Chapter 54:

Li Zhuzhu agreed to take me away, but how to take me away is a mystery. +++ Girls must go to the website
He patrolled around the room and suddenly looked up at me: "Su Xiaoxin. Can you draw a magic circle?"
I thought about it for a while: "Looking at you and Black Dog drawing, I vaguely remember the graphics."
"Yeah." He seemed to finally find that I had used it a little, and nodded slightly comfortably, "Come on, I'll draw while talking about you, and bring my ring, even if it's a human with no foundation, use my help. The things drawn by the magic tools can be more or less powerful." He pondered, "Although I don't know where to send you and me, it's better than being stuck here."
Hearing what he meant, I was a little nervous: "Don't you know where it is? use...then put on the ring and draw by yourself."
Li Zhuzhu glanced at me disgustingly: "The drawing array has a time limit. It can't exceed ten seconds from the beginning of the stroke to the end of the array."
Well, I understand, so black dog can paint, because black dog is a cat, and his body is flexible and agile, but Li Zhuzhu cannot paint because he is a pig.
I didn't dare to say anything more: "Teach you first, I'll just paint once, and when I become proficient, I will do it overnight."
Li Zhuzhu didn't continue to attack me. It fell on all fours and stood beside me like a strict professor, and said solemnly: "First draw a circle, then five stars, and then triangle... the order is wrong... you remember, The order can’t be wrong, otherwise the place you arrive is very different. Finally, the smallest triangle in the middle is the smallest triangle in the middle. Draw a circle next to the vertex of the triangle.

I practiced twice again empty-handed, and Li Zhuzhu was very satisfied with my performance. "It seems that you are not worthless." He pointed to the side, "Bring the ring painting, and stand in the circle after painting. In the middle, thinking about the place you want to reach, although the magic circle is weak and can’t deliver you and me correctly, just go in the right direction.

I nodded repeatedly, and put Li Zhaodi's ring on my index finger.
His shank is much larger than what I can wear, so I have to press the ring with my thumb and draw on the ground.
"Don't make the order wrong..." He told me next to him, and it was at this moment that the door was suddenly pushed open with a "heap" again.
Jijijiang stood at the door with a bunch of non-human beings: "Little letter! These are all people who want to come and watch you paint...Huh? What are you doing?"
As soon as I looked up, I saw a black and heavy non-human being standing at the door. My face turned pale with fright, adrenaline secreted frantically, and cold sweat ran down against my temples.
And at this moment, in my short blank mind, there is still Li Zhaodi's voice counting down: "Six, five, four..."
If I was discovered by these non-humans about my paintings, not only would I not be able to keep it, but also Li Zhuzhu would not be able to keep it!
I stared at Jijichan, my thumb pressed the ring on my index finger, almost trembling, and I quickly drew a complex array of triangular five-star and circular overlapping combinations on the ground.
"three two……"
Finally circle, circle... No, there is a triangle inside the circle. I suddenly realized this after drawing the circle, so I quickly added the triangle that I hurriedly drew.
After the magic circle was completed, I hurriedly stepped into the circle, and the circle immediately sent out a golden light like Li Zhitong's usual style. Although much dimmer than his usual light, it was enough to illuminate a non-human eye pupil outside.
Every non-human stared wide-eyed, staring at me in surprise, their eyes turned against the cold light like animals, as if they were in a pack of wolves, which made me shudder.
Jijijiang was particularly surprised, but she was the one who reacted the fastest. Her snaketail immediately flung over, trying to wrap my calf in the circle. I did feel the wind swept by her snaketail, but there The moment the cold snake's tail was attached to my skin, the golden light mastered it, and I felt my body lighten, and there was a glare of whiteness in front of me.
In the next instant, the sense of weightlessness suddenly came, and I fell suddenly from the air, but instead of stepping on a flat ground, the tip of my right foot first touched a smooth and sharp stone.
"Ah!" I exclaimed, and knelt down directly, and my right knee hit the hard rock severely.
At the moment of the impact, I only felt the touch and not pain. After a while, the numbness passed, and I felt the pain around the place where I was impacted like a hundred ants. But at this time, I couldn't scream out, just gritted my teeth and held back, waiting for the wave of pain to pass.
It wasn't until the pain gradually disappeared that other feelings slowly came out. I felt that I was lying on my back in a low, wet and muddy pool with silt and countless sharp stones. The one I was kneeling on just now was one of them.
But I don't know how I was injured, because it was dark all around, and I couldn't see my fingers, mixed with muddy water and mud on the ground, and I didn't even know if my knee was bleeding.
The panic that was controlled by the darkness suddenly spewed out: "Li Dao..." I hurriedly called this name in panic, "Li Dao? Li Dao!"
"I'm not dead yet... what to shout."
His voice was a bit erratic. I remembered that when I fell down, I hardly heard his voice. I was scared: "How are you? Are you injured? You didn't fall to your head, did you?"
"Bumped, it's okay." His voice was calm, and he quickly recovered from his weakness.
I heard the sound of him standing up, his hoofs creaking in the puddle, and the sound of shaking his flesh to shake off the mud.
Based on these sounds and the mud splashes on my body, I judged his direction and his not far from me. After confirming this matter, I temporarily relieved my mind.
Fortunately... not alone in this situation, it's really a blessing in misfortune.
Although...for the other person who fell into this situation with me, it was not lucky.
"Where have we been transmitted by the circle?" I tried to calm down and asked him, "I seemed to have drawn the last two figures in a panic just now."
"I don't know." Li Zhaoyi also seemed to find my direction through my words. He stepped on his hoof and Tata came to me, "My ring, give it to me. I can make it shine and be a flashlight."
As soon as I touched my index finger, my heart suddenly became empty. In the process of falling just now, Li Zhaodi didn't know where the ring was a circle larger than my index finger.
I quickly fumbled and searched in the water pool beside me: "Your ring is bigger than my finger. I didn't pay attention when I dropped it just now. I searched for it..." I tried to calm down, but I was still afraid, blamed and guilty , If you really got rid of Li Zhaodi’s ring...
"Don't panic." At this moment, he didn't bother me anymore. "I can perceive that the magical artifact is here. Although it is dark, I will find it slowly."
The gentleness of Li Zhuan at this moment made my nose sore, but I knew that this was not the time to cry.
I held back the pain in my knees and the emotions in my heart, calmly groping in the water pool beside me, and the voice of Li Zhao's hoof gradually approached me.
"I found it." He said, with a soft "tower" sound, his hoof seemed to have stepped into the ring in the pool, and the golden ring suddenly emitted a golden light like the sun, driving away the darkness.
I saw the surrounding environment clearly. It seemed to be in an underground cave. Li Zhuzhu stood beside me. Although it was a small one, the light from the ring projected his figure onto the cave wall. He looked so tall and burly.
"Li...Li Zhaotong..."
He looked at me, but his eyes widened.
His dark eyes reflected my face, my face was covered with mud and blood, and my face was gray and embarrassed.
I followed his seemingly panicked eyes and looked down. I saw that my knee trousers had been slipped by a sharp stone, and the wound on my knee was muddy, but the bright red blood was running down the mud, along the trouser legs. , Has been winding down, flowing into the pool on the ground, and the red blood stains winding in the water, flowing down to his hoof.
He looked at me blankly: "Su Xiaoxin..."
In the voice that Li Zhitong had never panicked just now, I heard tension and panic.
I was also frightened by the blood that I shed. I looked at my legs in shock and looked at Li Dongtong again: "Li Dongdong, I... will I be infected by the bacteria in the water here, and then...and die what?"
At the end of the question, I have brought out an uncontrollable cry.
Li Zhaoming looked at me, as if he had already forgotten to move.
He seemed... scared more than mine.
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