Chapter 59:

Knowing that I woke up, accompanied me and cried for a while, saying that I had fainted in the hospital for a week, and then quickly notified my parents. ---End of this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance
After my mother came with my lame dad, the two of them hugged me and cried for a while. They asked me why I was so careless that I had a car accident.
Before my parents came, my companion greeted me. In order to cover up the incident, the Association gave my parents a drug that caused memory confusion.
So my mother now has no memory of me holding a pig and taking Wei Wuchang home. My dad doesn’t know that he was fainted and stuffed under the bed. What they know now is that I met on the way home. I was in a car accident and the car hit me. I flew out and hit the protruding steel bars on the side of the road. I was pierced in my back. I also injured my thoracic spine and fractured my thigh and arm.
Before coming to the hospital, the old witch helped me treat me first, eliminating the continuous damage that some magical instruments left on me, and then artificially faked the wounds, making these injuries look exactly like the ones hit by a car.
The addicts even faked the scene of the car accident in a corner without surveillance. Of course, the license plate was fake and there was no driver.
My mother is very angry now: "There are so many surveillance cameras installed on the road, but this corner is not installed. After so long, no one can catch it!"
My dad said in a deep voice next to me, "It's alright, the girl just woke up, can you stop talking about this?"
"What am I talking about, you don't want to catch that thing!"
"Yes! But..."
…And then my parents started arguing like "Don't quarrel in the ward." at a glance at me. The violent accompany laughed around at this time to persuade him, but it was of no use.
I was lying on the bed with a respirator in it, and speaking is still too much effort for me now, but I think it’s so good now...
The two elderly people in my family had no idea that their lives were on the line once, and it is great that they can still engage in such ordinary and energetic quarrels.
I was smiling on the bed, but I felt Youdao's eyes were always on me. I turned my head slightly and saw Li Zhaozhan who had been standing by the window.
The sunlight shone on his face, giving his pale complexion a little warmth. Since I woke up, except for the moment he saw me when I came closer, he was a little emotional. For the rest of the time, he stayed silent and did not speak. The noise in the room seemed to have nothing to do with him.
He just looked at me quietly in a place where there was no one, as if doing philosophical thinking.
"Okay, I won't quarrel with you anymore. I'm going to see the traffic police. Now Xiaoxin wakes up. The most important thing is to find the person who caused the accident. I don't bother to be familiar with you." My mother decided to end the scolding war. He patted my arm lightly, "Xiaoxin, don't worry, my mother will definitely help you catch the driver."
Mom... If you don't have a driver, you can't catch it even if you have one.
"Don't be in a hurry with the traffic police, what's the use!" My dad said, and left the ward while arguing with my mother. Before leaving, he looked back at me and said, "Take care, ah, that, trouble Two friends."
They left, and the room quieted down temporarily. Li accompanied him to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "Xiaoxin, how come you haven't inherited the aunt's sturdyness at all." She thought for a while, "No, you get anxious. It was quite scary when I was there. It seems to be inherited. Oh, by the way, I haven’t had time to talk to Meimei and the others. I’ll call first, and you’ll rest for a while."
I blinked and signaled that I heard it. I was holding the phone to accompany me. Just about to leave the house, Li Dongtong, who had been silent, said: "Tell them it's okay, but the visit can only come tomorrow."
After hearing the words, Li Pei accompanied with a very ambiguous sound: "Oh." The ending sound of the word oh is prolonged. I don't know how many tones. She blinked her eyes as she looked at me, with a look of "nice job". expression.
I lay down and blinked at her to show that I was at a loss, but she didn't understand what I meant, and went out very numbly and closed the door.
The only thing left in the room was the quiet me and the quiet Li Zhaozhan.
He stood by the window in the sunlight for a while, then silently walked to my bed. He sat down with Erlang's legs tilted and pushed his eyes, as cold and arrogant as usual.
"Lin Zishu hasn't caught it yet," he said, "but their home in Wulong has been taken."
It turned out to be Wu Long. It’s no wonder that drawing a magic circle can send myself and Li Zhitong to the underground cave. The place is a karst landform. It is famous for the tiankengdi cave, which is sinking. The length of the circle, the place where the magic circle was transmitted did not directly smash him to death, it was already considered lucky.
"It is still unknown how much collusion he had with the displaced people in other cities, but judging from his final departure, the future situation is not optimistic."
He spoke in a very flat tone, and I felt bored when I heard it, so I tried to control my hand, moved aside, little by little, like a snail crawling, and finally, my fingertips crawled to the front of Li Zhaotong's knees against the bed.
I knocked on his knee, like a door.
"...What are you doing?" he asked me.
I lay down for a week, but when Li Zhaodi was working as a pig, he was also seriously injured. From what he said just now, he shouldn't lie down for a day...
"Are you okay?"
The respirator made my voice small and dim, but I believe that Li Zhizhe still heard clearly, because after hearing this question from me, he was silent for a moment, and turned his eyes on the side of his head, as if he couldn’t bear to look again. It's the same as me, and it's like facing my eyes again, he will have some emotions, and I will discover it.
The room is so quiet that I can hear his breathing heavier than usual.
"I'm not the same as you." Li Zhaotong adjusted his emotions, then turned his head and looked at me directly, "Those injuries that will kill you are nothing to me. Don't you know your vulnerability? Su Xiaoxin."
He said such a long string of words, but I only cared about his voice when he called my name.
Sure enough, when I was immersed in the darkness with peace of mind, and when the darkness was about to pass, it was Li Zhaodi who called my name.
Like what their non-humans say, the name is really magical.
I looked at him and laughed.
Li Zhuan frowned very tightly: "What are you laughing at?"
I didn't answer him because the body was tired again: "I will sleep for a while, and I will talk to you when I wake up."
However, when I woke up again, it was already very dark, and Li Zhaoyi also left. In the room, only my mother who was asleep in the next bed and the companion sitting on my bed tinkering with the laptop.
"Xiaoxin." The companion lowered his voice and greeted me.
When I woke up again, I felt a little more energetic, "Accompany me, I have something to say to Li Zhaotong."
"Now?" I accompanied him and looked at the time on the computer. "Li Zhizhang should have just left the non-union headquarters. He is not in China now. It will take a week to return. All his information should be encrypted this week. You should not contact you. Get on him."
World African Union headquarters? Exist like the United Nations, the organization that only exists in Li Ping Ping Science Popularization, did Li Zhaoyi go there...
"Because of this time?"
"Well, the people above are very concerned about this incident, Xiaoxin, you probably don't know what you have mixed up. This can be said to be the first major conflict between the displaced and the World-Finance Alliance in the 21st century."
I obviously just want to go home and see my father who broke his leg... It really wasn't my intention to make such a big thing...
"What do you want to say to Li Zhaotong? Are you in a hurry? I'm going to pass away the day after tomorrow. I will take notes for the non-union. I will help you with the words."
I shook my head: "Wait for him to come back."
I didn't expect that I waited for more than a month.
I stayed in the hospital for 50 days and recovered slowly. The plasters on my hands and feet were removed and replaced with simple wooden boards. I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. Although the body can't be alive and kicking, but the spirit has basically recovered.
My parents didn't worry about me and asked me to go home and raise them for another month.
In one quarter, from autumn to midwinter, after spending the new year at home, my health is also very good.
In the nearly one hundred days, I basically had no contact with Li Zhaoyi, and the news I occasionally sent to him was also completely overwhelmed. I asked the escort, and the said that she didn't see Li Zhaoyi every day. I asked a few times without results, so I didn't ask again.
My parents seemed to have a shadow over my car accident, and they were extremely unwilling to let me leave home.
Years later, because I was moving out, there were several quarrels with my parents, but each time it ended in tears from my mother.
I did not move back to the residential building, and no non-humans in the building came to ask me, and neither Meimei nor the little wolf came to disturb my life. In fact, think about it now, many times, they are alone, unlike human beings, they don't need so much contact and care, including company.
Without living in a residential building, without contact with non-human beings, my life seemed to have suddenly returned to normal.
But a normal life makes me feel very empty, even lonely and crazy.
Obviously I have too much time every day, but I was sitting at the table with a paintbrush, but I couldn’t draw anything. It was like the previous paintings were drawn by God holding my hand. Now God no longer pity me , So deprived me of the right to express.
I forcibly drew a few pictures and posted them, but the readers said they were not as good as before.
I felt extremely panic. I didn't dare to look at my comment area anymore, subconsciously began to avoid it, occasionally clicked it, and saw the full reminders, my mood was no longer as excited as before, I felt pressure and burden.
After a hundred days of breaking the watch, there are reasons for hand injuries and reasons for not being able to draw. I suspect that I and Jiang Lang are exhausted, and even feel that I will not be able to draw cartoons in my life.
Because of this comic that was recommended by the goddess before, there are basically no people chasing it.
I felt that I was a failure and lost, and I was suddenly lost in the path of life.
This situation lasted for two weeks. On weekends, I was dragged out by my mother to go shopping with her. She kept telling me on the way:
"You have had such a big incident now. Your dad and I don’t worry about anything else, just worry about your body. You are at home, and your dad and I can take care of everything for you, and we don’t object to your drawing. It’s comics, and you don’t choose a place for your job. Why can’t you paint?
I was silent and did not speak.
I can't tell them why. My parents are like this. They may be the people who care about you the most in the world, but they may not understand you the most.
I was walking in the supermarket while pushing the trolley with my head down. Suddenly, the trolley bumped into a person, and the car fell back slightly: "I'm sorry." I subconsciously apologized, looked up, and then froze.
Li Zhitong in a suit and leather shoes stood in front of my cart, his gold glasses still shining as before.
I haven't seen him for more than three months, rounded up, it is equal to half a year. He really hasn't changed at all. With such a familiar face, goodbye, I heard his heart "thump".
I always thought that bye bye Li Zhitong, I would definitely ask him what he has been doing during this time, why he has disappeared, is it really busy to the point that I can’t even return the news, but when this moment really comes, I am the only one wandering After the question in my mind-'Hey, Li Zhaodi, why did you find me again when I was lost. ’
"Huh?" My mother just took something from the shelf, and turned around to see Li Zhuan, "Isn't this Xiaoxin's friend?"
"I'm not her friend." Li Zhiyi pushed down his glasses, "I am her landlord." Li Zhiyi looked away from me and turned to my mother. "She signed a three-year rental contract with me, and now she owes After five months of rent, it’s okay if the house is not rented. If the rent and liquidated damages are not paid..." He paused and looked at me, "Then live back obediently, I will not Tenants who like to owe me rent live in places that are not convenient for me to urge rent."
I stared at Li Zhaotong blankly, my mother also stared at Li Zhaotong blankly, then looked at me again, then turned to stare at Li Zhaotong: "How much rent and liquidated damages?"
"The rent is fifteen thousand a month, liquidated damages..." He thought for a while and said casually, "Seven or eight million."
My mother looked at Li Zhaotong in shock: "How much?" My mother lost her words to this big-mouthed lion for an instant.
I looked at Li Zhaodi, and for the first time because of this person's shamelessness... I laughed.
I said, "I can't afford it."
"Then go back with me."
I glanced at my mother, pushed the cart to the side, and said to Li Zhaotong, "Let's go."
My mother was shocked: "Su Xiaoxin!?"
I didn’t look at my mother anymore. I took Li Zhaodi’s hand and ran out of the supermarket. My mother shouted my name from behind, but there were still things she paid for in the trolley. She called me and wanted to chase me. I went back to pull the cart and swayed from side to side for a while, then I ran away with Li Zhaotong.
I ran out of the supermarket and arrived at the corner of the street. I stopped, panting and looking at the restless Li Zhidao. I panted and pointed behind me: "My mother...want something in the trolley and want to take me Catch it back, obviously he is also a vacillating and hesitant person, but he is a little older, so he wants to help me make decisions, is that funny?"
"It's like this after running two steps, Su Xiaoxin, you are also very funny."
I straightened up and stared at Li Zhaotong: "You are as funny as my mother." I raised my arms and gestured in front of him, stretched out my legs, "Look."
He looked at me: "What are you looking at? How short are the arms and legs?"
I didn't get angry because Li Zhaozhao me: "Look, I am all right."
Li Zhaotong looked at me up and down silently: "Yeah."
"Li Zhaoyi, I always wanted to tell you that I was lying in the hospital for a week, as if I walked around on the edge of death, but death is not terrible. It's just that I borrowed something from the darkness and returned it to the darkness. ..."
Li Zhaodiao seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and wanted to frustrate me, so I immediately interrupted him:
"But! But, I still have to thank you for waking me up and letting me come back to life, and thank you for saving me alone before, and now, for coming to me and taking me back, I am really grateful!"
"Who said I'm here to look for you." Li Zhaodi spit out two words with an unhappy expression, "A chance encounter."
"Anything is good, anyway, I now feel that although death is not terrible, but living is really a very lucky and difficult thing. There are 206 bones, 639 muscles and more than 60 internal organs in my body. Trillions of cells are trying their best to keep me alive. Look!"
I stretched out my hand and shook in front of him, playing with my fingers like flowers.
The eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses looked at my hand. The sunlight was a bit dazzling, and it shone on my hand, it seemed to be the reflection of my skin, jumping like a butterfly on his glasses.
In order to show my flexibility, I made gestures for a long time, and Li Zhaoyi was silent for a long time, and finally turned his head: "Well, it's very short and thick."
I tucked the corner of my mouth and withdrew my hand: "Li Zhizong, I want to tell you that humans are very fragile, but not as fragile as you think."
Li Zhuan turned his head to the side, but he rolled his eyes. He squinted at me in such an awkward posture, but I saw tenderness in his eyes.
" !" The loud sound of " !" exploded in my ears and Li Zhaozun's ears, and Li Zunzun and I looked to the left of the sound at the same time.
On a one-way street, a motorcycle crashed into a motorcycle police car.
The motorcycle crashed in an instant, and the boy wearing a black leather jacket flew directly into the sky, threw a parabola, fell heavily to the ground, rolled seven or eight laps, and hit the tire of another van parked on the side of the road. Down.
I think, it's over, this person must be dead.
But within a few seconds, he saw the boy in the black leather coat touching his neck, standing up with shocked eyes around him.
A traffic policeman in a yellow police uniform ran over in a panic from the beverage machine next to him. First, he rushed to the boy's side and looked up and down at him in disbelief: "Is it all right?"
"Ah, mother!" The first time the young man in black leather stood up, he saw that his leather jacket and his entire arm had been worn out on the asphalt road.
Seeing his spirit, the traffic police was stunned for a while and was also angry: "This is a one-way street! Is it reasonable for you to hit a police car retrograde?" The traffic police put the drink in his pocket and turned out his notebook, "Name, driver's license."
"A ticket? Huh!" The boy sneered. "If you dare to issue a ticket for me, I will let people destroy the earth tomorrow, believe it or not?"
The traffic police looked at him indifferently: "You are going to destroy the earth tomorrow, and I have to issue you a ticket today. Name, driver's license."
I stared at the absurd scene over there blankly, then turned to look at Li Zhaotong: "That's not a human being."
"What do you think?"
I don’t think so.
I'm really sorry that human beings are not as fragile as you think. I was wrong. Compared with these non-human beings, human beings are really fragile.
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