Chapter 1224: Across the jagged zone

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It didn't take long to come to the edge of the universe.
In addition to pretending to be civilization, the space ball also has a certain detection function, so it can detect other space at a certain distance around and pass by.
"Finally waited until this day."
"too difficult!"
Carlo sighed with emotion.
For many years, I can once again experience this angle from this perspective. In the past, when I was solo, it was like an ordinary person walking on two legs, but watching others ride in a car.
It feels very different.
Manipulate the space ball and open a huge mouth with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.
Dense mass and energy flow poured in.
Every second, it weighs more than one trillion tons.
Looking at all this, Lin Shan's face was very calm.
On the planetary scale, it is too small.
The weight of the earth is sixty trillion tons, yes, there is no more than one hundred million, the unit is 100 million tons, and the quantity is sixty trillion. This is only the earth.
To create a star system, more than one million earth masses are needed.
Just to get a sun out, you need 1.3 million earths, of course, if it is a low-profile version, one million earths are also possible.
See demand.
The mass energy absorption speed in front of us is one trillion tons per second.
Carlo controlled the opening and became bigger.
Twenty thousand kilometers.
Fifty thousand kilometers.
One hundred thousand kilometers.
Without further increase, there is an opening limit for empty goals. This opening, almost the largest known star, can be swallowed in one bite, and it is very easy.
See here.
Lin Shan didn't urge, even helping.
For what?
---Make a planet.
The realm of rules, covering thousands of miles, instantly, the rules of operation, the conversion of mass and energy.
Then combined into substances.
Numerous gaseous hydrogen elements floated like dust, and then began to move closer to the center.
One minute later.
The center of the hydrogen element dust cloud burst out with a violent light, which was produced by nuclear fusion. As the density of the condensed hydrogen becomes higher and higher, the drastic change becomes stronger.
Soon, there will be a strong sun.
This is certainly not enough.
The surrounding hydrogen elements continue to move closer to the middle, and the outer material energy continues to transform. Looking from a distance, it seems as if a bright lamp is shining in a thick fog.
Pretty beautiful!
The energy produced by nuclear fusion is originally diffused outwards.
However, in the realm of rules, it has become an inward impact.
high temperature.
high pressure.
Particles move violently, hydrogen element turns into helium element, and individual substances on the periodic table are produced, and the first iron elements are also appearing in large quantities.
Then, broken.
New substances are constantly being produced.
Think that stars are like planets, and the core of the earth is iron?
Do not!
Such high temperatures and pressures are not much lower than supernova explosions. The internal elements are chaotic and not a single substance, because nuclear fusion occurs all the time.
With energy changes, it is difficult for microscopic particles to stabilize.
Last second, it was iron.
In the next second, the nucleus may be pressed into new protons and neutrons, which become gold.
Another second.
May become more radioactive substances, such as uranium.
The entire nucleus is broken and divided into five brothers, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, and phosphorus. It can be said that there is no fixed number inside a star.
Everything changes, even microseconds.
"So fast!"
"So strong!"
Watching Lin Shan's operation, Carlo couldn't help but admire.
The technique is too proficient, he can't do it himself anyway.
. . .
The volume of the star keeps getting bigger and brighter, Linshan still maintains inward compression, and the star cannot remain stable until it reaches a certain volume.
Nuclear fusion is too strong, releasing energy outwards.
Only when gravity reaches a certain level, that is, its own quality reaches a certain level, can equilibrium be maintained.
There is only one result.
that's all.
Open your mouth.
The space ball continuously absorbs mass and energy.
one day.
Five days
After ten days, I finally absorbed enough.
at this time.
The stars have already taken shape.
The size is not as large as the sun, but it is enough to maintain its own stability. At the same time, several planets have been created around it, all-life planets.
One, Carlo lives for himself.
One, said to be for Lin Shan.
The last two, as the origin of the reconstruction of civilization, for the time being, Carlo is still a polished rod.
Grow up.
It takes time.
First, 100 million people will be created, the second batch of 1 billion, and the third batch of 10 billion. This is really not a big number for a border-level civilization.
After that, he was born naturally.
This kind of cultivation method is rarely used by major civilizations.
If it weren't for only one of his own polished shots, Carlo would not use it. There are still many problems in the follow-up personality shaping for the cultivation.
However, the problem is not big.
It can be eliminated after a few generations of natural breeding.
. . .
After solving the basic problem of civilization reconstruction, we came to the edge of the universe.
Looking at the space ball that he brushed around from time to time, Lin Shan couldn't help feeling. Such a situation, in the beginning, was actually not thought of.
Decades ago.
Dark forest.
He also agrees with this mainstream view of the universe.
In reality, it has not fully developed into this way. The specific reason is not that this theory is wrong, but that a prerequisite is not met---resources are limited.
In a universe with limited resources.
The law of the dark forest is absolutely correct.
You have one more bite.
Others lose one bite.
Now you are weak.
Keep the future strong.
It is better to start first, and there is a background of expansion, just like a society, foreign wars can suppress internal contradictions.
Outside the universe, there are all resources.
Therefore, the inner roll is suppressed.
As for the beast star? That's not called scrolling, it's called screening.
For this, Lin Shan feels that it is not bad. At least he doesn't have to go out and look around is all enemies, the kind of life and death, can't live it?
There is little internal volume, and it does not represent a unity.
Most of the time, they still do their own things.
Also good.
We don't like asking for help, and we don't want to join any group.
There are too many secrets. In the Soul Space, I used to think that Niubi was because I was weak at that time, but now I feel Niubi is because I am already strong.
This thing, at least the Outland level civilization can't make it.
Powerful civilization?
Maybe, or maybe, it's better than imagined.
. . .
‘Sawtooth’ area.
The space ball rushes directly and crosses.
As the surrounding environment changes, the rules of the outer universe dominate here, just as if crossing the sawtooth zone is the territory of the universe, the king-level black beasts have to be suppressed by that side.
Here, oneself is suppressed.
There is no tenth-level strong, or the powerful strength of the outer domain level, here is to die.
"keep going!"
Carlo manipulated the space ball and continued to move forward. This is still the border area. On both sides of the zigzag zone, there are long regular collision zones, only to move farther forward.
It is the real outer universe, without a trace of the rules of the universe.
You can go to level ten.
But like fish and water.
It's okay to dive for a while, but it won't last long. If you want to stay long, you have to be familiar with water. The combat effectiveness depends on how much you understand the core rules of the outer universe.
Otherwise, it's okay to take a stroll in Outland.
Once you encounter a black beast above the king level, a general tenth level, there is almost no way to survive.
At present, Lin Shan didn't plan to go to Outland all at once, he was only Level 9.
Wait a minute.
Two years.
In another two years, the backfeeding of the source body space will allow me to break through to level ten, and then I will be more at ease when I go there.
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