Chapter 1282: hope

Continent of ancient trees, deep underground in the Black Forest.
The body of Tissia, a giant tree with roots spreading thousands of meters around the ground, has become translucent.
In addition, the places where the Warcraft were originally trained have become a pond full of green solutions.
In these green ponds, from time to time, there will be one or two black elves crawling out of it, and after opening their eyes to shoot a dim green light, they bow deeply to the body of Tissia and then walk out of the ground like a puppet. space.
These black elf spirits have been crippled, but the flesh is strengthened to the level of the legendary knight.
Put it outside, it can be called a strong man anyway.
And for now, the output of such a black elf is quite impressive!
"Using the power of the will of the ancient tree continent to strengthen these black elves, on the one hand, let us have more powerful, on the other hand, further weaken the resistance of the ancient tree continent."
"It is indeed the idea of ​​the venerable Shujie, really kill two birds with one stone!"
On the crown of Tissia's body, a visiting messenger of the Pantheon happened to see this scene, but he was surprised, and his joints were already clear in his eyes.
Can not help but admire the ability of the tree world.
For the upcoming Battle of the Tree World vs. Giants, I am also slightly optimistic about the next tree world.
After thinking about waiting to go back, it is not impossible to think about it, and went to the goddess of wealth to buy a big upsurge in the tree world.
In the unlikely event that it becomes cold, will you have all the cultivation resources for the next 100 years?
After agreeing with the messenger of the Pantheon, Tisiya sent the other party away.
Then he changed his majestic posture and humbly said:
"Sir, it seems that the Pantheon is unreliable!"
"How can there be a truly reliable covenant between the forbidden-level forces?"
As the Tisia sighed, the old but extremely powerful and resounding answer from Venerable Tree Realm sounded:
"Enemy with that giant, we are the main force ourselves!"
"The other forces are nothing but icing on the cake."
"In the past few days, you have suppressed the will of the ancient tree continent."
"Yes, I would like to thank His Holiness for his help. Now I can not only extract the power of the will of the mainland, so as to create a child of false destiny."
"Now you can still briefly attack the enemy with the power of the mainland heaven and earth like the Morning Star Wizard!"
Tisiya said this, and could not help secretly becoming complacent.
Speaking of it, now he is half a morning star wizard, right?
It is also a super-continental morning star wizard like the ancient tree continent, and the power of the world is mobilized, making him enough to match those of the old morning star strong.
It made him intoxicated in private.
"There are so many children of false destiny, after all, they are false." Venerable Shujie said: "Now the children of destiny are still in the hands of the giant."
"This will be a shortcoming of our ancient tree continent defense system!"
"Yeah, the giant has shamelessly hijacked our destiny son, plus the dark hand left by the will of the ancient tree continent, with the child of that fate in hand, the space boundary of the ancient tree continent will be regarded as nothing. !"
"Otherwise, where we are fighting at home, where is the opportunity for that giant?"
Tisiya said this, showing a ruthless look.
He even regretted the thought of the black elf girl Ling, the son of fate that day.
I knew it would happen like this, he shouldn’t have cared about the tree of life, nor should he be a gun, he should have paid a certain price directly, and he had to kill the black elf girl!
It is a pity that in the villain country, the same money is hard to buy and I knew that the same truth remains unchanged.
Venerable Shujie heard Shen Yan said:
"I have informed the Presbyterian about this."
"I heard that the Presbyterian Church has already trusted many forces and asked them to at least assassinate the Son of Fate."
"Next, let's see if the black elf can be protected by fate on the lost continent!"
The God of Ticia heard the words brightly and prayed secretly, hoping that the black elf girl could kill the assassin sent in the tree world, so that no one could shake his control of the ancient tree continent!
Lost in the mainland, a city of miracles.
Xiao Yu stepped on the nose of the early-warning aircraft of the rest country, soaring above the city of miracles, looking down at the vast ground below, opening his hands with a smile on his mouth.
The AWACS is a modified model of a large passenger aircraft, with a radar disk with a diameter of nine meters on top.
With this size, Xiao Yu stepped on the nose and had to be much more harmonious, and no longer stepped on the head of the miracle star battleship.
It is a pity that it is also because of body size.
Even if Xiao Yu's dwarf craftsmen worked 24 hours a day to produce reinforced metal for him, that metal was still not enough to help paint it.
Not to mention practical use, at least the key parts must be replaced with strengthened alloys to use it with confidence.
"Although it cannot be taken out, it is still feasible to use it in the city of miracles."
"Using floating slabs and large magic circles, this AWACS can be easily transformed into a floating fortress.
"Radar is not easy to use in a small country, nor does it need to be dismantled, just build a wizard tower on the radar."
"In addition, the cabin of this early warning aircraft is not small, but it can be loaded with a group of fully armed hero puppets. If something happens, it can be supported at any time by the giant soldiers!"
Xiao Yu said whatever he thought. The two maids next to them took a small book and took it down, and then passed it to the wizards below to turn Xiao Yu's ideas into reality.
Then, just as Xiao Yu's novelty dissipated and was about to leave the early warning plane.
Suddenly he blew.
It was noticed through the magic circle surveillance ubiquitous wizard towers.
Fierce conflict broke out at the wall outside the city of miracles.
It was actually a swamp Hydra Warcraft who didn't know where it appeared, rushed out with a large group of strangely shaped Warcraft, attacked the past caravans, not to mention, but also attempted to attack the city wall guard.
"Roar! Roar!"
The swamp Hydra relied on its huge body of more than 50 meters, rushing through the crowd like a chariot, until it slammed into the non-witchcraft steel city gate, only nine heads dizzy and retreated. A few steps.
On the city wall, an officer of the Guardian guard frowned slightly, and was not afraid of the World of Warcraft that was a few taller than him under the wall. The long sword waved and ordered:
"Those who commit my miracle city will kill!"
With the order of the officer, a long-barreled cannon at the head of the city turned the muzzle every thousand kilometers and aimed at the swamp Hydra.
These long tube guns are all retro mini tube guns Xiao Yu took from the real world.
The extraordinary artillery of the Little China can happen to be used as heavy artillery.
Without enchanting, you can shoot small steel that penetrate a one-centimeter thick wooden board and have a range of more than 20 meters in the real world.
After the enchantment was strengthened in the villain, and a special shell was used.
The effective range has reached five kilometers in the eyes of the villain.
And in terms of power, not to mention the witchcraft damage, but the shell has its own power, which can already hit all the creatures below the legend.
Even if the swamp hydra reached the legendary World of Warcraft, the shield would be broken and the flesh would be opened, and the pain would be endless!
"Fire! Keep firing!"
Boom! Boom!
The long-barreled artillery that can hit the enemy, volleys continuously.
It was only two salvos, which made the swamped Hydra completely awake, making it scream and retreat in a hurry, attempting to be as far away as possible from this strange Iron Mountain.
However, when the swamp Hydra quickly ran out of the effective range of the villain's long gun of five kilometers.
The black guards arrived.
The wizards in black clothes flying in the air saw the Swamp Hydra. After a slight stun, they immediately raised their staff and shot a red light to stare at the huge body of the Swamp Hydra.
Then, but two or three seconds.
A drone roared and dropped a bombshell.
A witchcraft circle on the bombshell glowed red, echoing the red dots on the swamp Hydra.
With this witchcraft circle quickly flashed a few times.
The blockbuster seemed to be towed, and by inertial acceleration, it hit the swamp Hydra.
After a loud noise, a mushroom cloud was born on the flat ground.
The wizards in black clothing released the detection technique, convinced that the swamp Hydra was still alive.
The captain in black in charge of this group immediately said:
"Is the life of the Hydra family so hard?"
"Continue to attack!"
Wizards of the Black Guards began to release ranged witchcraft, and the knights used various extraordinary auras after arraying.
For a while.
After confirming that the swamp Hydra was dying, the captain of the black guard ordered to stop the attack, and then walked over in person.
"This is not the Warcraft of our continent."
Captain Black Guard detected a slight color change:
"It's weird! I request that it be reported to the commander immediately!"
"Isn't it the riots of Warcraft in our continent?"
The city of miracles, in the wizarding tower.
The Uturu wizard suddenly woke up from meditation and looked at the information he had delivered. He hesitated and said:
"It's a coincidence, except for the Warcraft riots, there are traces of shadow invasion in the north, causing Lanstro to direct the envoy to check it."
"Then, the Egret Kingdom discovered another mysterious ruin..."
"Oh, it seems that I saw His Royal Highness left in a steel fortress, so can't wait to play the trick of adjusting the tiger from the mountain?"
"How can I let you succeed?"
The Uturu wizard is planning to order the wizarding group to gather.
The will of the moon goddess Feiya suddenly fell into the space of this wizard tower.
The busy wizards around him all tightened up and stopped in unison.
"Your Highness already knows."
"And I want the rats who are doing things to crawl out."
Feiya, the goddess of the moon, said that she immediately withdrew and left.
It made the room lighter again.
Uturu Wizard touched his chin, and since His Highness asked him to cooperate, he naturally wanted to cooperate.
He simply stood up and said:
"Let the one or two groups of wizards be ready, and I will take them to travel to the egret kingdom."
Soon, over the city of miracles, a floating fortress slowly lifted into the air, and then flashed away, disappearing into the vision of countless people.
"The old man of Uturuna finally left."
In the southern part of the miraculous city, a small country is dying because of the outflow of population.
A black bird flew into a duke's mansion and passed the news.
A one-eyed wizard in a blue robe swallowed the black bird into his one-eye, smashed his mouth and said.
"I feel a little too smooth."
In the room, a masculine and handsome blond swordsman in blue armor, standing two meters tall, sat cross-legged and frowned:
"The Yanhuang Giant is rumored to be able to confront the forbidden-level forces..."
"Oh! You are too careful, don't forget that we met not the Yanhuang Giants, but their vassal forces."
In the shadows, a cloud of black mist boiled into the air, condensing a wolf-headed monster and said:
"With the help of the of lies, isn't success normal?"
Opposite the werewolf, by the window, a masked man wrapped in a black cloth slowly leaned over, showing a rich divine power:
"This is of course, the power of my Lord, even the true God can be confused."
The masked man who spoke this was the apostle of the God of Lies, but he did not know that the great God of Lies had actually failed to cast spells in the City of Miracles.
There are two capable goddesses, the goddess of the moon, Feiya, and the goddess of war, Morrigan.
Is he a of lies, or is it an away game, where can he infiltrate divine power to do things?
However, as a of lies, as long as necessary, pit teammates, pit yourself is not a problem.
It is based on the premise that these people are based on the premise that the power of lies works.
Already unconsciously entered the pit.
Get a guarantee from the masked person.
The head of this assassin squad slowly came out of the void, revealing its shape.
It was a half-dragon man with tattoos all over his body!
The half-dragon is three meters tall and wears artifact armor shining with the thunder and the power of the dragon in both hands.
In his body, there was a breath that made the shadow wolf and the masked person quite uneasy.
Represents the breath of light and hope!
The rich, strong breath of hope made the masked people leave the room.
Also let the shadow wolfman escape into the shadow again.
"You guys, please invite this battle to do your best."
The half-dragon looked around at his companion, who nodded slightly and grinned:
"This is our last mission."
"As long as it is completed, our hometown can get rid of the nightmare."
Around the corner, the one-eyed wizard, blonde swordsman, and several members who only left the communication strangers got up and stared at the head to answer:
"This battle, I will wait until death!"
"it is good!"
Ten kilometers outside the Duke's mansion is the royal palace of this small country.
Among the palace.
The demonized king sat on the throne and nodded as he listened to the masked man's report.
"A group of poor guys."
"Their hometown is a strange place where such miracles exist as brave men. How could the evil spirits give up such a fun place?"
"No, this time it was sent to us as bait?"
"Next... found the whereabouts of the Son of Life that day?"
"This..." The masked man hesitated and knelt down to the ground. "The subordinates are incompetent, but the miraculous city is full of magic circles, and there are signs of divine power everywhere... The subordinates are really, check Not at all!"
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