Chapter 41:

I was imprisoned in Li Zhaodi’s room. ---End of this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance
The black dog is a heartless cat. After staying with me for a while, he went to sleep in the living room.
I don't really want to stand with Li Zhaodi's coffin. Because the coffin of Li Zhaotong is different from the one accompanied by Li. Li accompanied and raised a stupid Alaska. Not to mention that the coffin was gnawed to pieces, and occasionally the giant in Alaska would be surprised.
It can be said that the coffin accompanied by Li is surreal, full of absurd black humor.
The coffin of Li Zhaodian is very regular, regular...the coffin. I usually glance at it once in a while and don't feel anything, but being alone with it at night is a bit subtle.
I decided to turn my attention away, so I looked at Li Zhaotong's computer.
"Black Dog." Because the owner is not there, I can only ask the servant of the owner, "Can Li Zhaodi's computer be borrowed from me?"
"Did the master say you can't play?"
"No." I replied by myself. The black dog stopped paying attention to me coldly, so I sat down in peace, turned on his desktop, and waited for two or three minutes without a power-on password, and jumped directly to the desktop.
Li Zhidian's desktop is very regular, except for regular software. According to my habit, I clicked on QQ first, logged in to my QQ, and then opened the web page when I started it, and typed in the name of my comic platform-"BengBeng Comics", but something amazing happened... …
After I input the first two characters of the comic platform-"BengBeng", the next letter just typed an m, and the two words "Comic" were automatically displayed behind the input method.
Things are a bit subtle.
The urgency of the input method is to save the words or phrases that the user frequently enters, and the next time the same letter starts, it will be automatically associated.
In other words, if the user of this computer hasn't typed out the four words "Bombong Comic" before, the input method will not be automatically associated.
From this, it can be concluded that before Li Zhaotong... he must have typed out the four characters "Bengbeng Comic" and input it.
Thinking of this, I don't know why, but suddenly... I feel a little guilty.
I seem to... have discovered something extraordinary.
I hit the enter key.
"Bengbeng Comics" started to search, the webpage showed a link. I poked it in without deliberately, that is, subconsciously. The mouse slid to the upper right corner of the webpage, because I usually click on the comics platform, the first thing is to poke Go to the background to check yesterday’s comments or prepare to update.
But now this is Li Zhaodi’s computer, so I won’t have my account, but it’s amazing that this computer is not a tourist either.
This Li Zhidong...
He has an account on the comics! ?
I scan this member name...
It's him! I know!
Readers who bought my VIP every time, but gave me bad reviews after reading it!
Each comment is either "nonsense" or "huh."
Not to mention any reason for despising and despising me, it was a cynicism, but he still has to watch it next time VIP update! I usually cherish my comments very much. I have to read each one word by word. It is usually encouraged by a cute little angel. When I read it, I will smile with a fascinating smile, but every time! Each! Each!
This Chiba can destroy my good mood in one second, and I have to watch the encouragement of ten little angels to relieve it.
Hmph, if it wasn't for the id of the father who spent money, I!
I... can't do anything.
I finally know now! It turned out to be you, Li Zhaodi!
I thought about Li Zhaodi's face, and then thought about his comments, and suddenly I felt that the words on the screen were alive! Can’t be more appropriate!
This Meng Sao actually watched my comics quietly by himself
, and hides it so well, heh, he usually looks like a dog, but I didn’t expect to do this kind of sight
rape others secretly. Work thing!
But wait...
It doesn't seem to be the time to care about him giving me a bad review.
I thought for a while, I shouldn't have done anything against Li Zhaotong in the comics.
But the reader comments below my comics, but I said all the things, what hug, kiss, sleep, strong, fierce, brutal... the same a lot...
I swallowed.
With a heavy and subtle heart, I clicked on my own comics, used Li Zhidiao's account to scan my own comment area, and then I covered my face, sighed, and wanted to silently turn off the computer.
I don’t smoke, but at this time I want to sigh with emotion.
The times have indeed changed, and today's teenage readers are too straightforward.
Why did I forget that someone was building a hundred-storey building and made me fall on Li Zhaotong? How could I forget that someone was still writing a short story with colored fans downstairs, why did I forget it, Li Zhitong and I in the short story I don’t know how many nights I’ve gone through, my children can make soy sauce.
Reading the comment again from the perspective of Li Zhuangzhuang, it was really embarrassing to be horrible.
I think I should be able to face Chiba's "heh" and "nonsense" in the future. I think his nonsense, besides talking about me, there should be my little angels.
Sorry little angels, this time, I admit that I can't fight for you anymore.
When I was downcast like a chicken that was defeated in battle, my qq rang dripping.
Jijijiang came to me.
"Why haven't you been here these past two days?" Jijijiang asked me, "I think you haven't found it on Weibo. You didn't respond to the recommendation from you. Do you plan to go high in the future? "
I was typing on the keyboard weakly: I have been too busy these two days, and I am almost finished today. Tomorrow I will fix it up and plan to pick up the things that fell out before.
I thought, Li Zhiyi only said that he would take it with him in his house at night. I can still go back to my room during the day. If it is a big deal, I will adjust my work and rest and just start working during the day.
"What have you been up to these two days? It's like disappearing."
"Um...some mess."
"Okay, okay, I also said to come to Chongqing every other day to play."
"Huh?" I sat up straight, "Are you here to play?"
"I plan to come, and the tickets have not been confirmed yet. Seeing when you are free, my beauty, I want to come and see my confidant. Let's have dinner and watch a movie!"
I am excited inside. I have very good friends at every stage of middle and high school, but once I leave the original environment and are not together, the topics will naturally be less. After a long time, everyone will slowly because of neglecting contact. Alienation, the roommates in the university dormitory are also very good, but after graduation, they are gradually separated from each other.
Later, I came to Li Zhaodi's apartment, and there was no normal human friend around him. Now I also found out that the ex-boyfriend I thought was very ordinary is not a normal person...
In fact, my heart desires to have a normal, ordinary, human friend.
I counted the time with my fingers.
"I may be busy in the next five days, and it should be better after five days. To be on the safe side, you can come to see me in ten days or half a month. Do you still want to come?"
"It should be no problem, then I will go back and think about it first, you are busy, I also want to paint."
"it is good!"
Saying goodbye to Jijijiang, I was excited inside. There is a feeling that it is hard to be human.
I plan to wait for Li Zhizun to come back tomorrow, and I asked him about the future arrangements and when my death threat might end. Hmm...Although it may be a bit embarrassing to see Li Zhizhuang, I think that since Li Zhizhuang didn't break the matter of him reading my comics, then I don't have to deliberately break it.
Everyone knows how to pretend to be confused, it depends on who is acting well!
The next day I woke up on the sofa in the daytime, it was already noon, and Li Zhaoyi did not come back. I sent a text message and no one answered. I waited until the evening. I was hungry, but I didn’t lift the ban and didn’t dare to leave his room. So I finally held a call to him, and hung up after two rings Min sent a text message over: "meeting."
I grabbed this time and hurriedly sent a text message and asked: "When can I leave your room? You have nothing to eat in your room. I can't grab cat food with a black dog. You don’t allow takeaways. Call, I'm going to starve to death."
The text message came back soon.
I am a human! I am a human! When you threaten me, don’t you always emphasize that I am a human being? Humans! Humans want to eat! Do you forget that you are human again at this time!
"I asked Yu Shao to go back and bring you food."
He then sent the news to soothe my irritable hunger.
I sat on the sofa, looked at the clock on the wall, listened to the ticking sound, anxiously waiting for the meal.
Half an hour later, Yu Shao came knocking on the door like a god. I swear I have never seen such a cute boy. He was standing at the door carrying a meal: "Miss Sister, the rations I brought you." I took it happily, and then Yu Shao continued, "I will bring you food for the next five days."
I turned my head to look at him: "What?"
"As Li Zhaoyi said, he will probably be very busy in the next five days. He won't be able to come back. The house is reserved for you, but you can't leave. I will check on him from time to time every day and give you something to eat and drink."
I stared at Yu Shao blankly: "What about five days from now? I will be locked up?"
"Let's talk about it in five days. I'm out to play, bye."
Yu Shao waved to me happily, turned around and left.
I carried a bag of food and watched him leave as if looking at the world outside a bar.
I quickly got out of my phone and sent a message to Li Zhaotong: "How long will I be detained?"
"It depends on the situation, and be prepared for a lifetime."
I stood there blankly, and the black dog jumped on my shoulder. Gloriously: "Oh, what is the difference between you and a life-saving widow? It's better to hang yourself and get rid of it." (Oh, what's the difference between you and a life-saving widow? It's better to hang yourself, relax.)
I looked at the black dog with nothing to love. I actually was...right.
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