Chapter 1022: Big bomb

The connection point between the Greedy Continent and the Beast Emperor is a grand canyon.
It's just that, compared to the barren scene of the Grand Canyon in ordinary people's imagination, this Grand Canyon of the Greedy Continent has already been operated greatly.
The sky is still underground, and there are countless defensive formations and curse formations.
On both sides of the Grand Canyon, every inch of soil penetrated the land full of magical energy, and two wizard towers towering up to 500 meters high.
The two wizard towers are self-contained but connected to each other to protect this important place.
The sorcerer tower rooted in the magical land is always running, and the huge mana breath is full of a hundred miles, enough to make the below creatures step into it and they will suffocate and die.
At the top of the sorcerer's tower, inscriptions created by ninety-nine greedy demons floated in it, blinking non-stop.
Each of these inscriptions represents a large morning star witchcraft.
If necessary, the wizard tower can activate these inscriptions to release these morning star witchcraft!
Such a defense, such a situation.
It's no wonder that Greed Continent originally set the connection point here.
After all, with this arrangement, even if the Morning Star Wizard of the Different Continent arrives in person, will he be returned immediately?
Even if the Morning Star Wizards join forces to fight, these arrangements are enough to delay the time until the greedy Demon comes.
In the Grand Canyon, an invisible wave appeared in the air, and then an erected mirror that appeared to be oval appeared in the Grand Canyon and occupied the main channel of the Grand Canyon.
Behind the mirror is the desert beast continent.
Bronze Dragon Bleu looked at the channel opening with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers, and with its space talent, he easily saw the layout of the greedy continent.
As a bronze dragon, Blu clearly felt something was wrong.
He took a deep breath, as already attached to Xiao Yu, and closely related to Xiao Yu's life and death, he said honestly without much thought:
"I saw a grand canyon opposite the greedy continent, and the exit was inside the canyon."
"The sky and the land there are covered with magical formations of the greedy demons, most of which I have seen, mostly curse and defense."
"But there are still some things I haven't seen, which makes me quite afraid."
Bronze Dragon Bleu continued: "His Royal Highness must not be taken lightly. Many special magic circles under certain circumstances, even the morning star's ability to resist magic, will also suffer greatly."
"I also saw two wizard towers that are at least 500 meters high. On the wizard tower... there are dozens of spell inscriptions that emit the breath of morning stars!"
"Dozens of morning star spell inscriptions?"
After hearing this, the Great Beast Emperor seemed to see the shock of the library that had just become an apprentice of the wizard.
He knew very well that he was not the best among the Morning Star wizards.
But I did not expect that he was so much worse than the greedy demon king of the old morning star wizard!
As a Morning Star wizard, the Great Beast Emperor knows how powerful the wizard tower that can carry morning star wizardry is. It is a symbol of the strength of the Morning Star wizard. No work started.
"Your Highness."
The Great Beast Great Emperor looked at Xiao Yu and chose to surrender to the word: "I think we may not be a good idea to counter the greedy mainland."
"The defensive layout of the Greedy Mainland is too strong."
Xiao Yu heard the reminders of his men and thought about it, and waved his hand gently.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew behind him.
But Da Sheng came to Xiao Yu with a black tube shaped like a car on his shoulder.
A large yellow skull is marked on the black tube, surrounded by cherry blossom inscriptions.
It was a cloud explosion bomb that was developed and installed by the military organization of Sakura no Kuni during the period when Xiao Yu was an Ampei Qingming Yin Yang division.
Cloud explosion bombs are super-wide-range weapons that are second only to nuclear weapons in the real world, and have the reputation of sub-nuclear weapons.
Before the extraordinary appearance, the largest cloud bomb came from Citigroup, which weighed 1.5 tons and was eight times as powerful as a normal bomb of the same weight.
With the extraordinary debut, countries that have always thought that the power of weapons is enough are exclaiming that the extraordinary power is unfathomable.
In military research, he began to go further and further toward the big bomb.
Before the practical application of metal nitrogen, cloud detonation bombs, which are powerful and reliable, naturally developed vigorously.
It is not only the general powers such as the Sakura Country that produced two-ton cloud bombs.
In the hands of the first-line powers such as Citigroup and the Ancient Eastern Kingdom, they are even more desperate to come up with a big tonnage of more than double digits!
In contrast, the one Xiao Xiao is currently raising up to Dasheng is already at the child level.
"Brue, send this alchemy bomb."
Xiao Yu said to the bronze dragon blue.
Bronze Dragon Bleu stunned slightly, and after looking at the cloud burst, he recalled his fear of being dominated by the explosion as a giant opponent.
This caused Bronze Dragon Bleu to immediately enumerate the cloud-burst bomb with great mana without asking why.
The car-sized cloud burst is quite huge and majestic for the bronze dragon.
This made him so tired that he wrapped the space film around the cloud bomb.
Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and held the cloud burst, looked around, and smiled lightly:
"Relax, everyone, everything on the greedy continent will eventually prove futile!"
"Nothing can't be solved by a big killer."
"If there is!"
"Then throw another one!"
Having said that, Xiao Yu used the power of the seal of the Lord of the Phoenix, the world's wonder, to make the cloud bomb's obstacles weaker and faster.
Afterwards, Xiao Yu broke out the Chiyue Eucharist phantom, and threw it with all his strength. He threw the cloud bomb bomb into the mirror.
The greedy continent of the Grand Canyon of the Grand Canyon, who was waiting for it, felt a wave of space and immediately screamed.
The greedy demon general in charge of defense is standing on a sorcerer tower to personally command the army to fight, and is responsible for the operation of those magic circles.
The cloud bomb just flew out of the middle of the Grand Canyon, too late to land, and was controlled by dozens of magic circles activated around it, suspended in the air.
The greedy demon general didn't expect that the image of the fantasy tide of coalition forces from different continents turned into a big iron barrel.
Outside of his curiosity, the devil's eyes opened, and he looked at this cloud-explosion bomb, which in his view was no smaller than his old castle.
"This is... what the hell!"
"Alchemy weapon?"
"No, whatever it is, it's foolproof to keep it under control!"
Thinking of this, the greedy demon general has just prepared to order the use of a witchcraft array to decompose this thing.
The cloud burst has already clicked and entered the final process of self-starting.
A loud noise like a thump in my heart came from the Grand Canyon in the next moment.
Accompanied by a series of earth wailing tremors and roars.
A fireball, a super large fireball that was so large that it covered the entire Grand Canyon, lifted from the ground out of thin air, and slowly rose into the air.
High temperature and high pressure expand with the rapid expansion of the big fireball.
In the surrounding environment, the various phalanxes that had originally surrounded the Grand Canyon began to decay.
Because of their attachments, such as the dirt, such as a certain fog that condenses together in a certain area.
In this environment, they were destroyed and changed their forms.
Less than a second.
A sorcerer's tower was hit by a wildly inflated fireball.
An inscription on the wizard tower shattered.
The guardian enchantment of the Morning Star protects the surroundings of the Wizard's Tower and lets the fire give way.
However, the unprotected space and underground are already shrouded in flames.
Accompanied by a group of fire for a long time.
Under high pressure, countless cracks also appeared in the enchantment of Morning Star.
A large number of magic circles in the entire wizard tower were also destroyed one after another.
The greedy demons who survived the wizard tower shivered in the flames one by one.
The outer periphery of the large fire mass produced by the cloud explosion bomb.
The greedy demons are not without effort.
They desperately released all kinds of frost witchcraft.
But where can these witchcraft weaken the high-pressure fireball created by the cloud bomb?
The fireball of this cloud burst is enough to cover a large football field in the real world!
Put it in villain.
It is almost equivalent to destroying a city including the surrounding rural towns!
This kind of power.
Even the large-scale destruction witchcraft of the Morning Star Wizard is far inferior in quantity!
Where can the non-morning star's greedy demons be able to control?
"How could this be!"
The greedy demon general witnessed the Grand Canyon being devoured and watched another wizard tower disappear into his field of vision.
He was cold all over, and a sense of weakness filled his body.
Around him, tens of thousands of wizards of the greedy demon family also stood in the wizard tower, silent with the greedy demon general, staring nervously at the distant fireball after expanding to the limit, and finally slowly began to slow down.
The fire began to dissipate, leaving only the white mist constantly evacuating, rushing towards the sky.
"Look, our wizard tower... still!"
"Bless the Devil! Our wizard tower has not been destroyed!"
Suddenly, the wizards saw the sorcerer's tower that was swallowed into the fireball because the land below was destroyed and floated.
Although it seemed that the wizard tower was miserable, many places were smoking, and the entire wall seemed to be dull.
However, in any case, the wizard tower is still there, this is victory!
Many higher greedy demons were inspired by this and smiled.
The morale that was originally struck by unknown things also slowly recovered.
They just don’t know.
At this time, with a thud, the space-time channel opened again, and Xiao Yu learned the effect of the first cloud explosion through the bronze dragon.
"Look, I'm not wrong, it's just a large array of defenses that has disintegrated the opponent."
"His Royal Highness alchemy weapon is really unparalleled in the world!" The Great Beast Emperor also praised heartily, and then said: "Since the most troublesome dense formation circle has been disintegrated, should we leave?"
"While the other party has no time to regroup, I am willing to be the vanguard and block the obstruction of the two wizard towers for your highness!"
The Great Beast Great Emperor volunteered to take the initiative, but he was also shocked by the cloud burst, giving him a sense of urgency to make a good impression in front of Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu shook his head.
"No worries!"
"Since the cloud burst is effective, then throw a few more pieces!"
Bronze Dragon Bruce stunned slightly, trying to say something bitterly.
He saw Xiao Yu throw out a high-quality magic stone that was bigger than his head.
This magic stone of tears from the real world is one of the smallest magic stones in Xiao Yu's hands.
But it was terrified that the wild beast emperor and the bronze dragon Blu were shaking.
This is no witchcraft in my heart!
They have never thought of it in their lives, there are still so big magic stones in the world!
Such a large magic stone, all the magic stones they have seen in their lifetime add up, I am afraid that this magic stone is not more than half!
This made them feel ignorance deeply, and after glancing at Xiao Yu fiercely, they realized that it was poverty relative to the giant that made them ignorant!
Bronze Dragon Bleu grabbed the magic stone and began to coat the two cloud explosion bombs brought by Dasheng with the help of this high-quality magic stone.
Greedy continent.
Two greedy generals in the vicinity came with the first wave of tens of thousands of reinforcements.
See the changed Grand Canyon and the miserable wizard tower.
The two greedy demon generals hesitated, immediately turned around and changed their destination, and ran to the intact wizard found the greedy demon general there.
The three high-level greedy demons quickly reached a consensus. Without wasting time, they immediately prepared to use the wizard tower to rearrange the defensive circle to support the greedy devil.
As the three higher greedy demons were ready, the terrible voice rang again from a distance.
They immediately turned around and opened the third magic eye to see.
Found that this time there were two black iron buckets!
A scream of terror emerged from their mouths.
After the two cloud bursts were thrown out, they flew out according to their inertia.
The mirror behind them disappeared.
As in the scene just now, the fireball exploded by the cloud burst bomb is repeated again.
Only this time, two big fire appeared on the ground!
This time.
That miserable wizard tower is no longer so lucky.
Losing the magical mud and the wizard tower supported by the circle, it is impossible to urge the morning star inscription.
Therefore, the greedy demons in the wizard tower can only be covered with flames with fear and unwillingness together with the wizard tower.
There are unwilling greedy demons who want to run away, and they each exert their own means, some of which are turned into black smoke, and some are continuously teleported for many times.
However, if it is the same proportion, the real-world cloud explosion bomb explodes, and the second- and third-level real-world transcendence can escape or escape by talent.
The greedy demons of the Greedy Continent are absolutely lifeless!
The teleporting greedy demon is still in the flame envelope.
Turned into black smoke, desperately run in a high-pressure high-temperature environment.
One second, two seconds, black smoke still failed to break through the fireball envelope.
Until the smoke disappears, the black smoke is at least half the distance from the safe area!
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