Chapter 1152: Unclear but sharp

"I remembered the famous quote of a horror novelist."
Looking at the incredible picture in front of me, the investigating expert whispered, chanting with a trembling bass:
"The most compassionate thing about the world is that human beings cannot relate their own thinking to each other. Because we are living on a wave of ignorant islands, in a vast and endless black sea, but this does not mean that we should This voyage."
"Ignorance is a blessing." Detective Jiang also heard this whisper, he could not help but slightly nodded and issued a sympathetic speech.
The oppression brought by the abyss is too strong and too strong. Ordinary people face such a big horror. The best way to protect themselves is to close their eyes, cover their ears, and... pretend not to know each other. Right?
Over the center of the venue, the picture of the mirage of Nahai gradually came to an end as the exhibition revealed that the abyss had eaten a large continent.
Archbishop Red Robe is receiving some inquiries from the participants.
As far as the overall atmosphere is concerned, the extraordinary forces in the venue are all not surprised by this wave.
It seemed that the abyss could swallow a whole continent, and they all ignored it.
But the scene that just happened in front of me was shocking and horrifying, and the picture that was so deep into the soul was that everyone who saw it with my own eyes was remembered deep in my mind and imprinted in my soul.
I can’t forget it, and I can’t dispel that deep terror.
The sense of hopelessness and powerlessness that accompanied this horror filled the hearts of the participants with invitations.
Let them suffer from gains and losses, and make them feel more humble in the venue!
Even Detective Jiang is a man of firm mind, such as Ampangfu, who has some extraordinary power.
The same illusion of despair and inability to surround the heart cannot be rid of.
After all, human enemies are too terrifying and terrifying.
Without the help of extraordinary inheritance, the representatives of the major forces are very doubtful whether they can last a month on their own!
It is also because of the terrible sight of the abyss, the delegates looked at the extraordinary people around them, and they also received a lot of respect and gratitude.
In their view, it is precisely because of the sacrifice and dedication of these extraordinary people.
These mortals can survive in the long river of history and the ignorance and happiness of the isolated island until now?
The changes in the micro-expressions of the delegates were naturally seen by Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu couldn't help but give a compliment for his arrangement.
The projections he took out this time were honestly true.
Before the original Jinge continent was destroyed, the Uturu Morningstar Wizard realized that something was wrong and got a mana video of himself before going to investigate.
Xiao Yu can use his own character to ensure that this projection is not deleted or added throughout.
What I have released is a real documentary that has not been processed by art!
Moreover, the information that I told those participants was not a word!
All are true!
The abyss can indeed contaminate the entire continent, and indeed it can swallow the entire continent!
The justice transcendentalists headed by Xiao Yu are indeed enemies of the abyss, and have repeatedly prevented the abyss conspiracy!
and so.
Xiao Yu looked around the participants and raised his head slightly, feeling that he could tell them confidently:
I, Xiao Yu, really did not lie this time!
In the venue, the meeting continued.
As the Archbishop of Red Robe received the promises of several big men, he left the podium with satisfaction.
Several speakers were replaced on the rostrum.
However, these speakers not only discuss external crises, but also demonstrate magical magic models on the spot.
Then, a lot of words popped out of their mouths, which made the listeners feel unclear and sharp. They seemed to be talking nonsense, but they seemed to be self-contained obscure words, so that the observers who expected to come into contact with extraordinary knowledge...
All faces are dumbfounded.
Speaker: Everyone knows that the nodes in the spells of the Wuen system will produce the Orphan phenomenon. I use this phenomenon to obtain the optimal mana operation route through the following formula, please see my demonstration...
Representatives of major forces: ⊙﹏⊙? ? ?
Speaker: Let's see clearly, this is the Osos life map, this is very simple!
Delegates: Who am I? Where am i? What should I do?
Shouldn’t we continue to stay in this place where no one speaks?
Faced with unintelligible words and unclear spell logic, many people began to ask three questions in philosophy and began to reflect and criticize themselves.
There were also some participants who had already done a lot of research on mysticism, such as some who were born together, and those who had studied religion.
They could more or less see some self-consistent logic of occultism in the speech, but they also fell into it quickly, and they were still confused when they thought about sweating.
There was an illusion of being caught in the most difficult thinking maze tormenting them.
With the end of the speech, these people were released from the labyrinth. Then, inexplicably, they found themselves covered with sweat.
"The next one to be on stage is still the mage. I must close my eyes and put on my headphones!"
The investigator murmured to himself with some collapse, and took a small sip of the white drink dispensed at the venue, only to regain a little spirit.
Then he froze slightly, and saw the next stage performer, who was a familiar transcendent.
Master Yin and Yang of Qingming!
"It's Master Qingming!"
Seeing that Qingming Yinyang Master, who had the demeanor of Zhuo Shijia, took the stage.
Ampang Kangfu and other partners from the country of cherry blossoms were immediately excited.
Then, they heard that Qingming Yinyang Master mentioned one of them: Jiping Songyi who got the power of Jiaolong!
Then, in the jealous and envious eyes of Ambe Kangfu and others, Ji Pingsong rose into the air, maintaining a calm expression, and was ingested next to Qingming Onmyoji, and introduced to the big people around him.
Seeing this scene, no one knows where.
That good luck Ji Ping Songyi, clearly is the next generation of inheritors optimistic about the power of Onmyoji.
Many delegates saw this before their eyes thought about it one after another, and felt that after going back, they would ask the intelligence department to raise the relevant level of Jiping Songyi again!
The funds to attract them should also be soared!
The representative of the Kingdom of Sakura, after preparing to go back, let Jiping Matsui's parents be promoted to the third level again!
And after the introduction of Jiping Songyi.
Qingming Yinyang teacher smiled slightly, looked at the participants, and said something related to them:
"Today's meeting, we have reached a lot of agreements, and many barriers and hatred between everyone have also been put down."
"Next, you should follow the tradition, is there any communication?"
"You should know, this time, those who represent ordinary people can also bid!"
"Everyone, no objection?"
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