Chapter 1182: Interoperability

The Great Emperor chose to surrender.
Then he stayed in the palace and was destined.
On Xiao Yu's side, a bronze dragon dragon, the wild beast emperor, and the Uturu wizard had a small meeting.
The content of the meeting is how to deal with the glorious mainland's local forces.
Both Bronze Dragon Bleu and Great Beast Emperor proposed to carry out colonial rule on the Brilliant Continent, first to take away all the resources and wealth they could take away.
Then, after sealing the glorious emperor, all members of the royal family and the nobles of the fief were executed.
In this way, the glorious continent has no resistance, and the miracle city only needs to leave a guard and thousands of elites to drive the remaining glorious mainland aborigines and let them work hard for their own side.
Then every three years, wizards are sent to test, as long as the talent is suddenly outstanding, they will all be brought back to the city of miracles, and let them not go back to the glorious mainland for life!
This is also a trick that is often used when the powerful forces such as Shenglong Island invade other continents for the time being.
However, the Uturu Wizard shook his head and felt inappropriate.
And reminded Xiao Yu, in this way, what is the difference between the city of miracles and the big forces that plunder everywhere?
Of course, the most important thing is that the miraculous city power is extremely special.
Xiao Yu is not bad at ordinary resources, nor at low-end manpower.
Instead, there is a demand for new knowledge and specialty products from various continents.
It is undoubtedly more suitable for the city of miracles than the use of force to pillage one by one, set up rules, and let the other party take the initiative to send the free trade model.
"It is true!"
Xiao Yu nodded slightly: "Our behavior, the surrounding continent must be seen in the eyes."
"If the surrendering glorious emperor ended so badly, how do you think other continents will see us?"
"Of course, we can not care what other continents think of us, then?"
"Let me open the Wanjiezijing and find that the surrounding continents regard us as greedy as far away as a greedy continent?"
Xiao Yu shook his head gently: "I don't want to come into contact with outside forces in the future, I have to use full horsepower to pry open the space boundary of the other party."
"But... other forbidden ground-level forces, as well as forces like the Greedy Continent, all do so."
Bronze Dragon Bleu said this, and it suddenly shocked, but it was in his mind that he remembered all the memories in the city of miracles.
Afterwards, the aggressive dragon was speechless.
He found that it seems that a lot of common sense that is usually known is put in the city of miracles and put on the Son of God, and it is not practical!
"I intend to show a different force."
"If I can, I even hope to make the city of miracles a free trade capital that can be traded on all continents!"
"A free trade capital where all continents come to trade?"
The Great Beast Emperor tranced, and said in surprise: "Isn't that like the ancient tree of knowledge, like the Wanjiezijing, doing all the business of the Morning Star Wizard?"
"Not bad!"
"Make business for all Morningstar wizards!"
Xiao Yu also realized that the Great Beast Emperor realized, and smiled slightly: "So, we can get greater benefits!"
"It's true!" The Great Beast Emperor couldn't help but yearn a little: "If you can really accept hundreds of continents and get the friendship of thousands of Morning Star wizards."
"On the way to spiritual practice, at least before becoming a half-step Huiyue, what other difficulties will there be?"
Bronze Dragon Bleu also nodded slightly to acknowledge this, and sighed. When he was still on Shenglong Island, he had heard of the high-level of Shenglong Island, and some big people had proposed similar proposals.
However, even for such superpowers as Shenglong Island, the resources have always been in short supply. Taking out a part of the transaction will always cause dissatisfaction among some people.
And the holy dragons are used to absorbing a piece of colonial continent to satisfy the growing dragon family.
It's too difficult, too difficult to get out of the way of bargaining.
Where is it like the Son of God, the inferior resources are almost endless like the sea of ​​time and space!
Glorious mainland capital, the main hall of the palace.
The glorious emperor sat on the throne, quietly waiting for the birth of the city of miracles.
Outside the throne, Crown Prince Lein, Reading and other royal family members and the nobles of the fiefs were all filled with anxiety and uneasiness.
They are not earth turtles who do not know anything, and they know how miserable a vassal continent colonized by great forces will be.
They now hope to be able to surrender this favor by the glorious emperor and win the sympathy of the son of God, so that the blood of their family can not be cut off.
Just when everyone sighed.
There was a soft sound.
Then Lance led the wooden door of the hall and strode in.
Well, in an instant, everyone in the hall looked at Lance Commander.
In the eyes, there is anger and pleading, and more is helpless.
A frustrated helplessness.
Leader Lance looked around and glanced at these visions, thinking of the orders he received, and he chuckled a little in his heart.
"The rulers of the glorious continent."
"I came with the command of the Supreme Lord of the City of Miracles!"
"Your Highness agreed to your surrender and kindly forgiven your death."
Hearing this, the nobles widened their eyes, and many looked at Commander Lance with suspicion.
"However, Brilliant Mainland must make a change!"
"The tragic suffering of the middle and lower layers of this continent must be changed!"
"In the name of the Son of God!"
"His Royal Highness asks you to forgive all your slaves and not stop them from moving freely."
The glorious mainland has been passed down for thousands of years. For those who have not experienced the impact of the feudal system, slaves are naturally indispensable. In the manors of many large nobles, the number of serfs is often much greater than that of free people.
Especially the craftsmen Xiao Yu cared about, nine out of ten were the slaves of the nobles.
"Your Highness requires you not to starve anyone, or you will be severely punished!"
"You are required to fulfill the promised treaty and to open the country from today onwards, and then communicate with the city of miracles!"
"Ask you..."
Commander Lance said more than ten requests in a row.
Finally, he took a breath and looked at the glorious emperor.
Emperor Guanghui stunned slightly, knowing that it was his turn, and smiled bitterly:
"But seal me in the city of miracles?"
"Seal a Morning Star Wizard?"
Commander Lance shook his head: "His Highness does not intend to waste the power of a Morning Star wizard like this."
"Brilliant Emperor, Your Highness hopes you can contribute to the city of miracles."
"Huh?" The Great Emperor, even a wizard of the Morning Star, was stunned and said, "This is not witchcraft... wrong, the Son of God can trust me?"
"Why can't I believe it?"
Lance led: "His Highness does not require you to be loyal to him, but chooses to hire you!"
"Your Highness doesn't like to force others, is she willing... to do what you want."
Either the Great Emperor, Prince Lei or others, hesitated for a long time before finally accepting this fact.
"When... seriously?" Reding swallowed and swallowed, and first came out and asked?
"of course!"
Leader Lance nodded, then said seriously to Redding: "You need to know."
"His Highness the Son of God, never lie!"
"The Son of God never lies?"
The nobles murmured a few times, and they recovered one by one.
The life of the glorious emperor was saved?
Brilliant Mainland... also saved?
This is not so magic!
It's just that it's not so good at witchcraft!
Many nobles shed tears in excitement.
Bright Emperor still secretly doubted what great conspiracy the Son of God was engaged in.
But after discovering the rumors, the leader of Narance turned and left.
At the same time, there is no breath of extraordinary powers outside the palace.
It seems that what the other party said is really true!
Although according to those requirements, the nobles of the glorious mainland will have to squeeze their money bags to live their lives, which is undoubtedly much better than landing their heads!
"What shall we do next?"
Asked a marquis of the fiefs after owing their salutes.
"According to the requirements of the Son of God."
Emperor Guanghui sighed softly: "I can't guess what the other party is thinking."
"However, until now, it can only be done according to what the other party said."
After finishing the speech, Emperor Bright began to arrange for everyone to execute the order.
After a few hours.
The Great Emperor learned that Commander Lance was coming again.
Prince Lei and Prince Reding could not help tightening their bodies again, fearing that the Son of God would repent and want to fight against the royal family!
As a result, Lance commander came to ask for the greedy eyes of world wonders.
And the reason for using the greedy eye was the thing of the Yanhuang Giant.
Hmm... the reason is very fair and unassailable.
After all... nobody in the villain really knows where the wonders of the world came from.
At most, it is vague speculation, perhaps related to the real Moon Wizard.
Glorious Mainland is naturally not the first force to get the greedy eye. Xiao Yu said that the greedy eye is his own.
Who can show evidence to prove it is not?
Obviously, no!
The Emperor Brilliant smiled bitterly and sold the Wizard of Potter Morningstar in the Dark Continent without any pressure.
"Dark continent?"
Xiao Yu frowned slightly, but did not expect that the greedy eyes he wanted were not on the Glorious Continent.
He could not help opening the Wanjiezi mirror and began to leave a message in search of the dark continent.
At the same time, his treatment of the glorious continent was broadcast to the surrounding continents.
It made the Cyclops lord of Baimu mainland a little disappointed.
After the Cyclops lord retreated to the mainland, he began to prepare the army and wanted to take a slice of it.
Unexpectedly, the power of the city of miracles exceeds his imagination, his army has not yet been promoted, the city of miracles has defeated the glorious mainland!
Then, Xiao Yu's disposition of the glorious mainland was broadcast.
The Cyclops Lord's eyes widened, and after hesitation, he quietly contacted the Brilliant Emperor.
The Great Emperor, with a bitter smile, sat in front of Wanjie Zijing and nodded in recognition of the rumor.
Of course, Xiao Yu is responsible for providing the resources that the Great Emperor Wanjiezijing has been opening.
After all, this is a live advertisement for other continents, and Xiao Yu will not be stingy in terms of investment in publicity.
"This son of God, his ambition is a little big!"
The Cyclops lord grunted, and he was also a wizard of the morning star, and he saw the plan of the miraculous city.
On the one hand, he was admired for his willingness to give up the interests of a continent.
On the one hand, he did think carefully.
He felt that maybe he could communicate with the miraculous city on his own side?
The Cyclops lord made it as soon as he thought about it, and immediately filed a transaction application.
Soon, Xiao Yu’s miraculous interstellar battleship arrived at the Baimu continent, which was in the nearby waters, and took over the visiting envoy of the Cyclops Lord.
Just when Xiao Yu's miracle city began to take the initiative to receive the first batch of official diplomatic missions with official background.
Dark continent.
Portrou's greedy eyes in his hand were a little dazed.
After getting this coveted world singularity, Portru found out that he was not a related person of the world singularity.
He first complained for a long time, then relieved.
Can the Great Emperor also fuse the wonders of this world?
Huh, I'm not the worst.
However, soon Porter saw Xiao Yu's message.
No way, Potteru has always been concerned about the war on the glorious mainland.
As a result, seeing that the abyss was repulsed, Potteru was shocked, and secretly rejoiced that this was the glorious mainland disaster.
I didn't think about it!
The next goal of the Son of God turned out to be the dark continent and himself!
Damn it!
How could this be?
Could it be that he knew that the abyss wonders were traded to the glorious emperor himself?
However, the Emperor Glory clearly promised himself that he would not tell anyone the origin of the abyss and wonder.
Did that guy really say something?
Potter wailed in his heart.
But he did not know that the Emperor Glory did not say the origin of the abyss and wonders, he just...said whose eyes the greedy eyes are in now.
Outside the dark continent, a powerful evil spirit received these news through believers.
He didn't care at first until he saw the bounty given by Xiao Yu there.
"Me, am I not wrong?"
"Can you get a hundred copies of Alchemy of Origin or one million tons of steel?"
"His...if there can be one million tons of steel?"
"My steel temple can not only be completed, but can it be expanded?"
The evil narrowed his eyes and thought for a while before making a decision.
He flew to the dark instantly cast a spell, creating a huge space-time vortex.
Suddenly, the dark continent, which had been drifting, could not move at once.
Xiao Yu thought that it would take several days to know the news.
I don't want to be there in the Glorious Continent. A person who claims to be a believer in a true God finds the Wei Yi and mentions that he has the coordinates of the dark continent.
"True God?"
"Can it be the people of the Pantheon?"
Xiao Yu was slightly startled, but did not mind, let the other party come.
"True God? Is it Evil God?"
Xiao Yu saw the person coming and immediately smiled.
This guy's breath can conceal others, but he can't conceal himself with a real sword.
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