Chapter 74:

In order to bite me again, the big beauty made a dirty deal with Li Zhitong, she decided to deworm him. (((Cartino Novel Network
She brought me and Li Zhitong to her house in the col.
To tell the truth, her house is really like... a haunted house.
There are heavy dead woods outside the house, layers of spider webs inside the house, wooden floors that have not been overhauled for many years, and "creaking" noises when I walk. Every time I step, I worry about whether I will step on this board. It's broken, but Li Zhiyi and Damei are very confident.
Up a dilapidated staircase, the big beauty led us into a room with an old big bed, dressing table, sofa and trumpet flower-like sound machine, which was completely equipped with noble families during the Republic of China. It's just that everything looks a little shabby and... gloomy.
The dressing table is covered with gray, there are thick spider webs in the stereo, and the bed looks clean...
"Here, you go to bed and lie down. I will give you a consultation first to see which corpse bug is, and then I will know how to treat it." The beautiful lady said, and Li Zhaodi sat down, and saw that the bed immediately vacated. A piece of dust.
Li Yan frowned.
"Lie down." The big beauty didn't notice anything.
Li Zunzhun was not picky, put his feet on the bed and lay down, and then the big beauty sat on the edge of the bed and began to help him get his pulse.
I stood aside and had nothing to do. I looked at the room from side to side. At this moment, outside the door, in the dark aisle, there was a sound of footsteps. I slowly grew up, I turned my head and looked at the door, only one The figure of the little girl with a disheveled hair dangled by the door. The light was too dim, and I couldn't even see what color she was wearing.
I was stiff.
Stared at the door for a while, but didn't see the little girl coming back.
"That..." I said, "Excuse me, are there any children in this room?"
The big beauty was still studying Li Zhaodi's pulse, and said lightly: "No."
I just felt a chill rush down my spine and onto my forehead, chilling me completely. I silently moved closer to the bed, and then moved closer.
"Hey, don't stop." The big beauty stopped me quickly. "Your body temperature is too high. When you come over, the corpses in his body are all agitated. Stay away. Go and stand by the window."
I think my whole person is cold now! Where is the body temperature still high!
Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't dare to add confusion and stood by the window.
The old window with stained glass, where I was standing, happened to be a small piece of green glass. Looking out from the green glass, the dead wood outside became even more terrifying in an instant. I hugged my arms and shivered.
suddenly! There was a flash of light outside the green glass, and a cluster of flames burned from the dead wood!
It seemed that someone had lighted a bonfire, and the flames were jumping in the forest, through the glass, like a ghost fire.
I swallowed, and quietly opened the window, trying to get a clear view of the outside situation.
Through the gap, I saw a little girl squatting by the bonfire in the dead wood. The black dress on her body made her almost integrated with the woods. She held the yellow paper money in her hand and threw it into the fire one by one. Shining on her face, it can be seen that she is still muttering something.
I think I was scared to death. Deep in the mountains and old forests, in the dark and windy night, a mysterious girl with a disheveled hair burned paper alone in the forest...
Suddenly, the little girl turned her head abruptly, staring straight at me who had opened the window. The look is like a needle, about to pierce my eyeball.
I felt my scalp tightened, I immediately slapped the window, took three steps back, and fell to the ground with a "boom".
The broken wooden floor was "crunched" by me, and my heart almost jumped out of my mouth.
As if shocked by my movement, the big beauty on the bed turned her head, and Li Zhaozhao, who was lying down, also lifted his body slightly, and they both looked at me who had fallen to the ground.
Li Zhuan frowned: "What's the matter?"
It’s like how I’ve been there many times before, but now I don’t have time to care about this with Li Zhaotong. I pointed out the window: "There is something..." Before I could tell the reason, the window suddenly " " With a sound, being pushed away vigorously, the girl wearing a little black cheongsam suddenly turned in from the window.
"Yeah!" I couldn't help but let out a short scream, rubbing my on the ground, and quickly retreated a few meters.
However, the two people in the house were calm.
The big beauty said: "Ling Ling, how many times have I told you that the lady is going up the stairs."
Ok? Know?
The little girl stood at the window, looking at me with a displeased face, "Aniang, she peeked at me burning paper."
Ok! ?
I couldn't help but interrupted: "No, didn't I mean there are no children?"
"I am not a child." The little girl looked upset, "I am 10 years old, and I am a big girl."
Ten years old...
When I was feeling that I didn't know what to vomit, there was a muffled "pop" from the bed. I turned my head to see that it was Li Zhaozhao who had passed out again.
"Ah..." I turned my mind for a moment, and quickly explained to the big beauty, "He has been like this for the past few days. After being injured by the cadaver, he will fall into a coma every day at the time of the injury. Isn't it true? Is the corpse bug haunting him?"
"Well, this thing is not made by ordinary corpse slayers." The big beauty studied Li Zhaotong for a while, and then said to the little girl, "Big girl, go out for a while and take this sister away. They are guests. , Let her see that there is nothing you can do to burn the paper, and you can also ask her to burn it for you.
The big beauty began to rush people.
The little girl thought for a while: "Huh." She reluctantly agreed, "Okay A-niang." She walked up to me and stretched out her hand to me, "You heard what A-niang said, you have to Burn it for me."
I took the little girl by the hand, stood up, and followed her to the outside of the house. I was still a little worried when I reached the door, so I turned my head and looked at Li Zhaotong on the bed.
His symptoms seem to be more serious than before, his face is paler than paper, and the sweat on his forehead is as much as rain: "Can...can it be cured?"
The big beauty looked back at me, and then smiled slightly: "This guy can be so worried, and I don't know what kind of luck he had." The tone of her words was a little melancholy. And envy.
The little girl next to her seemed very sensitive. She seemed to perceive her mother's emotions and immediately pulled my hand and said, "Go go, you and me."
The girl looked small, but her strength was amazing. It was really the strength of a "big girl". I was dragged away by her.
Dragging it all the way to the side of the fire in the dead wood, the little girl stopped, angrily stuffed me a handful of paper money, and then squatted down by herself, muttering words and burning.
Well, speaking of the plot of burning paper...
"Do you know someone who gives you a dream and asks you to burn paper for her so that she can buy things in the market below?"
The little girl turned her head and looked at me with an expression of "what are you talking about?"
I touched my nose and squatted down: "I read a novel before, which is pretty good. The heroine is a big demon called Lu Shaoqi. After she died, she became poor, so she was burned..."
"The man who burned the paper is indeed a big monster." The little girl interrupted me.
My eyes lit up immediately: "Oh, is there really such a thing as a big demon here!" Before the founding of the country, I was able to cultivate immortals! Xianxia novels sincerely expect me!
"The big devil always does bad things, why are you so happy to hear his existence?" The little girl was very angry at my performance, she snorted, "I burned the paper money to the big devil, but this demon His head is not dead, he is still alive, and I burned the paper to curse him to death."
Did a little girl live in such a gloomy life... But her mother looks very sunny and healthy, is she affected by the place where she lives?
"I’ve heard other elves say before. What the elves say has a linguistic effect. Every time I burn a piece, I curse him. I burn and curse every day. Even if he doesn’t die, I don’t want him to be happy, I want He lacks arms and legs, and is alive with sores and pus on his head."
It turns out that their mother and daughter belong to the elves. I have never seen elves in residential buildings. I heard that they are supernatural and do not like to be in contact with people. They always live alone in the mountains and forests. They are the most left in the non-human alliance. An independent branch of the world.
When I saw it now, I was truly independent, but it was a bit different from the noble and glamorous or lively and lovely elves I imagined...
From residence to character to behavior...
I thought about it and asked the little girl: "Why do you hate that big demon so much?"
"He is my father."
I never expected such four words.
I was afraid that the story behind these four words was inconvenient for an outsider who had only met for the first time, so I was silent on the spot and burned the paper quietly, unable to speak anymore.
But the little girl seemed to have finally found a listener. While burning the paper, she complained in pieces:
"Huh, an ordinary human being, doesn't he just have a little money at home and read a few books? It deceived my mother-in-law's heart and let my mother-in-law give birth to me. My mother-in-law was such a powerful caster before Teacher, because of him, he gave up his career and didn’t come into contact with other people who weren’t humans. As a result, he knew whether my mother-in-law was an elf or a human being. He changed her face when she changed her face, abandoned her and me, and made me eat her. So much hardship. Huh, he turned around and accepted the arrangement from the family and married a personal daughter-in-law. Huh, human beings, men, there is not a good thing, I have grown up now, I want to kill that grief, but my mother is going No. Humph, it’s a pity that I can’t kill him personally, but it’s okay, I curse him every day, even if I only have half of the elf blood, I can make him feel bad.
She looked at the fire and kept going inside. To die, not to die, the heartless man, bald and blind with tongue and tongue..."
With paper money in my hand, I didn't know if I should throw it into the fire for a while.
"That..." I looked at the girl who was getting more and more immersed in the curse of Sui Sui Min, and decided to change the subject: "I don't know what to call you yet?"
"My name is Lingling, and my mother's name is Weiwei." The little girl turned her head and asked me, "What is your name?"
"My name is..." I paused and thought, these non-humans use pseudonyms, and I don't have to report my name so honestly, and this little girl has a temperamental uncertainty. Name it.
If Li Yiyan is called Li Yiyan, then I will say, "Wu Yiyu, just call me just one word."
Li Yiyan, Wu Yiyu, just right.
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