Chapter 1307: Victim

The holy city of the resting country Agra.
Since ancient times, it has been a sacred place in the hearts of Shiva believers.
The largest Shiva palace complex is located here.
The local king of the earth is directly controlled by this deity, so that this place can almost be called the kingdom of the country.
The families of the Balomen who have served as sacrifices for generations of the rest of the country, no matter which one, will leave at least one or two representatives here to stay and fight for the interests of the family.
At this time, all representatives of the Balomen family gathered together, after having enjoyed the services of the goddesses of the Holy City according to the usual practice.
They sat cross-legged in a secret room covered with velvet carpet and discussed the important matters of the meeting.
Among them, the Nandena girl who was blessed by the goddess of the moon and turned into a security became the focus of the discussion at this meeting.
"The news is expanding. We can block the civilians from being exposed to this rumor, but we cannot stop the urban elites from seeing it."
"The priests in various cities are worried. The rich and middle class who have been supporting them will choose to embrace the goddess of the moon!"
"Thanks to that Nandena was still a noble Baloman! Does she know that this is blaspheming the great Lord Shiva?"
"Shiva will definitely punish her!"
A white man in white robe described the stern old man's harsh voice: "Shiva's mana is boundless, and we will soon see the end of Nandina's blasphemous..."
"Yeah, it must be like this!"
The old man was extremely prestigious in the conference room. After he set the tone, a large number of delegates immediately echoed.
However, in the hearts of these representatives, they could not conceal their worries about this matter.
Extraordinary manifestations, the world has undergone major changes that have not been seen in a thousand years.
This should have been a good thing for the long-established resting country.
However, as one extraordinary event after another happened, all the extraordinary forces came to the scene.
The resting country is as calm as what is happening in the outside world.
Let the rest of the noble families in the rest countries can continue to squeeze the bottom, but they are also self-doubt whether the rest of the country really has a fault of civilization and ethnicity, so it is abandoned by the extraordinary forces in myth... …
Of course, there is also a kind of suspicion hidden in the hearts of many people-the extraordinary power of the rest country, in fact, has long been wiped out in the long course of history.
The local myths left behind are actually all drawn by future generations and then blown out!
Otherwise, can we really believe that the rest of the country had a trillion-level war in ancient times? And what is the big scene like a nuclear war?
Otherwise, why in the long history of history, the rest countries can be bullied by the neighboring countries so badly that they cannot help outside forces.
In reality, the rest country is actually just a geographical term, not a country name?
It's just that I want to return to it.
Delegates still agreed to the meaning behind the decision made by the old man:
They should represent Shiva and punish Nandna who desecrates the gods!
After all, only in this way, their basic plate will not be impacted by the trend brought by intentional people.
They can continue to enjoy the peace of mind.
As for the blessing of the goddess of the moon.
These representatives present were all high-ranking members of the rest of the country, and they were more inclined to believe that the goddess of the month, Fiya, was a powerful transcendent.
Still a man from an ancient oriental country.
How can such a person go to bless a girl from the rest country?
Is it really because of Nandena's piety? what! How is this possible!
That's the heavenly man above, where should I care about the life and death of all people?
What happened on the world's first peak must have been an accident!
It must also be an accident!
In fact, it does contain some unexpected factors.
Xiao Yu did a good job of using a disaster pocket watch to transform the blizzard behemoth and defeat it.
Open the world's wonders, and it turns out that this snowstorm actually bypasses the rescue route.
He was naturally too lazy to add such a play to himself.
After leaving Nandina with a surveillance eye, several witchcraft inscriptions.
It also imprinted on the ornament as the spokesperson of the goddess of the moon.
Xiao Yu went south and ran all the way to the largest port city in the rest country.
And there, I saw the Sabbath carrier and several black submarines docked in the naval base near the city.
The aircraft carrier and submarine of the Sabbath State, although the paper data looks pretty good.
In fact, the actual performance has to be discounted because of the pitfall.
Fortunately, the basic functions are intact, and many high-tech devices that have problems can be honestly put into use in the Little China.
Late at night.
Xiao Yu sneaked into the aircraft carrier quietly, after checking it.
Quietly arranged on this aircraft carrier and several submarines around.
And when Xiao Yu was busy.
The capital of the resting country.
After Nandena came out of the hospital, she was received by the leader of the Resting State.
As a rare politician who really wants to do something in the rest of the country, this great commander is indeed very interested in Nandena's experience.
In other words, the great commander has a strong interest in everything that can weaken the inferior and powerful forces of the local tyrants.
Only after the commander showed his interest in Nandna.
The plans of the Balomen family have also accelerated.
Even Nandna's family has appeared, and many people have publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with Nandna.
Follow again.
The doctors and nurses in the emergency center suddenly stood up and admitted that everything was a show that was just started.
In fact, Miss Nandena did not get any disease at all!
Everything on the mountain is pretended!
Somewhere in the suburbs of the capital.
Seeing the news and comments on the tablet, Nandna snapped angrily, smashing the tablet on the wall in her hand, and suddenly her screen shattered, showing a black screen.
"Why are there so many people who don't believe what I say?"
"Obviously, so many people saw the scene where the miracle happened..."
Nandena frowned, and while picking up her phone, her left hand squeezed the Luna ornament on her neck.
Although this ornament is just a custom craft.
But since it was revealed last time, UU reads the book www. Nandena immediately believed that this ornament had become an artifact of the Lord of the Moon Goddess!
It is the gift of the goddess to herself!
Nandena saw a bright screen on her phone and a text message popped out:
"Sister, sorry."
Nandna's eyes widened at the garbled text message.
Immediately, she felt covered with a chill, thinking about the possibility of being assassinated on the Internet, and the attitude of the elders of the family after he returned.
Nandena didn't have much experience, but her ears were not too much!
She suddenly realized that her family, I am afraid to give up herself!
It may even be possible that nowadays, there are already fanatical devotees of Lord Shiva sneaking in near this manor!
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