Chapter 1168: Reward

"Must win!"
"All for the Son of God ~ must win!"
"Ula! Ula...!"
As the projection was completed, a louder voice shouted in the square.
At least as many as 300,000 extraordinary people gathered together, the terrible fluctuations of the extraordinary aura burst out.
To the onlookers around, it is as dazzling as the sun emerging in the sky.
The ponytail wizard in the tavern with closed eyes, and Gu Jing Wubo's face, also slightly moved, gently sighed.
This son of God, really let him see through!
The commission of the God of Swiftness does not seem to be completed well.
The horsetail wizard thought for a moment, and slowly got up and went out.
Soon, he left the city of miracles and walked to the avenue leading to the Valley of the Gods.
The wizard remembered that the source of all legends about the Son of God seemed to point to the Canyon of Gods.
His instincts told him that he should go there once, perhaps to find out the true secret of the Son of God.
In the square in front of the Palace of Miracle City.
Xiao Yu is not unaware of the fact that he came to a spy from another continent.
If you dare to open the door to do business, you will naturally be prepared for this.
Xiao Yu, who bears the aristocratic aristocratic imprint, is not afraid of the most troublesome abyss invasion.
In respect of believers of evil gods and spies from different continents, the former Xiao Yu caught and killed, while the latter Xiao Yu did not care.
He even deliberately showed his muscles and asked the other party to help spread the fame of the Yanhuang Giant's Son of God and the Wealth City of Miracles.
Because Xiao Yu believed that the geniuses of the villain ruled out the amazing group of people who were seeded by the major forces.
How much of the rest of the genius can I earn to work for myself in the city of miracles?
Even if most of them are unwilling to come because of family, family, etc., they are willing to join a small part of themselves, which is also a very impressive number.
The wizard of Enodia came to Xiao Yu quietly, looked up and looked at Xiao Yu sideways and whispered:
"Your Highness, all the recruited legions are on standby!"
"it is good!"
Xiao Yu nodded his head loudly:
"My people!"
"For the great cause of justice ~ To understand and save those poor souls living in the water!"
"I, announced in the name of the lord of the miraculous city, the guardian of the mainland."
"In an instant, my miracle city, to the glorious mainland..."
"Declare war!"
Brilliant mainland, the middle and lower nobles are planning a banquet for His Majesty once again defeating the foreign invaders.
The civilians sighed and sighed for the temporary tax increase, and continued to work hard for life.
The upper class nobility, inheriting the wizards, are constantly holding meetings to study the next strategy with the royal family.
The huge space-time battleship fled so quickly, making them feel more uneasy even though they did not say anything.
"Father, this is the message from the Northern Wizard Council. They will continue to support the royal family, and open the door of time and space for us, summoning two powerful helpers."
"Lord Fire Elemental Lord and Morning Star Marshal Lei."
The glorious emperor heard the expression, and said softly, "That group of old men are so willing?"
"Yes, tell them that after this war, they can choose three mining areas for their territory."
"Also, Father King..."
Crown Prince Lei hesitated and quietly said: "Father Wang remembers that we saved a time and space merchant who was in trouble eighty years ago?"
"Of course I remember." Emperor Guanghui nodded slightly, and then his eyes narrowed. "You intend to use the shadow scepter that the merchant gave us?"
"Not bad!"
"The shadow scepter is a token of the shadow world of the forbidden level forces, through which we can contact the shadow world!"
"If there is a shadow world to support us, even if the incoming enemy really has the foundation of forbidden territorial forces, are we not afraid?"
To be honest, Prince Lei’s proposal was full of temptation.
The Great Emperor couldn't help but feel a little emotional. After all, the appearance of the bronze dragon Brou made him very worried that there was a forbidden-level force behind the intruder.
However, thinking of the rumors related to the world of shadows, thinking of those who had been invaded by shadows, has since become a monster without human beings or ghosts.
He still shook his head and rejected Prince Lei's proposal.
However, after finishing the meeting, Emperor Guanghui personally opened the secret treasure trove, took out a full set of artifacts from inside, and also took out the Shadow Scepter.
Afterwards, the Emperor Brilliant began to gather the powerful men of the Brilliant Continent to gather in the king capital on the grounds of holding the victory arena in case of surprise.
In this tense atmosphere.
In a lonely small town on the glorious mainland.
The old man of the city-owner hid piously in the secret room. After giving the life of a poor slave, he knelt on the cold stone slab and prayed to a stone sculpture over a meter tall.
The stone sculpture began to reverberate in the chamber with the sound of prayer.
An abyss flame demon composed of pale red light emerged from the stone sculpture, and looked at the city master with a smile:
"So what do you call me in a hurry?"
"Can you prepare the soul of a thousand slaves?"
"The great Flame Demon King, I got the news from outside."
"I feel our opportunity is coming!"
"Opportunity?" The abyss flame demon slightly stunned, but also became interested, and immediately asked carefully.
After a few minutes.
The Abyss Flame Demon was satisfied, and gave the old man of the city a drop of blood from the Abyss Flame Demon, which made him instantly advance from the first-level super knight to the advanced level.
And the flesh is rejuvenated for the second spring. Not only is there less wrinkles on the face, but the skin has returned to elasticity, and that aspect can be regained.
The old man of the city master was promised that when the abyss came successfully, he would become an aristocrat aristocrat, and he would never die and be able to enjoy bliss in the abyss forever.
Poor this guy didn't know that he was a shallow believer who was seduced by the power of the abyss, and he had no special talents. When the door of the abyss opened, he was the first to be demonized!
After obtaining the intelligence of the glorious continent, the flame demon posing as the king of the abyss flame demon hurried back to the old nest, and then contacted an abyss lord who governed this area.
It was a weak lord who could not rank in the circle of the abyss lord.
But as the abyss lord, the news is very well informed.
In the recent major events in the Abyss, he was completely aware of it, and quietly rejoiced that he was far away. When he hurried away, the battle was over, leaving only the abyss of the dissatisfaction of the Abyss.
And the heavy losses but the colleagues who dare to anger and dare not speak.
He felt that this was a manifestation of his good luck and secretly proud of it.
Knowing that Deli had important intelligence reports, the abyss lord immediately received him.
After confirming some details.
More than ten pairs of blood-red eyes were excitedly opened on the octopus-like head of the abyss lord.
"Lanska, you are indeed a manifestation of my good luck!" The octopus head lord clasped his hands and hugged the abyss flame demon in his arms.
The flame demon endured the pain and licked his face:
"Master Lord, should we be prepared to open the abyss channel?"
"Oh, maybe you will have to ask the Lord Lord to communicate the will of the abyss, then it is a vibrant continent. If we successfully invade, will we be rewarded with great will of the abyss?"
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