Chapter 1066: Uninvited?

The Shadow World is one of the top ten forbidden prefecture-level forces in the country.
Although the reputation is not abyss, Shenglong Island is so big, but it can still make the powerful people who understand the insider talk about it.
Subtlety, concealment, the birthplace of shadow creatures, etc., are the labels of the shadow world.
According to rumors, the world of shadows is a continent transformed by the power of a decayed wizard.
This shadow continent is constantly absorbing the negative emotions of the entire sea and space creatures, and on this basis, a batch of shadow creatures are born.
These shadow creatures grew rapidly in the shadows, evolved, become stronger, and established a huge force in their own systems.
Unlike the abyss, Shenglong Island.
The Shadow World rarely invades other continents. Like the Chaos Demon, they are keen to spread their own system's calling rituals. They can obtain intelligence by letting other mainland creatures summon their projections into the continent, and at the same time find what they need.
Generally speaking, only a continent that happens to exist what the shadow world wants will become the target of the shadow world and be annexed by its erosion.
In addition, it is rumored that the continent where the shadow world is located does not exist in the sea of ​​time and space like the abyss, but it forms a world. The shadow world can easily appear in different continents like the abyss, respond to various summoning rituals, and set off Waves of turbulence.
Xiao Yu had been in contact with the summons of the shadow world.
At that time, the Great Beast Great Emperor sent out an expeditionary fleet to try to swallow the entire lost continent in one go.
In order to fight against Xiao Yu's army, he used the summoning ceremony to invite the shadow creatures of the shadow world to help.
Although the final defeat.
Those monsters hidden in the shadows still left Xiao Yu a little impression.
"This is the case, I believe everyone understands what this is?"
The Uturu wizard said solemnly to the surrounding survivors:
"The king of Nanya King of the Holy Continent is directly wrapped in the space of different degrees by the shadow world."
"According to the knowledge left by the greedy demons, if we don't help, hundreds of thousands of residents of King Nanya will be eroded by the shadow world and become the lowest shadow monster."
"And the shadow world will also be based on the eroded King of Nanya Kings, through the cracks in time and space, making the continent of Saints their hunting ground."
Uturu Wizard said this, and slowly closed his mouth.
After listening to the bronze dragon Blu, he shivered and looked at Xiao Yu sitting on the throne.
He was a little afraid that the son of the chose to give up the agreement between them after hearing that the black hand behind the continent of Saints was probably the shadow world.
Although Bronze Dragon Bleu himself is actually quite afraid of the shadow world.
After all, the secret of this shadowy world is still above the abyss!
However, when it comes to the mystery of Huiyue and has paid such a big price, why not let the bronze dragon Bruce give up now?
Bronze Dragon Blu swept around.
Immediately a slight startled.
Because he found that many superpowers in the room were very calm after learning that the shadow world caused the chaotic image of the king on the projection.
"By the way, most of the extraordinary army of the Son of God was born in this year, and the wizards are all born in small places. I am afraid it is completely unclear what the four words Shadow World mean!"
"Huh, is this an ignorance without fear?"
Bronze dragon Bruce thought of this, his heart mixed.
Then, Bronze Dragon Blue suddenly heard the inquiry from Xiao Yu.
"Bru, what do you think of the unsolicited shadow world?"
"Your Highness..."
Bronze Dragon Blue heard this question and smiled bitterly:
"The Shadow World is one of the top ten forbidden-level forces, and it is the most mysterious forbidden-level force."
"Even when I was on Shenglong Island, I rarely touched the power of the shadow world."
"But I have also been reminded by the dragon gods, if the continent is invaded by the shadow world, the best way is to take the initiative to retreat."
"Active retreat?" Xiao Yu didn't expect that the bronze dragon, Bruce, would even say this, and said with a chuckle: "Is there still a relic on the Saint's continent?"
"Even if the silver-white coffin may be the conspiracy of the shadow world."
"Just give up, are you willing?"
"Of course I don't want to!" Bronze dragon Bleu gritted his teeth: "The ruins can't be faked, but the appearance of the shadow world can't be faked... Your Royal Highness, of course I'm eager to continue on the continent of the Holy One until the ruins are opened."
"But... as a trusted partner of His Highness, how can I not remind the threat of the shadow world?"
Xiao Yu was quite satisfied with this answer.
He glanced at a few powerful men next to him.
The wizard of Malfa was not afraid of tigers at his first birth, but the appearance of the shadow world aroused his interest in shadow creatures. I am afraid that Xiao Yu might have captured several shadow creature captives for his research.
The Enodian wizard and a large number of emerging extraordinary people worshipped Xiao Yu blindly.
Xiao Yu's idea is their decision.
The two morning star wizards of Uturu Wizard and Wild Beast Emperor are the most extensive.
Although instinctively afraid of the shadow world, he also hopes to suppress the spread of the other party in the Holy Continent as he did against the abyss, thus leaving them more time to obtain the secret of the remains.
Xiao Yu glanced at everyone's reaction.
After a slight smile in the corner of the mouth.
He launched the nine-color mask of world wonders, trying to increase his majestic and said:
"Nanya Kingdom, but I personally promised to protect it!"
"The Shadow World dare not invite you."
"Then be prepared to accept the anger of our miraculous city!"
"My soldiers, are you ready?"
Xiao Yu said this and straightened up.
Behind him, a phase of heavenly emperor, which can be regarded as a heaven and earth in various senses, slowly formed, and appeared for the first time in the villain, showing his existence to the world.
In the view of the people of the villain, at least a 100,000-meter-high Heavenly Emperor Law must be revealed.
In an instant.
The whole city of miracles.
No, not just the city of miracles, but the creatures who can see this Fa in the entire lost continent.
All fell into a deep shock.
After being shocked, I witnessed this being the dharma of their great son of God.
All the superpowers present on the ground knelt down enthusiastically, offering their loyal voice to Xiao Yu.
"This world can have such a tall and majestic aspect!"
Morning Star wizards such as Wild Beast Great Emperor were also in front of the Emperor of Heaven and couldn't help but slightly lowered their bodies, converging their breath.
He lowered his head, sweating and sweating, and his head was in a mess.
The height of the law alone does not actually scare him like this.
The key is that as the Morning Star Wizard, the Beast Emperor can feel more things.
But it was this more feeling that made him completely maddened.
no way.
Who let the great beast emperor, who represents the will of the wild beast, discover the origin of the emperor's dharma that day, and the depth of the details, can even make his own morning star wizard dharma dread scare before contact? (https:)
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