Chapter 1084: rumor

Xiao Yu had long expected that the undead prince Medgfei would possess multiple world wonders.
After all, even the bronze dragon Bleu, who is called the little lizard by the other party, can get the fusion of two world wonders to strengthen the fighting power.
The undead king is said to be the top ten in the canyon of the dead, and is also related to the master of the undead canyon.
If there is only one world wonder in him, think about it and see that the possibility is not high.
"Bru, this armor looks extraordinary, is it also a wonder of the world?"
Xiao Yu asked quietly.
Bronze Dragon Bruce Harmony:
"His Royal Highness, this is indeed a wonder of the world, its name is the Dark King's Battlegear."
"The specific ability is unknown, but the black shield just now is obviously inseparable from this world wonder!"
"Dark King's Battlegear?"
"Don't know there are dark king boots, dark king's gauntlets or something?"
"Um... there are indeed." Bronze dragon Bruce heard Xiao Yu's whisper, as an honest dragon he answered honestly: "It is said that if there are extraordinary people who can gather all the world wonders of the Dark King, they can Gain the inheritance of the ancient Dark King and gain insight into the mystery of the Wizard of the Bright Moon."
"The Mystery of the Bright Moon Wizard!"
Xiao Yu was shocked in this heart, and secretly whispered that the wonders of the world were related to Huiyue wizards?
"Yes, but these are the rumors in the ancient records. Is it true that no one has verified it."
Speaking of which, a strange expression appeared on the bronze dragon's face:
"Because the Dark King's armor and the Dark King's cloak are in the Canyon of the Dead, the Dark King's Battle Axe has been taken away by the Shadow World."
"And Shenglong Island also keeps the Dark King's gauntlets firmly in the secret vault and never put it out..."
"It's just that there are forces who want to try to see if the rumors are true, and...were weak."
"Is it like this?"
"Maybe one day, I will be able to put them together and verify that some rumors are true!"
Inexplicably, Xiao Yu whispered secretly in his heart.
Let Xiao Yu sigh inwardly that his mentality is really good.
The current enemy has already thought about the good things in the future.
"This undead prince has conquered so many of us with one person's strength, and is definitely a great enemy!"
Xiao Yu looked at the undead lord who was fighting with the Great Saint and the goddess of war, Morrigan, and whispered.
"Yes, he is still in a state of affairs, and several of us...have done our best."
Bronze dragon Blu is a little unwilling, but he has to bear the power of the undead king.
It is no wonder that he can become the top ten in the Canyon of the Dead.
Put it on Shenglong Island, this is the existence of the dragon of the Shenglong clan on the island.
Thinking about it, Da Sheng swelled in a circle, and the Silver Hammer was smashed by him when he reached the limit, and slammed into the flashing black shield of the undead lord, making the black shield a while. Waves.
The Great Saint instead lost his balance and fell to the ground because of the force of anti-shock.
However, Dasheng belongs to the category of the Vietnam War and the bravery. Under defeat, he became more and more angry, and in his anger, his momentum and strength were constantly rising.
So many times that the undead lord wanted to take the victory to pursue the war goddess Morrigan or the wild beast emperor, were pinned by this great saint.
The eyes of the undead prince Medgke who looked at the Great Saint were also increasingly jealous.
"That giant really got a good helper!"
"This kind of talented and endless helper is not a combination of the truth and the truth, it is too violent to put it in the giant's hands!"
"Enter me, great ape!"
The undead prince Medgfei cut the sword and blocked the goddess of war, Morrigan, and shouted to the fallen holy land:
"I will allow you to advance to a higher level and become a new undead lord!"
Immediately after the Great Saint landed, he got up and bent his legs slightly to accumulate energy.
Hearing the voice of the enemy using the Continental lingua franca, he was born in the real world, and rarely stayed in the villain, nor did he learn linguistics with the wizard system, but he couldn’t understand what he was whispering.
But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, anyway, it’s definitely not a good word.
Da Sheng regarded this as a provocation, and the anger rose again. With a bang, he had turned into a rocket and thrust into the sky.
"This great ape..."
Found that his speech was ignored, the undead prince was also angry.
But just when he was prepared to deal with Da Sheng to teach the ape a little.
Suddenly he noticed that the bronze giant's right hand suddenly exhaled a tingling breath.
"Red Moon Eucharist? Wait, also used the red moon spar to bless the power of the red moon!"
"How can this giant be so extravagant!"
Xiao Yu is preparing for a new nuclear explosion.
Naturally, he took out the red moonstone. At this time, this red moonstone, which looks like red agate, has already changed from the size of Xiao Yu's thumb to the small thumb.
However, this size is still surprisingly large for the small country.
It also made the undead prince Medgfe a little bit surprised.
Realizing that you are in front of a giant may just be a brute force.
It's no wonder that the other's great ape helper refused to accept his co-op.
After all, this is a giant who can use precious scarlet crystal as a consumable!
The undead lord immediately shifted the attack target, wanting to stop Xiao Yu from continuing to charge.
The goddess of war, Morrigan, the bronze dragon, the blue dragon, and the wild beast emperor naturally also see this, and desperately want to stop it.
The undead prince did not spare any effort, and a silver bracelet appeared on the wrist holding the white tiger spirit magic knife.
The bracelet glowed with blue light and flashed a few times on the undead king.
Suddenly, the figure of the undead king changed three layers.
It even separated two blue afterimages, blocking the wild beast emperor and the goddess of war Morrigan.
There is no doubt that this bracelet is also a wonder of the world.
Only the wonders of the world can play such a role in increasing the presence of the Morning Star Wizard above.
Bronze dragon Bruce felt distressed, spread his wings in front of Xiao Yu, and then opened a light shield.
This light shield comes from a defensive wonder of the bronze dragon Bleu, and there are dozens of wonders to power it.
Under this kind of operation, the undead lord's offensive slightly stagnate, and then this one.
It's enough!
"Space blocked!"
Bronze dragon Bruce roared, staring at the undead king staring at him.
Under the gaze, the undead prince snorted, and he was still in the air.
"You are looking for death!"
"Don't think I won't let your souls die!"
The undead lord roared.
In an instant, the eyes of the bronze dragon Bleu shed a lot of blood.
Then, the eyes on the right burst suddenly! (https:)
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