Chapter 64:

You kiss me again. (((Cartino Novel Network
This request is abrupt and absurd.
My completely sluggish expression seemed to make Li Zhaodi impatient to wait. He pinched my chin, stared at my eyes, and said word by word: "I want you, kiss me."
"Boom", as if a horn exploded in my chest, my face instantly blushed, and the deer in my heart smashed like I was going to die.
"Li Zhidiao..." My hand on his chest looked like a praying man's arm as a car. My entire arm was trembling from fingertips, "You take some sober medicine..."
Behind the glasses that hung lazily on his face, he squinted his eyes, his eyes full of drunken mist and blur.
"Because you are drunk!"
"Why?" He was still asking me, obviously what I just answered was not the question he wanted to ask.
I looked at him blindly: "What and why?"
"Why don't you kiss me?"
Why can you ask this question so wronged?
I've never heard Li Zhaodi talk to me in this tone. I was a little flustered. I wanted to turn my head and look elsewhere, but his chin was pinched by him again, so I just rolled my eyes left and right: "Uh...uh...uh, I..." When I spoke, I suddenly smelled the lingering taste of butter hot pot on my body. There was a flash of light in my mind, and my eyes dared to look directly at Li Zhaozhen, "I have eaten garlic!"
He sneered. Even when his eyes were so blurred, his sneer was still very ironic: "Garlic? What is it?"
He leaned close to me, his lips close to me. My back was straight and I stood close to the door. The violent beating of my heart seemed to knock the door behind me.
"Wait, wait..." I struggled for the last time, "Why... why, why do I have to kiss you..."
Li Zhuan looked at me for a long time: "Su Xiaoxin, I want you to change me back."
This answer is thousands of miles beyond my expectation.
"But, but you... are not a pig anymore." I carefully punctured the fact, "You have changed back, after the black dog licked you."
"Black dog?"
"Yes, black dog."
I hate in my heart that I usually like things that get in the way so much. How can I not see the shadow of the cat today? In this case, Heigou can simply and neatly interrupt the ambiguous and charming with a Chongqing dialect.
After all, the Chongqing dialect is so straightforward that it is not suitable for dating.
"Heh, black dog..." Li Zhaozong whispered secretly, "Why don't you understand." Then, as if drinking spirit suddenly came up, his hand on my chin was loosened, and the whole figure instantly fell on me. On the downside, fortunately, I was leaning against the door behind me, and I copied his arms with both hands, barely holding him up.
But at this time, the physical drawbacks of the injured body are highlighted, even if most of the functions have been recovered. But when I was suddenly under gravity, my injured joints still ached.
I didn't stand firmly, and slid down against the door. Li Zhaodi also slid down. I fell to the ground while Li Zhaodi fell into my arms, with his head resting on my legs and his head against my stomach. He turned his head and found a suitable place on my body, unexpectedly...
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I have a trace of a mask, watching the vampire sleeping on my lap, and for a while, I don't know how to react.
After staying for a while, I sighed. In order to make him sleep more comfortable, I wanted to remove the gold-rimmed glasses on his face, but when I put my hand on his frame, he raised his hand. Grabbed my wrist.
"You must hate me."
He suddenly said such a sentence, as if he was already awake, but I also knew that the awake Li Zhitong would never say such a thing.
"I didn't." I explained to him softly, "I have never hated you." I thought about it, and then said, "Of course, except for occasionally when the rent is urged too much..."
He grabbed my wrist, but gently put my hand in front of him, his nose touched the back of my hand, and he rubbed the back of my hand twice, "You are very warm, so I must push away you."
I...very warm?
For vampires, perhaps, humans are warm. The warm blood nourishes our lives and attracts them from the deepest point.
"I know how obsessed I will be." He grabbed my hand, as if to hide my hand in his arms. Because of this, I was slightly bent down by him, and my face was close to his breath again.
He was lying in my arms, and I stared into his eyes above him, I saw him slightly opened his eyes and looked back at me.
"Su Xiaoxin, I can endure endless loneliness, but I can't endure the loneliness of gain and loss." In his eyes, it was pitch black. I couldn't see my shadow or his saneness in it, but I believe what I hear at this moment should be his inner voice, he said:
"Longing for the morning sun will only make my night longer."
I was lost because of his words.
I think that I like you, I really shouldn't say it.
I am a human, greedy, and never satisfied human. I don’t have the confidence to tell Li Zhaotong,
Don’t worry, let us be together, I will always love you.
Don’t talk about the
relationship between me and him. It's not the same, just say that in my limited "forever", I can't guarantee that I will always love him.
And Li Zhidong...
I always think that if you want to see a person clearly, don't listen to what he says, but see what he has done. What I saw was Li Yundiao, and I still remember a girl, a human girl who died of illness during the war.
I don't know what happened between them, but I know that it should be almost a hundred years since then. He always remembered, never forgotten.
Do I... want him to remember a hundred years, or even longer?
Although, as a woman, it's cool to think this way, but what qualifications do I have to let him bear the loneliness while losing?
So, let's not talk about it.
I stayed silent, and Li Zhiyi didn't speak any more. After a while, his hand holding my wrist slowly loosened, and his eyes closed again. I withdrew my hand from his palm. This time, when I helped him take off his glasses, he didn't move anything.
After a while, Li Zhaodi's breathing began to become even.
His breath was cold, and the coolness from his body made me feel a bit cold in the dark.
Suddenly, not knowing what state of mind I was in, I suddenly cared a little about the coolness. I bent down and was in the posture of him sleeping in my arms, like a dragonfly. I touched his lips with my lips, as if Can smudge him a little bit of my temperature.
Anyway, it's only tonight, God knows and I knows, not even him.
When I met his thin lips for a moment, I suddenly recovered.
Sit up abruptly, then looked at Li Zida, in a daze.
What am I doing? Forcibly kiss the drunk?
I was stunned in the room, looking at Li Zhaodi's sleeping face, listening to the clock ticking in the room, for a long time without any movement.
He didn't know, maybe he didn't know, otherwise he would have jumped up long ago.
I comforted myself in this way until my legs were completely stiff, and there was a slight pain in the joints. I realized that my body did not allow me to sit on the ground with Li Zhitong like this for one night, so I pushed Li Zhaotong.
He hummed twice, and I looked at him in a complicated mood, but I was relieved of the uncontrollable behavior I just made.
"Li Zhaodi, you go to sleep in the coffin." I called him, he still just hummed, and I sighed, "Why drink so much..."
I first pushed Li Zhuan’s head to the ground, and then tried to prop up my body. After I stood up, my legs felt like numbness like ant bite. After a while, the pain disappeared, and then I dragged Li Zhuan away from the door. I arrived in his room, but there was no way to throw him into the coffin anyway, so I put a blanket on the ground for him, pushed him up, wrapped him in the blanket, and wrapped him like a mummy.
It can be regarded as another coffin situation.
I saw that Li Zhaodi was sleeping soundly, and he would make something extraordinary, so I immediately stepped away.
When I got out of Li Zhaodi’s room, I breathed a sigh of relief, intending to forget what happened tonight, but no one saw it anyway...
"I saw it."
In a daze, a sound came out from behind me like a ghost, and I was startled, but when I turned around and looked at the place where the sound came from, I saw nothing.
"Don't be afraid, I won't tell anyone to help you keep it secret."
Suddenly, the sound came from the corner of the corridor on the second floor. I suddenly raised my head and looked up, only having time to see a corner of a black robe, flashing past the dim corridor lights.
That is……
Unbelievable Mr. Love?
"Wait..." I wanted to call him, and I chased him to the second floor, but the corridor was empty, not to mention the human figure, there was no sound at all. It seems that the two sentences I heard just now are just my illusion, "It's really...out of sight..."
Didn't Li Zhaoyi say that ordinary non-humans in this building can't get close.
Who is he?
The question that has been plagued me for so long, of course, will not be answered now, but suddenly another wailing from outside brought me back.
Their hot pot feast... is still going on?
I went downstairs and walked out. There was a mess in the clearing. The little wolf was so tired that he fell asleep on the ground with the help of alcohol. Meimei and Axu supported each other and fell to the side of the table. Yu Shao hung on On the legs of the unconscious old witch, she was so confused that she couldn't open her eyes, but she was still yelling: "Miss Sister, Ms. Sister." Her hand kept touching the hair of her legs in the old witch's nightgown.
I watched for a while, and didn't see the companion and Wei Wuchang who had been tug-of-war before, but nothing would happen to these two people, so I didn't bother to manage. And it was Ah Xiao who had not eaten a bite from beginning to end just now.
Because he was hungry, the frequency of his wailing also dropped.
I looked around and decided to send them back to the room one by one. Meimei and Ash lived at the bottom, and they were not too drunk too seriously. I awoke Meimei and let them help and went back.
The punch before the old witch was accompanied swelled a big bag on her head. She couldn't wake up completely. I dragged him and took Yu Shao, panting step by step, carried them upstairs and threw them. At the door, wait until they wake up before opening the door and going back.
The little wolf has thick skin and thick flesh. I didn't intend to care about him. Maybe the floor outside his room is not clean.
There is a little left...
He was still by Li Zhaodi's rope, and now he was too weak to shout.
I looked back and saw that there are still a lot of dishes in the hot pot on the table. Anyway, it is a waste to lose it. If you put it tomorrow, the contents of the pot will not be eaten, so I took a big bowl and took the remaining dishes. It was all filtered out and brought to A Xiao.
Smelling the scent, Ah Xiao suddenly raised his head, staring straight at my bowl.
"There is so much left. I can't untie Li Zhaodi's rope, so I will just put some into your mouth."
"Good, good." He nodded quickly, and I fed the leftovers into his mouth just like cleaning.
After the hot pot butter was cold, it was a little squishy and couldn't get it on the dish. It was stuck with pepper and pepper and a bunch of spices. He ate it all in his mouth, his hot face was flushed, but he kept stuffing it and accompany him. The man who accompanies the family eats meat like meat.
After he finished feeding a large bowl of leftovers, he still had no idea.
I was leaving with an empty bowl, but he stopped me: "Are you Su Xiaoxin?"
"Well, I used to live in the room you ruined..." I wanted to complain to him a few words about how he broke my room, but before I finished speaking, this Xiao Xiao said:
"Do you want to marry me?"
In this world now, is I alone, thinking so rigid and inflexible? Why did everything I heard this evening jump so huge?
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