate finally showed fear, "No!"
"It's up to you to throw his body into the sea." After Ah Ji said this to Meimei, he carried the female pirate's head to the depths of the coconut grove.
He is about to punish those who have tortured him for so many years.
Step by step, Meimei moves towards the body of the male pirate. The male pirate was furious and frightened: "Stop! Stop! Bring her back! Bring her back!"
No one paid any attention to him.
Meimei walked to the male pirate's body and raised his arm. The male pirate's body was struggling. Meimei dragged him to the beach, and then threw him into the sea.
The calm sea suddenly surging with turbulent waves, as if the sea opened his mouth and swallowed it into his belly.
The screams of male pirates on the coast.
Until Aji comes back. He carried the knife of the female pirate, and the head of the female pirate had been nailed to the other side of the island by him.
He didn't look at us, but walked slowly to the beach.
The sun was setting west, and the sea was flushed red. Meimei greeted the sunset and looked at Aji quietly.
It is difficult for me to imagine or understand the heart of Aji, but I saw him slowly and slowly walking into the sea.
I remember that under the lessons of the two pirates, the two brothers Aji and Ash couldn’t get close to the sea. Before Aji came to the inland, it was sent by the two pirates’ circle, and he came back. , Was also sent back by Meimei's circle. He was the same as the original Ash, fearing the sea. In other words, he should fear the sea even more.
But now he is walking like the sea. His dry and dehydrated fish scales slowly become smooth and beautiful after touching the sea water shot on the shore. They seem to be polished rubies, absorbing all the light of the setting sun. Like a blaze, like a phoenix tail.
He looked back and looked at Meimei.
They seem to be looking at each other after many years and pains. At this moment, I feel a little bit inexplicably sad and uncomfortable.
You have to experience something to experience such a bright gaze.
He walked slowly into the sea.
The sea was no more than his tail, ten centimeters, twenty centimeters, fifty centimeters, one meter... He sank into the sea... and then jumped out of the sea.
I swear, this is the most beautiful mermaid I have ever seen. It is more beautiful than Meimei, and even more beautiful than Ash in the dreamland.
He is the phoenix after Nirvana, and also the divine soldier after thousands of tempers. At this time, all the hostility turned into a dazzling light. The arc of him jumping out of the water is like a crescent moon, vowing to be with this world. Hui.
And after he flipped it twice in the water, I saw him holding up the embroidered knife aloft. I probably guessed what he was going to do, but it was too late to stop him. His knife went into the sea and into his fish tail. .
He slit his tail open.
For so many years, in the hands of the pirates, in any case, he did not let the pirates cut his tail into legs, but on the day when he finally gained freedom, he cut his tail into legs in this way.
The water really turned red.
When Ah Ji returned to the shore, his legs were straight and slender.
He threw the knife on the beach. Look at Meimei.
"Yu Meimei, you take me away this time."
I looked back and saw Meimei crying.
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