Chapter 1171: Giant Shadow (Happy New Year's Day)

The black ship is here!
This news swept through the entire splendid continent, making all the transcendental people moved.
Many middle and lower class nobles who blindly worship the Glorious Emperor are even more difficult to accept this news.
Because they could not believe that the space barrier of the Glorious Continent would be so easily broken by the enemy!
However, the projection of the black ship flying across the sky has long spread with the communication witchcraft.
They don’t believe...and they have to believe!
Invisible, they haven't really fought yet, and many nobles have already feared the black ship itself.
Under the guidance of Bronze Dragon Bleu, the Star Battleship Miracle went westward and found a relatively weak basin in space.
This basin surrounded by mountains is one of the fiefs of a duke.
It is used to raise a kind of beast that can provide extraordinary ingredients-Qiluo.
This Qiluo is similar in size to wild boars. They often have colorful skin and mild temperament. As long as they have enough food, their fertility is also very strong.
Coupled with the exquisite flesh of Qiluo, the taste is very good, and it is loved by middle and upper class people.
By breeding Qiluo beasts, this basin provided one-third of the annual income of the Grand Duke of the Enclave!
It is a pity that this basin was selected by the bronze dragon Brou.
The housekeeper of the Duke’s House, responsible for feeding the Qiluo Beast, was the first to flee with his parcels behind, leaving a group of herdsmen with a dazed expression.
Then followed closely, and the dragon's prestige accompanied by the bronze dragon Bloo came to the basin without any cover.
The herdsmen and tens of thousands of Qiluo beasts all knelt down under Longwei, neatly arranged on the ground like a family.
The miracle star battleship began to slowly lower its altitude, and then a large number of wizards flew out and began to arrange teleportation circle.
During this period, the upper strata of the Glorious Continent also reacted after the initial stun.
Not long after the miracle star battleship arrived in the basin, the three floating sailboats controlled by the brilliant emperor appeared in the sky above the mountains in front of the basin after a burst of light and shadow.
"It's coming very quickly, it seems that this glorious emperor is okay."
Bronze dragon Bleu saw the three floating battleships and just grinned out loud.
Brilliant Great's scolding has come:
"Invader! Get back!"
"Glory Mainland does not welcome you!"
Bronze dragon Blu sneered disdainfully:
"Welcome or not welcome, but you can't decide!"
"We come with justice!"
"I have vowed to bring justice and prosperity to this continent!"
The bronze dragon, Bruce, vowed to rebut his words, which made the beast emperor's mouth twitch in the ship's mouth.
Faintly felt that the Son of God was terrible, even making the stupid dragon imitate its tone.
Next second.
The Beast Great Emperor felt a high-energy response ahead.
He did not dare to neglect and immediately shot.
Suddenly, over the star battleship Miracle, the 100-meter-level appearance of the Devil Beast Great Emperor, a blue-haired male lion instantly formed and leapt.
Contrary to the Great Emperor's 100-meter-level method, a golden griffin collided.
The morning star law can already turn the truth into reality.
The aftermath of the collision between the two instantly cut the tops of several hills on the battlefield to a flat top.
It seems that the glorious emperor's griffin morphology is smaller, but in actual combat, the griffin morphology is more powerful and faster, just a few seconds of fighting, and tears off the male lion's half of his head.
Then the Griffon's image sounded, and hundreds of blue thunders appeared in the sky, bombarding the male lion's body, and crushing it to the ground at the same time.
If it wasn't for the bronze dragon, Bruce, the dragon's breath forced the Griffin to stop the offensive and wave his wings to cover his body.
I am afraid that the lion aspect of the Great Beast Emperor has just appeared and is handsome, but it will disappear in ten seconds.
"Don't be discouraged, after all, you are a new and tender morning star wizard, giving you more than a hundred years, you can also be comparable to this glorious emperor."
Bronze Dragon Bleu comforted the beast emperor who had lost the first battle and flew high to face the glorious emperor fleet together.
The Beast Great Emperor withdrew the crippled form, clenched the staff and teleported into the air, silently chanting a few spells.
Dozens of large and small witchcraft arrays appeared around him, emitting a strange and powerful breath.
"A bronze dragon, a genuine mainland Morning Star wizard!"
After the glorious emperor, the few duke-enclosures changed their faces slightly after seeing the enemy:
"How could this be!"
"What is the power of the Son of God, can actually drive the morning star wizard and the bronze dragon!"
"Don't panic!"
The original Grand Duke of the basin pulled out his sword and said loudly:
"Your Majesty can suppress the Morning Star Wizard!"
"As for the dragon, will I be afraid of him when I work together?"
"That's right! Where is our glorious continent, where can a few Morning Star creatures shake?"
"Listen! My glorious army has come through the portal!"
When the Grand Duke spoke.
The ground forces of Wangdu also passed the newly laid portal and reached the nearby mountains.
The nature that can come here is the elite of the glorious continent.
Three majestic knights burst into the forefront with a dazzling extraordinary aura forming a conical array.
More than a thousand wizards control large birds and carefully maintain a large witchcraft that can be shot at any time.
In addition, there are tens of thousands more people, although it looks a bit chaotic formation, but everyone is extraordinary, and the fully armed aristocratic coalition forces follow the knights in a scattered line.
Based on the glorious emperor's heritage, the formation of the formation of nature naturally exists, and as a morning star wizard of this continent, he has to take advantage of the fine adjustment of the formation.
If there is no accident.
In front of such military power.
The combination of Bronze Dragon Bleu and the Wild Beast Emperor will be defeated by the Brilliant Continental Alliance for up to half an hour.
Even the bronze dragon Bleu may have the seal of repression!
"Is this the elite of your glorious continent?"
Bronze Dragon Bleu looked at the military in front and said in a deep voice:
"Lord of the Glorious Mainland, I will ask you again on behalf of my Lord!"
"Do you agree with my Lord's proposal, open the door of the country, and welcome the arrival of justice?"
Emperor Guanghui frowned slightly, sniffing coldly: "None of you are here, please ask me?"
"Although I am not a forbidden territorial force, I am also the son of the destiny recognized by this mainland!"
"This supreme master of mainland creatures!"
"Glorious Mainland..."
"How can you allow blasphemy from outsiders!"
"Well, it seems that the last hope for peace was rejected by you."
Bronze Dragon Bruce shrugged his shoulders, but withdrew his wings for a thousand kilometers.
While the radiant people in the distance were slightly stunned, their eyes were immediately attracted by the luminous teleportation array in the basin below the open black ship.
"That's... space teleportation?"
"Repaired so soon? This is impossible!"
The Emperor Guanghui said to himself in surprise, and he was relieved immediately:
"It turned out to be just a one-time teleportation circle, you can't change the balance of power even if you send another morning star creature!"
"This battle requires you to know that the glorious mainland cannot be bullied!"
With that, the Great Emperor's idea moved, and while the Griffon's dazzling golden light burst out, he took the lead as a pioneer.
Only, with that teleportation circle came a chuckle.
At the same time as the question exited, Xiao Yu, who was wearing the Infinite Justice armor and transformed into a bronze giant, had already protruded his upper body from the teleportation array.
At this time, Xiao Yu’s bronze giant incarnation, which has grown from fifteen meters in the real world to twenty-five meters high by absorbing a large number of faith bronzes squeezed from the extraordinary conference!
In contrast, even if the golden griffin is the appearance of the morning star, it is only the size of a single electric car in the real world.
Compared with normal adults, they have no disadvantages in shape.
But compared with the 25-meter-high bronze giant, it is not even as big as its fist!
Undoubtedly, his body was crushed into Xiao Yu punched out, driving a fierce fire storm, and in the case of a series of mountain collapses in a single blow, a hard frontal blow Flying golden griffin.
Afterwards, Xiao Yu took a sip, detached from the teleportation array, and stood completely on the ground of the glorious continent, stretching his body.
As for those of you who shined on the mainland in these few seconds.
But they were staring at each other inconceivably, looking at the towering bronze giant, frightened and overwhelmed...
Even the Grand Dukes of the fiefs swallowed one after another, murmured helplessly:
"No, doesn't it mean that the Son of God is just a giant with a height of 180 meters?"
"How come, how can a humanoid monster over two thousand meters tall!"
"Let us... be in his shadow!"
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