Chapter 79:

After hitting Li Zhuangtao and petting the dog, this vampire seemed to have opened up the two lines of Ren and Du on the matter of keeping a pet. +++ Girls must go to the website
He slept in the day until the afternoon, and when he woke up, he went around in the mountains, hit two birds back, let the bells simmer, gave us soup, and the little black dog eats meat.
The Lingling stew was simmered for an afternoon. When we had dinner in the evening, Lingling and I were sitting at the long table drinking soup, watching Li Zhitong feeding the black dog with meat. Looking at the appearance of Li Zhitong feeding the dog a little bit of shredded pork, Lingling asked me: "Why is the vampire suddenly full of maternal love?"
I didn't know, so I shook my head.
Li Zhitong, who was devoted to feeding the dog, glanced at me in a blink of an eye: "Drink the soup."
As if that meat is dog food, this soup is my food...
I immersed myself in a sip of soup. Suddenly, Lingling turned his head and looked out the window. Li Zhidao on the long table also frowned and looked out.
I didn’t know what was posted, so I turned around and looked in the direction they were looking at, but I didn’t have time to see anything. I saw the glass in the kitchen shattered in an instant. With this crisp sound, the broken glass pierced me like a knife. Come, I subconsciously blocked my face, turned my back, but didn't feel any debris stuck on my back.
Looking back again, Li Zhaozhe had already stood in front of me.
I looked at his back, a little stunned, this long-haired Li Zundao...protected me...
"No hurries?"
The voices of Li Yidi and Lingling sounded at the same time.
I poked my head out from behind Li Zhaotong and saw Weiwei patted the glass dross on her body. Before raising her head, she was hugged by the rushing Lingling: "Aniang, you are finally back! Two days in advance, really Great! I miss you so much!"
"Wait, wait." Weiwei panted and pushed the bell away, "I don't have time to talk about this now. There are still people behind."
Ok? I looked out through the broken glass window, and saw the moon hung on the top of the mountain, illuminating the rock wall on the top of the mountain. Between the rock walls, rows of people, like bees, swarmed down from above, towards the middle of the mountain col. Chase.
what's the situation……
"Did you bring a large army back to kill the bandits?" Li Zhitong asked her.
"It's not the army, it's just some corpse-shovelers and other human... soldiers."
Human soldiers?
While talking, Weiwei hurriedly walked to the living room, and pressed the doorknob down in front of the door of the living room. I only heard a dull sound under my feet, and the strange dead wood outside the house began to move instantly like alive. Up.
Lingling looked at her mother, "Aniang, what kind of soldiers are those?"
When Lingling asked this, her expression was very strange, and Weiwei did not answer directly. She turned her head and looked over Lingling to look at Li Zhaotong, took a bamboo tube out of her sleeve, and threw it at Li Zhaotong:
"Put this thing on the back of your hand, make a slit, take something to the corpse bug and it will come out. There are too many people outside, and the dead wood will not be able to stop it for long. You guys hide here and get the corpse bug out. I To divert a part."
After she finished speaking, she made a gesture to jump out of another window in the living room, and Lingling hurriedly caught up, hugging her mother's arm:
"Aniang! Is this my father's servant? Did he target you! Let me go! I'll kill him!"
"Jiangling!" Weiwei scolded her and threw her hand away, "Don't make trouble, there are so many people outside, so many guns and ammunition, who can you kill! Go and help the vampire cure the disease, the dry woods outside can't stop it There are so many cadavers and people who live there, if you are cured, let him take you away with a formation!"
"No!" What else did Lingling say, Weiwei pushed her, snapped her fingers, two vines jumped up on the ground, and tightly tied Lingling's feet and hands.
Weiwei glanced at Li Zhaotong: "Watch her well."
After that, she turned the window and went out, letting the bell ring to shout to her exhaustively, she did not look back.
This is the first time I have seen Lingling who is not as sensible as a child crying like her peers.
Weiwei's figure ran into the dead wood, and within a short while, there were bursts of gunshots, which made people frightened. However, the gunshots also followed her departure, getting further and further away from the house, outside in the mountain col. , There were endless gunshots, screams, and the sound of soldiers shouting.
Lingling cried for a while, and then gritted his teeth and looked out the window.
The soldier’s voice was taken away by Weiwei, but I could see from the kitchen window that another group of people approached the brick house quietly. They didn’t have guns and ammunition, but where they came from, The dead wood fell in pieces.
"It's the corpsesmith here, Li Yiyan..." I wanted Li Zhaotong to expel the corpse insects quickly, but at the moment I stood up, I found out that since Weiwei had left, Li Zhaotong had been too quiet.
When I turned to him, I saw that Li Zhaodi was holding the bamboo tube tightly with one hand and holding the chest with one hand. His complexion was as ugly as golden paper, and the sweat on his forehead was falling down.
"Does it hurt again? But... didn't you feel better yesterday?"
"The corpse carpenter..." Li Zhaoming gritted his teeth and looked up out of the window. The blood in his pupils was faintly visible.
I was stunned for a moment, almost in the next moment. I didn't think about anything. I rushed to the cooking table, picked up the kitchen knife, and rushed to the living room. I dropped the knife and cut off the vine that bound Lingling's hands:" Lingling, Li Yiyan said that the corpse and insects in her body are about to be removed." As I said, I cut off the vines on her feet. The vines on her feet were thicker than my arms. After two years of cutting, the tiger’s mouth was shaken out. A hole.
I didn't let go, and went down with two swords, and cut off the vine on one of Lingling's ankle: "That medicine..."
Before I finished speaking, the knife was pulling the vine vigorously while it was cutting down, and directly pulled the vine to the ground! Before I could react at all, Lingling broke the vines on her feet by herself, grabbed the kitchen knife in my hand, ignored me, turned the window directly, chased her mother away and left...
I turned my head and looked at Li Zhaozhan in the kitchen again. He seemed to be unable to hold his body anymore, clutching his chest and sitting against the table.
The dead woods of the windows outside were still falling one piece by piece. The closer the corpse-crawler got here, the worse Li Zhaodi's physical condition seemed, and there was no time to wait any longer.
Only I can help him here.
As soon as I gritted my teeth, I walked back to Li Zhizun again. Li Zunzun couldn't hold the antidote anymore. The medicine bottle fell on the ground. I picked it up and recalled what Weiwei said before leaving—wipe the dots on the back of his hand, with a striped slit , Take something to suck...
I took a knife from the desk again. I opened the medicine bottle and wiped it on the back of Li Zhaodi's hand, then gritted his teeth boldly and took a hole on the back of his hand.
I am grateful that when I was walking in the mountains and forests, Li Zhiyi let me kill rabbits and birds by myself, so that now I don't have too many psychological obstacles with his hands.
I opened a mouth of the flower on the back of his hand, and immediately, blood gushed out, dripping everywhere on the floor of the dining table and chairs. The little black dog seemed to smell the blood in the bandage, and it kept making a pitiful cry. Li Zhaodi, who was in severe pain, did not realize what I did to him, until I grabbed his hand and put it to my mouth...
As if suddenly awake, Li Zhizhuang suddenly pushed my shoulder with his other hand. I was pushed back a step, but still tightly grasped his hand that took the gap.
"what are you doing?"
"what are you doing?"
We both spoke at the same time, and his voice was much more angry than mine was anxious: "Are you looking for death?"
"The medicine was applied and the wound was scratched. I sucked a corpse worm and it came out!"
"Humans die if they are stained with corpses, you don't want to die?"
I was taken aback for a moment, and my gaze shifted to Li Zhaodi's pale face.
I have the answer in my heart-yes, I don't want my life.
I couldn't help but grabbed Li Zhaodi's hand. It is rare that when I confronted him, my physical strength prevailed. He failed to withdraw his hand, so my lips pressed against the wound on the back of his hand.
It's like doing a kiss, it's my tribute to this aloof vampire.
In the dark night full of weird blood, I was sucking the wound on the back of his hand, and a few insects swam from his arm at a very fast speed!
I kept sucking until a few bugs swam past his wrists, I slammed my head back, and my lips moved away from the back of his hand. A few bugs followed the arc of my sucking force and leaped from the wound on the back of Li Zhaoluo's hand. Out, between the back of his hand and my lips and teeth, a small arc jumped out, and then fell to the ground, and the moment it touched the floor, several corpse insects seemed to be burned. With a sound, it turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared instantly.
The corpse worm that has troubled Li Zhaotong for many days... finally came out.
The big stone in my heart fell instantly.
I looked up at Li Zhaozhun, and saw him looking at me. In his eyes, there seemed to be something flashing like never before.
Amidst the tense gunshots and fighting sounds outside, Li Zhidao's gaze was as quiet as the moon watching the farce from the sky, but as the only moonlight, staring at the earth persistently.
He asked again.
Why do you always ask like this.
"I like you." I smiled at him: "You see that I like you so much that I can't bear to die..."
Before I finished my words, I only felt a smell in my mouth rushing into my nasal cavity, which was so strong that my stomach was overwhelmed. As soon as I turned around, I leaned on the sink and immediately began to vomit.
"Wu Yiyu!"
I didn't have time to take care of Li Zhan. At first, I just vomited out the soup I had just drunk, and vomited a few more mouthfuls. I felt chest pain and unbearable. I choked and vomited a pool of black blood.
I looked at the blood vomiting out of my mouth and was stunned. But I didn't give me time to react at all, and my chest pained again, and I vomited and vomited, as if I was about to vomit the blood in my body like this.
"Wu Yiyu, Wu Yiyu..."
After not knowing how much blood I vomited, I finally felt the existence of other things around me.
Li Zhaoyi didn’t know how long he held me behind me, or how long he murmured: "Wait." His hand holding my waist trembled, "There is corpse poison left by corpse insects in my blood. Wait, someone will come to save you, you will be fine."
When he said this, he didn't know if he was speaking to me or speaking to himself.
"I'll be fine." I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth, and I wanted to tell him that I was not a person here, this is just a dream, and I will not die in it.
But without waiting for me to say these words, someone came in from the kitchen window. One eye was blind, and the other eye stared at me and Li Zhaotong like a falcon.
I vaguely recognized this person. It was the first day I came here. The corpse-crawler who planted the corpse insects into Li Zhaodi's body, Weiwei said...They belonged to Yujia in Xiangxi...
Is it Yu Shao's family?
"Vampire." The corpse slayer stood on the windowsill, his face as cold as Shura, "This time, let's see how you escape."
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