Chapter 1159: Fortune City, City of Miracles

Solved the hidden dangers left in Citi.
Xiao Yu put his mind back to the villain.
The villain, the city of miracles.
This giant city, known as the capital of wealth, has come not only from a few areas controlled by Xiao Yu.
As Xiao Yu gained fame on the continent of the Saints, many extraordinary forces remembered the names of Son of God, Giant Giant, Supreme Supreme and so on.
As a result, there are many bold transcontinental travel agents who chose their destination in the city of miracles.
Some travelers with special space talents or space wonders will also pretend to be ordinary people and come here to expect to see different scenery.
And for these visitors from different continents of the villain.
Xiao Yu maintained the welcome attitude that friends came with good wine and enemies came with shotguns.
And specially built a large reception desk in the city of miracles to accommodate these foreign guests.
At the same time, it also issued a child order of God, willing to exchange various materials for the knowledge mastered by these foreign guests.
Whether it is the common sense of other continents on travel, or some new models of witchcraft that are not practical.
As long as you dare to take it out, the city of miracles will dare to bid for acquisition!
In addition, Xiao Yu also selected a part of the mathematical knowledge and problems that were available in the real world, and put them in the city of miracles for pretense.
Although the computing power of the wizards spikes all mathematicians in the real world.
But if you can’t find a direction for a mathematical problem, you can’t do it if you can’t do it.
And if you want to start from scratch and cannot stand on the shoulders of giants, how many years will it take a real-world mathematician to succeed in research? This is a problem that no one knows.
"Finally, is this the city of miracles?"
"It really seems to be a circle bigger than the king in the family."
Braving the scorching sun, a red-haired young knight riding a horse galloping to the top of the mountain, saw the outline of the city in the distance, and nodded slightly.
Immediately, next to the red-haired youth, a young wizard with blond hair and blue robes chuckled and shook his head:
"Reading, you guessed it wrong, this is not a miracle city."
"This is just an extension station outside the city of miracles."
"Ah? Such a"
"Is it big? That's because your knowledge is too shallow. You will know when you go to the city of miracles. There will be an alchemy factory there, and the area will not be smaller than the post in front of you."
Reading was a little dazed, looking at the city that was bigger than his king, but he was surprised to find that this was just a station for others!
And such things seem to be the norm in this continent!
When Reding was surprised, he was excited, and his blue eyes ignited his fighting spirit.
He straightened his chest and looked at the magnificent landscape ahead shouting:
"Marne! I am so happy to be able to follow you over this magical continent!"
"Otherwise, I will be a frog in the bottom of my well like my father!"
With that, Redding drove the horse towards the road ahead.
The wizard Manne looked at his friend, shrugged, and quickly followed.
This pair of them comes from a strong and glorious continent.
And Reading is the king of the glorious empire on the glorious mainland.
However, under normal circumstances, this identity is not much useful.
Because the current emperor is the great morning star wizard of the continent.
And just as a grown-up in the sense of the morning star wizard.
Perhaps by the time Redding's grandson is dead, their emperor is still alive.
Therefore, Redding’s political future is most likely to succeed his father’s class as the next crown prince to sit for a hundred years, and then pass this nameless name to his next generation...
But because of this, princes like Reading have the opportunity to take risks everywhere when they are young?
Marne once quietly came to the city of miracles with the cross-continental caravan, so this time he was responsible for leading the way, and quietly warned Reading of the taboos of this trip.
"Marne, look at this thing, so interesting!"
"How much metal can I cast? I think the capital of wealth should be renamed the capital of metal!"
"Oh, Marne, this thing is a big killer in the City of Miracles, right?"
"Uh... that was the excavator brought by the Son of God, used to mine ore."
"Marne, Marne, look at this big river. It's so spacious. The largest river in our country is only half of here."
"Of course, this is the Grand Canal dug by the Son of God!"
"Look, the fleet is coming!"
Marne said, looking towards the sea.
Soon, he and Redding saw several large ships using the internal combustion engine to go upstream.
These ships were painted black by the wizards using the blood fusion agent of the space-time behemoths. From a distance, they were constructed of metal without sails, like a black giant whale with its head half above the water.
boom! Boom!
The roar of the machine urged these ships, which looked amazing in the view of the villain, so that they just crossed the surface of the water and produced a very shocking impact.
No way, these black ships have been continuously modified. Although the original length of seven or eight hundred meters has not changed, the body has expanded a circle, making its shape more daunting, plus the different driving methods.
Quite a lot of travelers can be fooled.
"Big, big...big black ship!"
Reading opened his mouth wide and looked at the black ship that was so heavy but running fast on the water. His body trembled slightly in shock.
"God, how can there be such an incredible alchemy! Let such a huge metal ship also sprint like a wind."
Reading is not an earth turtle who has never seen the world. His grandfather is a wizard of the Morning Star, and he has seen many rare things.
However, in this continent, many of his common senses have been repeatedly broken down again and again.
"Don't be dazed, go away, we will see the city of miracles immediately."
"Oh, oh, good, good!"
Redding trances, and after recovering from the shock of the black ship, he keeps up with Marne.
Bypassing several large mountains, a tunnel through a cross section of a mountain range was entered through a hole.
When he came out again, Reding had already prepared himself, and witnessed the miracle city of the wealth capital.
He still... couldn't help being in a trance.
No way, no matter who it is, seeing a steel wall as high as a mountain, the heart will be beaten, right?
Not to mention, above the towering steel city wall, there is a floating metal forged floating battleship!
The floating battleship exudes heavy coercion.
This coercion is not unfamiliar to Redding, and his heart is clear, which clearly belongs to the field of morning star witchcraft!
Obviously, there are morning star wonders or witchcraft sitting on the floating battleship in the air!
A lot of clever, Redding, carefully followed the line of Marne and entered the city cave from the side road beside the avenue.
Said it is a slip road, in fact it is much more spacious and neat than the main road in many cities.
And after entering the city.
Redding saw metal puppets standing on both sides of the road.
Each of these metal puppets wears gorgeous body armor ~ ~ each has a height of at least 180 meters.
Even Redding couldn't feel much extraordinary breath even on them.
Still a threat instinctively felt by a talented knight like Reading!
In addition, each metal puppet head is inscribed with a witchcraft circle with a breath of space.
Let Reading also vaguely understand that these metal puppets are placed here, the implied warning meaning!
Reading didn't come here to make trouble, he took his gaze back from the metal golems and followed Mane into the downtown exchange.
Suddenly, Reading saw the most prosperous commercial market he had ever seen!
"See, Redding!"
"Here is the capital of wealth!"
"Here is the city of miracles!"
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